AD&D 2nd Edition

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Category Archives: 4th Level


Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 60 ft cone, 30 ft diameter at end, 5 ft at base
Saving Throw: Neg.

When a fear spell is cast, the wizard sends forth an invisible cone of terror that causes creatures within its area of effect to turn away from the caster and flee in panic. Affected creatures are likely to drop whatever they are holding when struck by the spell; the base chance of this is 60% at 1st level (or at 1 Hit Die), and each level (or Hit Die) above this reduces the probability by 5%. Thus, at 10th level there is only a 15% chance, and at 13th level no chance, of dropping items. Creatures affected by fear flee at their fastest rate for a number of melee rounds equal to the level of experience of the spellcaster. Undead and creatures that successfully roll their saving throws vs. spell are not affected. The material component of this spell is either the heart of a hen or a white feather.

Extension I

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None

By use of an extension I spell, the wizard prolongs the duration of a previously cast 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell by 50%. Thus, a levitation spell can be made to function 15 minutes/level, a hold person spell made to work for 3 rounds/level, etc. Naturally, the spell affects only spells that have durations. This spell must be cast immediately after the spell to be extended, either by the original caster or another wizard. If a complete round or more elapses, the extension fails and is wasted.

Evard’s Black Tentacles

Range: 30 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hr/level
Casting Time: 1 rd
Area of Effect: 30 sq ft/level
Saving Throw: None

This spell creates many rubbery, black tentacles in the area of effect. These waving members seem to spring forth from the earth, floor, or whatever surface is underfoot – including water. Each tentacle is 10 feet long, AC 4, and requires as many points of damage to destroy as the level of the wizard who cast the spell. There are 1d4 such tentacles, plus one per experience level of the spellcaster. Any creature within range of the writhing tentacles is subject to attack as determined by the DM. The target of a tentacle attack must roll a saving throw vs. spell. If this succeeds, the subject suffers 1d4 points of damage from contact with the tentacle; the tentacle is then destroyed. Failure to save indicates that the damage inflicted is 2d4 points, the ebon member is wrapped around its subject, and damage will be 3d4 points on the second and all succeeding rounds. Since these tentacles have no intelligence to guide them, there is the possibility that they entwine any object – a tree, post, pillar, even the wizard himself – or continue to squeeze a dead opponent. A grasping hold established by a tentacle remains until the tentacle is destroyed by some form of attack or until it disappears at the end of the spell’s duration. The component for this spell is a piece of tentacle from a giant octopus or giant squid.


Range: 10 yds/level
Components: V, S
Duration: 1d4 hrs + 1 hr/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell temporarily suppresses the subject’s life force. The necromancer points his finger and utters the incantation, releasing a black bolt of crackling energy. The subject must roll a saving throw vs. spell, adjusted for Dexterity, to avoid the bolt. Success means the spell has no effect. Failure means the subject is treated exactly as if he had been drained of energy levels by a wight, one level for every four levels of the caster. Hit Dice, spells, and other character details dependent on level are lost or reduced. Those drained to 0th level must make a system shock check to survive and are helpless until the spell expires. The spell effect eventually wears off, either after 1d4 hours plus one hour per caster level, or after six hours of complete and undisturbed rest. Level abilities are regained, but lost spells must be rememorized. Undead are immune to this spell.

Enchanted Weapon

Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rds/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Weapon(s) touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell turns an ordinary weapon into a magical one. The weapon is the equivalent of a +1 weapon, with +1 to attack and damage rolls. Thus, arrows, axes, bolts, bows, daggers, hammers, maces, spears, swords, etc., can be made into temporarily enchanted weapons. Two small weapons (arrows, bolts, daggers, etc.) or one large weapon (axe, bow, hammer, mace, etc) weapon can be affected by the spell. The spell functions on existing magical weapons as long as the total combined bonus is +3 or less. Missile weapons enchanted in this way lose their enchantment when they successfully hit a target, but otherwise the spell lasts its full duration. This spell is often used in combination with the enchant an item and permanency spells to create magical weapons, with this spell being cast once per desired plus of the bonus. The material components of this spell are powdered lime and carbon.


Range: 10 yds/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 20 ft cube
Saving Throw: Neg.

