AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

All Spells

Wizard Spell List
Spells used by Mages, Illusionists (and other Specialists), and Bards

1st Level Spells

Affect Normal Fires , Alarm , Armor , Audible Glamer , Burning Hands , Cantrip , Change Self , Charm Person , Chill Touch , Color Spray , Comprehend Languages* , Dancing Lights , Detect Magic , Detect Undead , Enlarge* , Erase , Feather Fall , Find Familiar , Friends , Gaze Reflection , Grease , Hold Portal , Hypnotism , Identify , Jump , Light , Magic Missle , Mending , Message , Mount , Nystul’s Magical Aura , Phantasmal Force , Protection From Evil* , Read Magic , Shield , Shocking Grasp , Sleep , Spider Climb , Spook , Taunt , Tenser’s Floating Disc , Unseen Servant , Ventriloquism , Wall of Fog , Wizard Mark

2nd Level Spells

Alter Self , Bind , Blindness , Blur , Continual Light , Darkness, 15’ Radius , Deafness , Deep Pockets , Detect Evil , Detect Invisibility , ESP , Flaming Sphere , Fog Cloud , Fool’s Gold , Forget , Glitterdust , Hypnotic Pattern , Improved Phantasmal Force , Invisibility , Irritation , Knock , Know Alignment , Leomund’s Trap , Levitate , Locate Object , Magic Mouth , Melf’s Acid Arrow , Mirror Image , Misdirection , Protection From Cantrips , Pyrotechnics , Ray of Enfeeblement , Rope Trick , Scare , Shatter , Spectral Hand , Stinking Cloud , Strength , Summon Swarm , Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter , Web , Whispering Wind , Wizard Lock

3rd Level Spells

Blink , Clairaudience , Clairvoyance , Delude , Dispel Magic , Explosive Runes , Feign Death , Fireball , Flame Arrow , Fly , Gust of Wind , Haste , Hold Person , Hold Undead , Illusionary Script , Infravision , Invisibility, 10’ Radius , Item , Leomund’s Tiny Hut , Lightning , Melf’s Minute Meteors , Monster Summoning I , Nondetection , Phantom Steed , Protection From Evil, 10’ Radius , Protection From Normal Missiles , Secret Page , Sepia Snake Sigil , Slow , Spectral Force , Suggestion , Tongues , Vampiric Touch , Water Breathing , Wind Wall , Wraithform

4th Level Spells

Charm Monster , Confusion , Contagion , Detect Scrying , Dig , Dimension Door , Emotion , Enchanted Weapon , Enervation , Evard’s Black Tentacles , Extension I , Fear , Fire Charm , Fire Shield , Fire Trap , Fumble , Hallucinatory Terrain , Ice Storm , Illusionary Wall , Improved Invisibility , Leomund’s Secure Shelter , Magic Mirror , Massmorph , Minor Creation , Minor Globe of Invulnerability , Monster Summoning II , Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere , Phantasmal Killer , Plant Growth , Polymorph Other , Polymorph Self , Rainbow Pattern , Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer , Remove Curse , Shadow Monsters , Shout , Solid Fog , Stoneskin , Vacancy , Wall of Fire , Wall of Ice , Wizard Eye

5th Level Spells

Advanced Illusion , Airy Water , Animal Growth , Animate Dead , Avoidance , Bigby’s Interposing Hand , Chaos , Cloudkill , Cone of Cold , Conjure Elemental , Contact Other Plane , Demishadow Monsters , Dismissal , Distance Distortion , Domination , Dream , Extension II , Fabricate , False Vision , Feeblemind , Hold Monster , Leomund’s Lamentable Belaborment , Leomund’s Secret Chest , Magic Jar , Major Creation , Monster Summoning III , Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound , Passwall , Seeming , Sending , Shadow Door , Shadow Magic , Stone Shape , Summon Shadow , Telekinesis , Teleport , Transmute Rock to Mud , Wall of Force , Wall of Iron , Wall of Stone

6th Level Spells

Antimagic Shell , Bigby’s Forceful Hand , Chain Lightning , Conjure Animals , Contingency , Control Weather , Death Fog , Death Spell , Demishadow Magic , Disintegrate , Enchant an Item , Ensnarement , Extension III , Eyebite , Geas , Glassee , Globe of Invulnerability , Guards and Wards , Invisible Stalker , Legend Lore , Lower Water , Mass Suggestion , Mirage Arcana , Mislead , Monster Summoning IV , Mordenkainen’s Lucubration , Move Earth , Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere , Part Water , Permanent Illusion , Programmed Illusion , Project Image , Reincarnation , Repulsion , Shades , Stone to Flesh , Tenser’s Transformation , Transmute Water to Dust , True Seeing , Veil

