AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Category Archives: 6th Level

Animal Summoning III

Sphere: Animal, Summoning
Range: 100 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell is the same in duration and effect as the 4th-level animal summoning I spell, except that up to four animals of no more than 16 Hit Dice each can be summoned, or eight of no more than 8 Hit Dice, or 16 creatures of no more than 4 Hit Dice. Only animals within range of the caster at the time the spell is cast will come. The caster can try three times to summon three different types of animals – e.g., suppose that wild dogs are first summoned to no avail, then hawks are unsuccessfully called, and finally the caster calls for wild horses that may or may not be within summoning range. Your DM will determine the chance of a summoned animal type being within range of the spell. The animals summoned will aid the caster by whatever means they possess, staying until a fight is over, a specific mission is finished, the caster is safe, he sends them away, etc. Only normal or giant animals can be summoned; fantastic animals or monsters cannot be summoned by this spell (no chimerae, dragons, gorgons, manticores, etc.).

Aerial Servant

Sphere: Summoning
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell summons an invisible aerial servant to find and bring back an object or creature described to it by the priest. Unlike an elemental, an aerial servant cannot be commanded to fight for the caster. When it is summoned, the priest must have cast a protection from evil spell, be within a protective circle, or have a special item used to control the aerial servant. Otherwise, it attempts to slay its summoner and return from whence it came.

The object or creature to be brought must be such as to allow the aerial servant to physically bring it to the priest (an aerial servant can carry at least 1,000 pounds). If prevented, for any reason, from completing the assigned duty, the aerial servant becomes insane and seeks out and attempts to destroy the caster. The aerial servant returns to its own plane whenever the spell lapses, its duty is fulfilled, it is dispelled, the priest releases it, or the priest is slain. The spell lasts for a maximum of one day for each level of experience of the priest who cast it.

If the creature to be fetched cannot detect invisible objects, the aerial servant attacks, automatically gaining surprise. If the creature involved can detect invisible objects, it still suffers a -2 penalty to all surprise rolls caused by the aerial servant. Each round of combat, the aerial servant must roll to attack. When a hit is scored, the aerial servant has grabbed the item or creature it was sent for. A creature with a Strength rating is allowed an evasion roll, equal to twice its bend bars chance, to escape the hold. If the creature in question does not have a Strength rating, roll 1d8 for each Hit Die the aerial servant and the creature grabbed have. The higher total is the stronger. Once seized, the creature cannot free itself by Strength or Dexterity and is flown to the priest forthwith.