AD&D 2nd Edition

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Category Archives: 4th Level

Hallucinatory Forest

Sphere: Plant
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 40-foot square/level
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, a hallucinatory forest comes into existence. The illusionary forest appears to be perfectly natural and is indistinguishable from a real forest. Priests attuned to the woodlands – as well as such creatures as centaurs, dryads, green dragons, nymphs, satyrs, and treants – recognize the forest for what it is. All other creatures believe it is there, and movement and order of march are affected accordingly. Touching the illusory growth neither affects the magic nor reveals its nature. The hallucinatory forest remains until it is magically dispelled by a reverse of the spell or a dispel magic spell. The area shape is either roughly rectangular or square, in general, and at least 40 feet deep, in whatever location the caster desires. The forest can be of less than maximum area if the caster wishes. One of its edges can appear up to 80 yards away from the caster.

Giant Insect

Sphere: Animal
Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 to 6 insects
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the priest can turn one or more normal-sized insects into larger forms resembling the giant insects described in the Monstrous Compendium. Only one type of insect can be altered at one time (i.e., a single casting cannot affect both an ant and a fly) and all insects affected must be grown to the same size. The number of insects and the size to which they can be grown depend upon the priest’s level:

Priest’s Level Insect Hit Dice      Maximum Total HD
7-9 3 9
10-12 4 12
13 + 6 15

For example, an 8th-level priest can grow three insects to 3 Hit Dice, four insects to 2 Hit Dice, or nine insects to 1 hit die. Flying insects of 3 Hit Dice or more can carry a rider of human size (assume that such can carry 80 pounds per Hit Die).

If the casting is interrupted for any reason, or if the insects are currently subject to any other magical effect (including this one), the insects die and the spell is ruined. The DM decides how many normal insect of what type are available; this is often a greater limitation on the spell than the limits above.

If the insect created by this spell matches an existing monster description, use the monster description. Otherwise, unless the DM creates a special description, the giant form has an Armor Class of between 8 and 4, one attack, and inflicts 1d4 points of damage per Hit Die.

Example: A 14th-level priest uses the giant insect spell to enlarge one beetle (all that is available) to 6 HD size. The DM decides the beetle has AC 5 and bites once for 6d4 point of damage.

Note that the spell works only on actual insects. Arachnids, crustaceans. and other types of small creatures are not affected. Any giant insects created by this spell do not attempt to harm the priest, but the priest’s control of such creatures is limited to simple commands (“attack,” “defend,” “guard,” and so forth). Orders to attack a certain creature when it appears or guard against a particular occurrence are too complex. Unless commanded to do otherwise, the giant insects attempt to attack whoever or whatever is near them.

The reverse of the spell, shrink insect, reduces any giant insect to normal insect size. The number of Hit Dice affected by the priest is subtracted from the number of Hit Dice of the insects, and any insect reduced to 0 Hit Dice has been shrunk. Partial shrinking is ignored; an insect is either shrunk or unaffected. Thus, a 9th-level priest attacked by giant ants could shrink three warrior ants or four worker ants to normal insect size with no saving throw. This spell has no effect on intelligent insect-like creatures.

The priest must use his holy symbol for either version of the spell.

Free Action

(Abjuration, Enchantment)

Sphere: Charm
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the creature touched to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that impedes movement (such as web or slow spells) or while under water. It even negates or prevents the effects of paralysis and l1old spells. Under water, the individual moves at normal (surface) speed and inflicts full damage, even with such cutting weapons as axes and swords and with such smashing weapons as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. The free action spell does not, however, a11ow water breathing without further appropriate magic.

The material component is a leather thong, bound around the arm or similar appendage, which disintegrates when the spell expires.


Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

A divination spell is used to garner a useful piece of advice concerning a specific goal, event. or activity that will occur within a one-week period. This can be as simple as a short phrase. or it might take the form of a cryptic rhyme or omen. Unlike the augury spelL this gives a specific piece of advice. For example, if the question is “Will we do well if we venture to the third level?” and a terrible troll guarding 10,000 gp and a shield +1 lurks near the entrance to the level (the DM estimates the party could beat the troll after a hard fight) the divination response might be: “Ready oil and open flame light your way to wealth.” In all cases, the DM controls what information is received and whether additional divinations will supply additional information. Note that if the information is not acted upon, the conditions probably change so that the information is no longer useful (in the example, the troll might move away and take the treasure with it).

The base chance for a correct divination is 60%, plus 1% for each experience level of the priest casting the spell. The DM makes adjustments to this base chance considering the actions being divined (if, for example, unusual precautions against the spell have been taken). If the dice roll is failed, the caster knows the spell failed, unless specific magic yielding false information is at work.

The material components of the divination spell are a sacrificial offering, incense, and the holy symbol of the priest. If an unusually important divination is attempted, sacrifice of particularly valuable gems, jewelry, or magical items may be required.

Detect Lie

Sphere: Divination
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

A priest who casts this spell is immediately able to determine if the subject creature deliberately and knowingly speaks a lie. It does not reveal the truth, uncover unintentional inaccuracies, or necessaryily reveal evasions. The subject receives a saving throw vs. spell, which is adjusted only by the Wisdom of the caster – e.g., if the caster has a Wisdom of 18, the subject’s saving throw roll is reduced by 4 (see Table 5).

The material component for the detect lie spell is one gp worth of gold dust.

The spell’s reverse, undetectable lie, prevents the magical detection of lies spoken by the creature for 24 hours.

The reverse requires brass dust as its material component.