7th Level Spells

Banishment , Bigby’s Grasping Hand , Charm Plants , Control Undead , Delayed Blast Fireball , Drawmij’s Instant Summons , Duo-Dimension , Finger of Death , Forcecage , Limited Wish , Mass Invisibility , Monster Summoning V , Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion , Mordenkainen’s Sword , Phase Door , Power Word, Stun , Prismatic Spray , Reverse Gravity , Sequester , Shadow Walk , Simulacrum , Spell Turning , Statue , Teleport Without Error , Vanish , Vision

8th Level Spells

Antipathy-Sympathy , Bigby’s Clenched Fist , Binding , Clone , Demand , Glassteel , Incendiary Cloud , Mass Charm , Maze , Mind Blank , Monster Summoning VI , Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere , Otto’s Irresistible Dance , Permanency , Polymorph Any Object , Power Word, Blind , Prismatic Wall , Screen , Serten’s Spell Immunity , Sink , Symbol , Trap the Soul

9th Level Spells

Astral Spell , Bigby’s Crushing Hand , Crystalbrittle , Energy Drain , Foresight , Gate , Imprisonment , Meteor Swarm , Monster Summoning VII , Mordenkainen’s Disjunction , Power Word, Kill , Prismatic Sphere , Shape Change , Succor , Temporal Stasis , Time Stop , Weird , Wish

Priest Spell List
Spells used by Clerics, Druids (and other Specialists), Rangers, and Paladins

1st Level Spells

Animal Friendship , Bless , Combine , Command , Create Water , Cure Light Wounds , Detect Evil , Detect Magic , Detect Poison , Detect Snares & Pits , Endure Cold/Endure Heat , Entangle , Faerie Fire , Invisibility to Animals , Invisibility to Undead , Light , Locate Animals or Plants , Magical Stone , Pass Without Trace , Protection From Evil , Purify Food & Drink , Remove Fear , Sanctuary , Shillelagh

2nd Level Spells

Aid , Augury , Barkskin , Chant , Charm Person or Mammal , Detect Charm , Dust Devil , Enthrall , Find Traps , Fire Trap , Flame Blade , Goodberry , Heat Metal , Hold Person , Know Alignment , Messenger , Obscurement , Produce Flame , Resist Fire/Resist Cold , Silence, 15′ Radius , Slow Poison , Snake Charm , Speak With Animal , Spiritual Hammer , Trip , Warp Wood , Withdraw , Wyvern Watch

3rd Level Spells

Animate Dead , Call Lightning , Continual Light , Create Food & Water , Cure Blindness or Deafness , Cure Disease , Dispel Magic , Feign Death , Flame Walk , Glyph of Warding , Hold Animal , Locate Object , Magical Vestment , Meld Into Stone , Negative Plane Protection , Plant Growth , Prayer , Protection From Fire , Pyrotechnics , Remove Curse , Remove Paralysis , Snare , Speak With Dead , Spike Growth , Starshine , Stone Shape , Summon Insects , Tree , Water Breathing , Water Walk

4th Level Spells

Abjure , Animal Summoning I , Call Woodland Beings , Cloak of Bravery , Control Temperature, 10′ Radius , Cure Serious Wounds , Detect Lie , Divination , Free Action , Giant Insect , Hallucinatory Forest , Hold Plant , Imbue With Spell Ability , Protection From Evil, 10′ Radius , Protection From Lightning , Reflecting Pool , Repel Insects , Speak With Plants , Spell Immunity , Sticks to Snakes , Tongues

5th Level Spells

Air Walk , Animal Growth , Animal Summoning II , Anti-Plant Shell , Atonement , Commune , Commune With Nature , Control Winds , Cure Critical Wounds , Dispel Evil , Flame Strike , Insect Plague , Magic Font , Moonbeam , Pass Plant , Plane Shift , Quest , Rainbow , Raise Dead , Spike Stones , Transmute Rock to Mud , True Seeing , Wall of Fire

6th Level Spells

Aerial Servant , Animal Summoning III , Animate Object , Anti-Animal Shell , Blade Barrier , Conjure Animals , Conjure Fire Elemental , Find the Path , Fire Seeds , Forbiddance , Heal , Heroes’ Feast , Liveoak , Part Water , Speak With Monsters , Stone Tell , Transmute Water to Dust , Transport Via Plants , Turn Wood , Wall of Thorns , Weather Summoning , Word of Recall

7th Level Spells

Animate Rock , Astral Spell , Changestaff , Chariot Of Sustarre , Confusion , Conjure Earth Elemental , Control Weather , Creeping Doom , Earthquake , Exaction , Fire Storm , Gate , Holy Word , Regenerate , Reincarnate , Restoration , Resurrection , Succor , Sunray , Symbol , Transmute Metal to Wood , Wind Walk