AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Category Archives: Arcane Magic


Range: Unlimited
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

The wish spell is a more potent version of a limited wish. If it is used to alter reality with respect to damage sustained by a party, to bring a dead creature to life, or to escape from a difficult situation by lifting the spellcaster (and his party) from one place to another, it will not cause the wizard nay disability. Other forms of wishes, however, cause the spellcaster to weaken (-3 on Strength) and require 2d4 days of bed rest due to the stresses the wish places upon time, space, and his body. Regardless of what is wished for, the exact terminology of the wish spell is likely to be carried out. Casting a wish spell ages the caster five years. Discretionary power of the DM is necessary in order to maintain game balance. For example, wishing another creature dead is grossly unfair; the DM might well advance the spellcaster to a future period in which the creature is no longer alive, effectively putting the wishing character out of the campaign.


Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 20 foot radius
Saving Throw: Special

This spell confronts those affected by it with phantasmal images of their most feared enemies, forcing an imaginary combat that seem real, but actually occurs in the blink of an eye. When this spell is cast, the wizard must be able to converse with the victims to bring the spell into being. During the casting, the wizard must call out to the creatures to be affected, informing one or all that their final fate, indeed their doom, is now upon them. The force of the magic is such that even if the creatures make their saving throws vs. spell, fear will paralyze them for a full round, and they will lose 1d4 Strength points from this fear (the lost Strength will return in one turn). Failure to save vs. spell causes the creature or creatures to face their nemeses, the opponents most feared and inimical to them. Actual combat must then take place, for no magical means of escape is possible. The foe fought is real for all intents and purposes; affected creatures that lose will die. If a creature’s phantasmal nemesis from the weird spell is slain, the creature emerges with no damage, no loss of items seemingly used in combat, and no loss of spells likewise seemingly expended. The creatures also gains any experience for defeating the weird, if applicable. Although each round of combat seems normal, it takes only one-tenth of a round. During the course of the spell, the caster must concentrate fully upon maintaining it. If the combat goes beyond 10 rounds, those who saved against the spell can take action. If the caster is disturbed, the weird spell ends immediately. Creatures attacked while paralyzed with fear are free of the paralysis immediately.

Time Stop

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 15 ft radius
Saving Throw: None

Upon casting a time stop spell, the wizard causes the flow of time to stop for one round in the area of effect. Outside this area the sphere simply seems to shimmer for an instant. Inside the sphere, the caster is free to act for 1d3 rounds of apparent time. The wizard can move and act freely within the area where time is stopped, but all other creatures, except for those of demigod and greater status or unique creatures, are frozen in their actions, for they are literally between ticks of the time clock. (The spell duration is subjective to the caster.) Nothing can enter the area of effect without being stopped in time also. If the wizard leave the area, the spell is immediately negated. When the spell duration ceases, the wizard is again operating in normal time. Note: It is recommended that the DM use a stopwatch or silently count to time this spell. If the caster is unable to complete the intended action before the spell duration expires, he will probably be caught in an embarrassing situation. The use of a teleport spell before the expiration of the time stop spell is permissible.

Temporal Stasis

Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

Upon casting this spell, the wizard places the recipient creature into a state of suspended animation. This cessation of time means that the creature does not grow older. Its body functions virtually cease. This state persists until the magic is removed by a dispel magic spell or the reverse of the spell (temporal reinstatement) is uttered. Note that the reverse requi8res only a single word and no somatic or material components. The material component of a temporal stasis spell is a powder composed of diamond, emerald, ruby, and sapphire dust, with each crushed stone worth at least 100 gp.


Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 to 4 days
Area of Effect: 1 individual
Saving Throw: None

By casting this spell, the wizard creates a powerful magic in some specially prepared object-a statuette, a jeweled rod, a gem, etc. This object radiates magic, for it contains the power to instantaneously transport its possessor to the abode of the wizard who created it. Once the item is enchanted, the wizard must give it willingly to an individual, at the same time informing him of a command word to be spoken when the item is to be used. To make use of the item, the recipient must speak the command word at the same time that he rends or breaks the item. When this is done, the individual and all that he is wearing and carrying are instantly transported to the abode of the wizard. No other creatures can be affected. The reversed application of the spell transports the wizard to the immediate vicinity of the possessor of the enchanted item, when it is broken and the command word spoken. The wizard will have a general idea of the location and situation of the item possessor, but has no choice whether or not to go (making this a rare casting indeed!) The material components used include gemstones totaling not less than 5,000 gp value (whether they are faceted gems or not is immaterial). The components can be enchanted only once per month (usually on a night of a clear, full moon). At that time, the object is set for the type of succor and its final destination (either the location of the spellcasting of an area well known to the wizard).