Cure Serious Wounds

Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell is a more potent version of the cure light wounds spell. When laying his hand upon a creature, the priest heals 2d8 +1 points of wound or other injury damage to the creature’s body. This healing cannot affect non corporeal, nonliving, or extra planar creatures.

Cause serious wounds, the reverse of the spell, operates similarly to the cause light wounds spell, the victim having to be touched first. If the touch is successful, 2d8 +1 points of damage are inflicted.

Control Temperature, 10′ Radius

Sphere: Weather
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 turns + 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the temperature surrounding the caster can be altered by 10 degrees Fahrenheit, either upward or downward, per level of experience of the spellcaster. Thus, a 1Oth-level caster could raise or lower the surrounding temperature from 1 to 100 degrees. The spell can be used to ensure the comfort of the caster and those with him in extreme weather conditions.

The party could stand about in shirt sleeves during the worst blizzard (although it would be raining on them) or make ice for their drinks during a scorching heat wave.

The spell also provides protection from intense normal and magical attacks. If the extreme of temperature is beyond what could be affected by the spell (a searing blast of a fireball or the icy chill of a white dragon), the spell reduces the damage caused by 5 points for every level of the caster. Normal saving throws are still allowed, and the reduction is taken after the saving throw is made or failed. Once struck by such an attack, the spell immediately collapses.

The material component for this spell is a strip of willow bark (to lower temperatures) or raspberry leaves (to raise temperatures).

Cloak of Bravery

Sphere: Charm
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Neg.

The cloak of bravery spell can be cast upon any willing creature. The protected individual gains a bonus to his saving throw against any form of fear encountered (but not awe an ability of some Lesser and Greater Powers). When cast, the spell can affect one to four creatures (caster’s choice). If only one is affected, the saving throw bonus is +4. If two are affected, the bonus is +3, and so forth, until four creatures are protected by a +1 bonus. The magic of the cloak of bravery spell works only once and then the spell ends, whether or not the creature’s saving throw is successful. The spell ends after eight hours if no saving throw is required before then.

The reverse of this spell, cloak of fear, empowers a single creature touched to radiate a personal aura of fear, at wilt out to a three-foot radius. All other characters and creatures within this aura must roll successful saving throws vs. spell or run away in panic for 2d8 rounds. Affected individuals may or may not drop items, at the OM’s option.

The spell has no effect upon undead of any sort. The effect can be used but once, and the spell expires after eight hours if not brought down earlier. Members of the recipient’s party are not immune to the effects of the spell.

The material component for the cloak of bravery spell is the feather of an eagle or hawk. The reverse requires the tail feathers of a vulture or chicken.

Call Woodland Beings

Sphere: Summoning
Range: 100 yards level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.

By means of this spell, the caster is able to summon certain woodland creatures to his location. Naturally, this spell works only outdoors, but not necessarily only in wooded areas. The caster begins the incantation and continues uninterrupted until some called creature appears or two turns have elapsed. (The verbalization and somatic gesturing are easy, so this is not particularly exhausting to the spellcaster.) Only one type of the following sorts of beings can be summoned by the spell. They come only if they are within the range of the call.

The caster can call three times, for a different type each time. Once a call is successful, no other type can be called without another casting of the spell. (Your DM will consult his outdoor map or base the probability of any such creature being within spell range upon the nature of the area the caster is in at the time of spellcasting.)

The creature(s) called by the spell are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell (with a -4 penalty) to avoid the summons. Any woodland beings answering the call are favorably disposed to the spellcaster and give whatever aid they are capable of. However, if the caller or members of the caller’s party are of evil alignment, the creatures are entitled to another saving throw vs. spell (this time with a +4 bonus) when they come within 10 yards of the caster or another evil character with him. These beings immediately seek to escape if their saving throws are successful. In any event, if the caster requests that the summoned creatures engage in combat on his behalf, they are required to roll a loyalty reaction check based on the caster’s Charisma and whatever dealings he has had with them.

This spell works with respect to neutral or good woodland creatures, as determined by the DM. Thus the DM can freely add to o alter the list as he sees fit.

If the caster personally knows a certain individual woodland being, that being can be summoned at double the normal range. If this is done, then no other woodland creatures are affected.

The material components of this spell are a pine cone and eight holly berries.

If a percentage chance is given, druids and other nature-based priests add 1% per caster level, These chances can be used if no other campaign information on the area is available.

Creature — Type of Woodlands —
Type Called Light    Moderate/Sylvan    Dense/Virgin
2d8 brownies 30% 20% 10%
1d4 centaurs 5% 30% 5%
1d4 dryads 1% 25% 15%
1d8 pixies 10% 20% 10%
1d4 satyrs 1% 30% 10%
1d6 spntes 0% 5% 25%
1 treant 5% 25%
1 unicorn 15% 20%

Animal Summoning I

Sphere: Animal, Summoning
Range: 1 mile radius
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster calls up to eight animals that have 4 Hit Dice or less, of whatever sort the caster names when the summoning is made. Only animals within range of the caster at the time the spell is cast will come. The caster can try three times to summon three different types of animals – e.g., suppose that wild dogs are first summoned to no avail, then hawks are unsuccessfully called, and finally the caster calls for wild horses that may or may not be within summoning range. Your DM must determine the chance of a summoned animal type being within the range of the spell. The animals summoned aid the caster by whatever means they possess, staying until a fight is over, a specific mission is finished, the caster is safe, he sends them away, etc. Only normal or giant animals can be summoned; fantastic animals or monsters cannot be summoned by this spell (no chimerae, dragons, gorgons, manticores, etc.).