AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Arcane Magic - 7th Level


Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw:

Range: Touch 
Components: V, S, M 
Duration: 1 week + 1 day/level 
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 2 ft cube/level 
Saving Throw: Special

When cast, this spell not only prevents detection and location spells from working to detect or locate the objects affected by the sequester spell, it also renders the affected object(s) invisible to any form of sight or seeing. Thus, a sequester spell can mask a secret door, a treasure vault, etc. Of course, the spell does not prevent the subject from being discovered through tactile means or through the use of devices (such as a robe of eyes or a gem of seeing). If cast upon a creature who is unwilling to be affected, the creature receives a normal saving throw. Living creatures (and even undead types) affected by a sequester spell become comatose and are effectively in a state of suspended animation until the spell wears off or is dispelled. The material components of the spell are a basilisk eyelash, gum arabic, and a dram of whitewash.