Shape Change

Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

With this spell, a wizard is able to assume the form of any living thing or creature below demigod status (greater or lesser deity, singular dragon type, or the like). The spellcaster becomes the creature he wishes, and has all of its abilities save those dependent upon Intelligence, innate magical abilities, and magic resistance, for the mind of the creature is that of the spellcaster. Thus, he can change into a griffon and fly away, then to an efreet and fly through a roaring flame, then to a titan to lift up a wagon, etc. These creatures have whatever hit points the wizard had at the time of the shape change. Each alteration in form requires only a second, and no system shock is incurred. For example, a wizard is in combat and assumes the form of a will o’wisp. Then this form is no longer useful, the wizard changes into a stone golem and walks away. When pursued, the golem-shape is changed to that of a flea, which hides on a horse until it can hop off and become a bush. If detected as the latter, the wizard can become a dragon, an ant, or just about anything he is familiar with. A wizard adopting another form also adopts its vulnerabilities. For example, a wizard who becomes a spectre is powerless in daylight, and is subject to being turned, controlled or destroyed by opposing clerics. Unlike similar spells, a wizard who is killed in another form does not revert to his original shape, which may disallow certain types of revivification. The material component is a jade circlet worth no less than 5,000 gp, which shatters at the end of the spell’s duration. In the meantime, the circles is left in the wake of the shape change, and premature shattering ends the spell immediately.

Prismatic Sphere

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 10 ft radius
Saving Throw: Special

This spell enables the wizard to conjure up an immobile, opaque globe of shimmering, multicolored light to surround him, giving protection from all forms of attack. the sphere flashes in all colors of the visible spectrum, seven of which have distinct powers and purposes. Any creature with fewer than 8 Hit Dice is blinded for 2d4 turns by the colors of the sphere. Only the spellcaster can pass in and out of the prismatic sphere without harm, though he can cast it over others to protect them. The sphere can be destroyed, color by color, in consecutive order, by various magical effects; however, the first must be brought down before the second can be affected, and so on. Any creature passing through the barrier receives the effect of every color still remaining. The following table shows the colors and effects of the prismatic sphere, as well as what will negate each globe. Note that typically the upper hemisphere of the globe is visible, as the spellcaster is at the center of the sphere, so the lower half is usually hidden by the floor surface he is standing on. Furthermore, a rod of cancellation or a Mordenkainen’s disjunction spell will destroy a prismatic sphere (but an antimagic shell will fail to penetrate it). Otherwise, anything short of an artifact or relic entering the sphere is destroyed, and any creature is subject to the effects of every color still active-i.e., 70-140 points of damage plus death, petrification, insanity, and instantaneous transportation to another plane.

Prismatic Sphere Effects
Color Order Effect of Color Spell Negated By
Red 1st Stops nonmagical missiles-inflicts 20 points of damage, save for half cone of cold
Orange 2nd Stops magical missiles-inflicts 40 points of damage, save for half gust of wind
Yellow 3rd stops poisons, gases, and petrification-inflicts 80 points of damage, save for half disintegrate
Green 4th stops breath weapons-save vs. poison or die; survivors suffer 20 points of damage passwall
Blue 5th stops location/detection and mental attacks-save vs. petrification or turn to stone magic missile
Indigo 6th stops magical spells-save vs. wand or go insane continual light
Violet 7th force field protection-save vs. spell or be sent to another plane dispel magic

Power Word, Kill

Range: 5 yards/2 levels
Components: V
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10 ft radius
Saving Throw: None

When a power word, kill spell is uttered, one or more creatures of any type within the spell range and area of effect are slain. The power word kills either one creature with up to 60 hit points, or multiple creatures with 10 or fewer hit points each, t a maximum of 120 hit points total. The option to attack a single creature or multiple creatures must be stated along with the spell range and center of the area of effect. The current hit points of the creatures are used.

Mordenkainen’s Disjunction

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 30 ft radius
Saving Throw: Special

When this spell is cast, all magic and magical items within the radius of the spell, except those on the person of or being touched by the spellcaster, are disjoined. That is, spells being cast are separated into their individual components (usually spoiling the effect as a dispel magic spell does), and permanent and enchanted magical items must successfully save (vs. spell if actually cast on a creature, or vs. a dispel magic spell otherwise) or be turned into normal items. Even artifacts and relics are subject to Mordenkainen’s disjunction, though there is only a 1% chance per caster experience level of actually affecting such powerful items. Thus, all potions, scrolls, rings, rods, miscellaneous magical items, artifacts and relics, arms and armor, swords, and miscellaneous weapons within 30 feet of the spellcaster can possibly lose all their magical properties when the Mordenkainen’s disjunction spell is cast. The caster also has a 1% chance per level of destroying an antimagic shell. If the shell survives the disjunction, no items within it are disjoined. Note: Destroying artifacts is a dangerous business, and 95% likely to attract the attention of some powerful being who has an interest or connection with the device. Additionally, if an artifact is destroyed, the casting wizard must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell with a -4 penalty or permanently lose all spellcasting abilities.

Monster Summoning VII

Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 8 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 90 yd radius
Saving Throw: None

This spell is much like the 3rd level spell monster summoning I, except that this spell summons one or two 7th level monsters that appear one round after the spell is cast, or one 8th level monster that appears two rounds after the spell is cast.