AD&D 2nd Edition

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Category Archives: 2nd Level

Fog Cloud

Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 4 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

The fog cloud spell can be cast in one of two ways, at the caster’s option; as a large, stationary bank of normal fog, or as a harmless fog that resembles the 5th level wizard spell cloudkill. As a fog bank, this spell creates a fog of any size and shape up to a maximum 20 foot cube per caster level. The fog obscures all sight, normal and infravision, beyond 2 feet. As a cloudkill-like fog, this is a billowing mass of ghastly, yellowish-green vapors, measuring 40 feet x 20 feet x 20 feet. This moves away from the caster at 10 feet per round. The vapors are heavier than air and sink to the lowest level, even pouring down sinkholes and den openings. Very thick vegetation breaks up the fog after it has moved 20 feet into the vegetation. The only effect of either version is to obscure vision. A strong breeze will disperse either effect in one round, while a moderate breeze will reduce the spell duration by 50%. The spell cannot be cast under water.

Flaming Sphere

Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 3 ft radius
Saving Throw: Neg.

A flaming sphere spell creates a burning globe of fire within 10 yards of the caster. This sphere rolls in whichever direction the wizard points, at a rate of 30 feet per round. It rolls over barriers less than 4 feet tall, such as furniture, low walls, etc. Flammable substances are set afire by contact with the sphere. Creatures in contact with the globe must successfully save vs. spell or suffer 2d4 points of fire damage. Those within 5 feet of the sphere’s surface must also save or suffer 1d4 points of heat damage. A successful saving throw means no damage is suffered. The DM may adjust the saving throws if there is little or no room to dodge the sphere. The sphere moves as long as the spellcaster actively directs it; otherwise, it merely stays at rest and burns. It can be extinguished by the same means as any normal fire of its size. The surface of the sphere has a spongy, yielding consistency and so does not cause damage except by its flame. It cannot push unwilling creatures aside or batter down large obstacles. The material components are a bit of tallow, a pinch of sulphur, and a dusting of powdered iron.


Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 5 yds/level(90 yds maximum)
Saving Throw: None

When an ESP spell is used, the caster is able to detect the surface thoughts of any creatures in range – except for those of undead and creatures without minds (as we know them). The ESP is stopped by 2 feet of rock, 2 inches of any metal other than lead, or a thin sheet of lead foil. The wizard employing the spell is able to probe the surface thoughts of one creature per round, getting simple instinctual thoughts from lower order creatures. Probes can continue on the same creature from round to round or can move on to other creatures. The caster can use the spell to help determine if a creature lurks behind a door, for example, but the ESP dies not always reveal what sort of creature it is. If used as part of a program of interrogation, an intelligent and wary subject receives an initial saving throw. If successful, the creature successfully resists and the spell reveals no additional information. If the saving throw is failed, the caster may learn additional information, according to the DM’s ruling. The creature’s Wisdom adjustment applies, as may additional bonuses up to +4, based on the sensitivity of the information sought. The material component of this spell is a copper piece.

Detect Invisibility

Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rds/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 10 yds/level
Saving Throw: None

When the wizard casts a detect invisibility spell, he is able to see clearly any objects or beings that are invisible, as well as any that are astral, ethereal, or out of phase. In addition, it enables the wizard to detect hidden or concealed creatures (for example, thieves in shadows, halflings in underbrush, and so on). It does not reveal the method of concealment or invisibility, except in the case of astral travelers (where the silver cord can be seen). It does not reveal illusions or enable the caster to see through physical objects. Detection is a path 10 feet wide along the wizard’s line of sight to the range limit. The material components of this spell are a pinch of talc and a small sprinkling of powdered silver.