When this spell is cast, the wizard can create a single emotional reaction in the subject creatures. The following are typical:

  1. Courage: This emotion causes the creatures affected to become berserk, fighting with a +1 bonus to the attack dice, causing +3 points of damage, and temporarily gaining 5 hit points. The recipients fight without shield and regardless of life, never checking morale. This spell counters (and is countered by) fear.
  2. Fear: The affected creatures flee in panic for 2d4 rounds. It counters (and is countered by) courage.
  3. Friendship: The affected creatures react more positively (for example, tolerance becomes goodwill). It counters (and is countered by) hate.
  4. Happiness: This effect creates joy and a feeling of complacent well-being, adding +4 to all reaction rolls and making attack unlikely unless the creatures are subject to extreme provocation. It counters (and is countered by) sadness.
  5. Hate: The affected creatures react more negatively (for example, tolerance becomes negative neutrality). It counters (and is countered by) friendship.
  6. Hope: The effect of hope is to raise morale, saving throw rolls, attack rolls, and damage caused by +2. It counters (and is countered by) hopelessness.
  7. Hopelessness: The affected creatures submit to the demands of any opponent: surrender, get out, etc. Otherwise, the creatures are 25% likely to do nothing in a round, and 25% likely to turn back or retreat. It counters (and is countered by) hope.
  8. Sadness: This creates unhappiness and a tendency toward maudlin introspection. This emotion penalizes surprise rolls by -1 and adds +1 to initiative rolls. It counters (and is countered by) happiness.

All creatures in the area at the instant the spell is cast are affected unless successful saving throws vs. spell are made, adjusted for Wisdom. The spell lasts as long as the wizard continues to concentrate on projecting the chosen emotion. Those who fail the saving throw against fear must roll a new saving throw if they return to the affected area.

Dimension Door

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

By means of a dimension door spell, the wizard instantly transfers himself up to 30 yards distance per level of experience. This special form of teleportation allows for no error, and the wizard always arrives at exactly the spot desired – whether by simply visualizing the area (within spell transfer distance, of course) or by stating direction such as, “300 yards straight downward,” or, “upward to the northwest, 45 degree angle, 420 yards.” If the wizard arrives in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, he remains trapped in the Astral Plane. If distances are stated and the spellcaster arrives with no support below his feet (i.e., in mid-air), falling and damage result unless further magical means are employed. All that the wizard wears or carries, subject to a maximum weight equal to 500 pounds of nonliving matter, or half that amount of living matter, is transferred with the spellcaster. Recovery from use of a dimension door spell requires one round.


Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 5 ft cube/level
Saving Throw: Special

A dig spell enables the caster to excavate 125 cubic feet of earth, sand, or mud per round (i.e., a cubic hole 5 feet on a side). In later rounds the caster can expand an existing hole or start a new one. The material thrown from the excavation scatters evenly around the pit. If the wizard continues downward past 20 feet in earth, there is a 15% chance that the pit collapses. This check is made for every 5 feet dug beyond 20 feet. Sand tends to collapse after 10 feet, mud fills in and collapses after 5 feet, and quicksand fills in as rapidly as it is dug. Any creature at the edge (within 1 foot) of a pit must roll a successful Dexterity check or fall into the hole. Creature moving rapidly toward a pit dug immediately before them must roll a saving throw vs. spell to avoid falling in. Any creature in a pit being excavated can climb out at a rate decided by the DM. A creature caught in a collapsing pit must roll a saving throw vs. death to avoid being buried; it escapes the pit if successful.

Tunneling is possible with this spell as long as there is space available for the material removed. Chances for collapse are doubled and the safe tunneling distance is half of the safe excavation depth, unless such construction is most carefully braced and supported. The spell is also effective against creatures of earth and rock, particularly clay golems and those from the Elemental Plane of Earth. When cast upon such a creature, it suffers 4d6 points of damage. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces this damage to half. To activate the spell, the spellcaster needs a miniature shovel and tiny bucket and must continue to hold them while each it is excavated. These items disappear at the conclusion of the spell.

Detect Scrying

Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1d6 turns + 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 120 ft radius
Saving Throw: Special

By means of this spell, the wizard immediately become aware of any attempt to observe him by means of clairvoyance, clairaudience, or magic mirror. This also reveals the use of crystal balls or other magical scrying devices, provided the attempt is within the area of effect of the spell. Since the spell is centered on the spellcaster, it moves with him, enabling him to “sweep” areas for the duration of the spell. When a scrying attempt is detected, the scryer must immediately roll a saving throw. If this is failed, the identity and general location of the scryer immediately become known to the wizard who cast this spell. The general location is a direction and significant landmark close to the scryer. Thus, the caster might learn, “The wizard Sniggel spies on us from east, under the stairs,” or, “You are watched by Asquil in the city of Samarquol.” The material components for this spell are a small piece of mirror and a miniature brass hearing trumpet.


Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell causes a major disease and weakness in a creature. The afflicted individual is immediately stricken with painful and distracting symptoms: boils, blotches, lesions, seeping abscesses, and so on. Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma are reduced by 2. Attack rolls are decreased by 2. The effect persists until the character receives a cure disease spell or spends 1d3 weeks taking a complete rest to recover. Characters ignoring the contagion for more than a day or so may be susceptible to worse diseases at the discretion of the DM.