Detect Evil

Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 5 rds/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 10 x 180 ft
Saving Throw: None

This spell discovers emanations of evil (or of good in the cast of the reverse spell) from any creature, object, or area. Character alignment is not revealed under most circumstances: Characters who are strongly aligned, do not stray from their faith, and who are at least 9th level might radiate good or evil if they are intent upon appropriate actions. Powerful monsters, such as ki-rin, send forth emanations of evil or good, even if polymorphed. Aligned undead radiate evil, for it is this power and negative force that enables them to continue existing,. An evilly cursed object or unholy water radiates evil, but a hidden trap or an unintelligent viper dies not. The degree of evil (faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming) can be noted. Note that priests have a more powerful version of this spell. The spell has a path of detection 10 feet wide and 60 yards long in the direction in which the wizard is facing. The wizard must concentrate – stop, have quite, and intently seek to detect the aura – for at least one round to receive a reading.

Deep Pockets

Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 12 hours + 1 hr/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 garment
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the wizard to specially prepare a garment so as to hold far more than it normally could. A finely sewn gown or robe of high-quality material (at least 50 gp value) is fashioned so as to contain numerous hand-sized pockets. One dozen is the minimum number. The deeppockets spell then enables these pockets to hold a total of 100 pounds (5 cubic feet in volume) as if it were only 10 pounds of weight. Furthermore, there are no discernible bulges where the special pockets are. At the time of casting, the caster can instead choose to have 10 pockets each holding 10 pounds (1/2 cubic foot volume each). If the robe or like garment is sewn with 100 or more pockets (200 gp minimum cost), 100 pockets can be created to contain one pound of weight and 1/6 cubic foot volume each. Each special pocket is actually an extradimensional holding space. If the spell duration expires while there is material within the enchanted pockets, or if a successful dispel magic is cast upon the enchanted garment, all the material suddenly appears around the wearer and immediately falls to the ground. The caster can also cause all the pockets to empty with a single command. In addition to the garment, which is reusable, the material components of this spell are a tiny golden needle and a strip of fine cloth given a half-twist and fastened at the ends.


Range: 60 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

The deafness spell causes the recipient to become totally deaf and unable to hear any sounds. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. An affected creature has a -1 penalty to its surprise rolls unless its other senses are unusually keen. Deafened spellcasters have a 20% chance to miscast any spell with a verbal component. This deafness can be done away with only by means of a dispel magic spell or by the spellcaster. The material component of this spell is beeswax.

Darkness, 15’ Radius

Range: 10 yds/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1turn + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 15-ft radius
Saving Throw: None

This spell causes total, impenetrable darkness in the area of effect. Infravision is useless. Neither normal nor magical light works unless a light or continual light spell is used. In the former event, the darkness spell is negated by the light spell, and vice versa. The material components of this spell are a bit of bat fur and either a drop of pitch or a piece of coal.

Continual Light

Range: 60 yds
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 60 ft radius
Saving Throw: Special

This spell is similar to a light spell, except that it is as bright as full daylight and lasts until negated by magical darkness or by a dispel magic spell. Creatures who suffer penalties in bright light suffer them in the spell’s area of effect. As with the light spell, it can be cast into the air, onto an object, or at a creature. When cast at a creature, the target gets a saving throw vs. spell; success indicates that the spell affects the space about 1 foot behind the creature instead. Note that this spell can also blind a creature if it is successfully cast upon the creature’s visual organs, reducing its attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor Class by 4. If the spell is cast on a small object that is then placed in a light-proof covering, the spell’s effects are blocked until the covering is removed. A continual light brought into an area of magical darkness (or vice versa) is temporarily negated so that the otherwise prevailing light conditions exist in the overlapping areas of effect. A direct casting of continual light against a similar or weaker magical darkness cancels both. This spell eventually consumes the material it is cast upon, but the process takes far longer than the time in the typical campaign. Extremely hard and expensive materials can last hundreds or even thousands of years.


Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

When a blur spell is cast, the wizard causes the outline of his form to become blurred, shifting and wavering. This distortion causes all missile and melee combat attacks against the caster to be made with -4 penalties on the first attempt and -2 penalties on all successive attacks. It also grants the wizard a +1 bonus to his saving throw for any direct magical attack. A detect invisibility spell will not counter this effect, but the 5th level priest spell true seeing and similar magic will.