AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Category Archives: 5th Level


Range: Unlimited
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster can contact a single creature with whom he is familiar and whose name and appearance are known. If the creature in question is not on the same plane of existence as the spellcaster, there is a base 5% chance that the sending does not arrive. Local conditions on other planes may worsen this chance considerably, at the option of the DM. The sending, if successful, can be understood even by a creature with an Intelligence as low as 1 (animal intelligence). The wizard can send a short message of 25 words or less to the recipient; the recipient can answer in like manner immediately. Even if the sending is received, the subject creature is not obligated to act upon it in any manner. The material component for this spell consists of two tiny cylinders, each with one open end, connected by a short piece of fine copper wire.


Range: 10 ft radius
Components: V, S
Duration: 12 hrs
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 person/2 levels
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the caster to alter the appearance of one person for every two levels of experience he has attained. The change includes clothing and equipment. The caster can make the recipients appear as any generally man-shaped bipedal creature, each up to 1 foot shorter or taller than his normal height, and thin or fat or in between. All those affected must resemble the same general type of creature: human, orc, ogre, etc. Each remains a recognizable individual. The effect fails for an individual if the illusion chosen by the caster cannot be accomplished within the spell parameters (for example, a halfling could not be made to look like a centaur, but he might be made to look like a short, young ogre). Unwilling persons receive saving throws vs. spell to avoid the effect. Affected persons resume their normal appearances if slain. The spell is not precise enough to duplicate the appearance of a specific individual.


Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hr + 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 5 x 8 x 10 ft
Saving Throw: None

A passwall spell enable the spellcaster to open a passage through wooden, plaster, or stone walls, but not other materials. The spellcaster and any associates can simply walk through. The spell causes a 5 foot wide x 8 foot high x 10 foot deep opening. Several of these spells can form a continuing passage so that very thick walls can be pierced. If dispelled, the passwall closes away from the dispelling caster, ejecting those in the passage. The material component of this spell is a pinch of sesame seeds.

Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound

Range: 10 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the wizard summons up a phantom watchdog that only he can see. He may then command it to perform as guardian of a passage, room, door, or similar space or portal. The phantom watchdog immediately commences a loud barking if any creature larger than a cat approaches the place it guards. As the faithful hound is able to detect invisible creatures and ward against the approach of ethereal creature, it is an excellent guardian. It does not react to illusions that are not at least quasi-real. If the intruding creature exposes its back to the watchdog, the dog delivers a vicious attack as if it were a 10 Hit Dice monster, striking for 3d6 points of damage. It is able to hit opponents of all types, even those normally subject only to magical weapons of +3 or greater. Creatures without backs (for example, ochre jellies) are not attacked. The faithful hound cannot be attacked, but it can be dispelled. The spell lasts for a maximum of one hour plus half an hour per caster level, but once it is activated by an intruder, it lasts only one round per caster level. If the spellcaster is ever more than 30 yards distant from the area that the watchdog guards, the spell ends. The material components of this spell are a tiny solver whistle, a piece of bond, and a thread.

Monster Summoning III

Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 50 yd radius
Saving Throw: None

This spell is much like the 3rd level spell monster summoning I, except that this spell summons 1d4 3rd level monsters. These appear within the spell’s area of effect and attack the caster’s opponents, until either he commands them to cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale and vanish when slain. If no opponent exists to fight, and the wizard can communicate with them, the summoned monsters can perform other services for the wizard. The material components of this spell are a tiny bag and a small candle.

Major Creation

Range: 10 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Like the minor creation spell, the major creation spell enables the wizard to pull wisps of material from the Demiplane of Shadow to create an item of nonliving, vegetable nature-soft goods, rope, wood, etc. The wizard can also create mineral objects-stone, crystal, metal, etc. The item created cannot exceed 1 cubic foot per level of the spellcaster in volume. The duration of the created item varies with its relative hardness and rarity:

Vegetable matter    2 hours/level
Stone or crystal 1 hour/level
Precious metals 2 turns/level
Gems 1 turn/level
Mithral* 2 rounds/level
Adamantite 1 round/level
*Includes similar rare metals.

Attempting to use any of these as material components in a spell will cause the spell to fail. The spellcaster must have at least a tiny piece of matter of the same type as the item he plans to create-a bit of twisted hemp to create rope, a chip of stone to create a boulder, and so on.

Magic Jar

Range: 10 yds/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 rd
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

The magic jar spell enables the caster to shift his life force into a special receptacle (a gem or large crystal). From there the caster can force an exchange of life forces between the receptacle and another creature, thus enabling the wizard to take over and control the body of another creature, while the life force of the host is confined in the receptacle. The special life force receptacle must be within spell range of the wizard’s body at the time of spellcasting. The wizard’s life force shifts into the receptacle in the round in which the casting is completed, allowing no other actions. While in the magic jar, the caster can sense and attack any life force within a 10 foot per level radius (on the same plane); however, the exact creature types and relative physical positions cannot be determined. In a group of life forces, the caster can sense a difference of 4 or more levels/Hit Dice and can determine whether a life force is positive or negative energy. For example, if two 10th level fighters are attacking a hill giant and four ogres, the caster could determine that there are three stronger and four weaker life forces within range, all with positive life energy. The caster could try to take over either a stronger or a weaker creature, but he has no control over exactly which creature is attacked. An attempt to take over a host body requires a full round. It is blocked by a protection from evil spell or similar ward. It is successful only if the subject fails a saving throw vs. spell with a special modifier (see following). The saving throw is modified by subtracting the combined Intelligence and Wisdom scores of the target from those of the wizard (Intelligence and Hit Dice in nonhuman or nonhumanoid creatures). This modifier is added to (or subtracted from) the die roll.

Difference Die Adjustment
-9 or less +4
-8 to -6 +3
-5 to -3 +2
-2 to 0 +1
+1 to +4 0
-5 to +8 -1
+9 to +12 -2
+13 or more    -3

A negative score indicates that the wizard has a lower total than the target; thus, the host has a saving throw bonus. failure to take over the host leaves the wizard’s life force in the magic jar. If successful, the caster’s life force occupies the host body and the host’s life force is confined in the magic jar receptacle. The caster can call upon rudimentary or instinctive knowledge of the subject creature, but not upon its real or acquired knowledge (i.e., the wizard does not automatically know the language or spells of the creature). The caster retains his own attack rolls, class knowledge and training, and any adjustments due to his Intelligence or Wisdom. If the host body is human or humanoid, and the necessary spell components are available, the wizard can even use his memorized spells. The host body retains its own hit points and physical abilities and properties. The DM decides if any additional modifications are necessary; for example, perhaps clumsiness or inefficiency occurs if the caster must become used to the new form. The alignment of the host or receptacle is that of the occupying life force. The caster can shift freely from the host to the receptacle if within the 10 foot per level range. Each attempt to shift requires on round. The spell ends when the wizard shifts from the jar to his own body. A successful dispel magic spell cast on the host can drive the caster of the magic jar spell back into the receptacle and prevent him from making any attacks for 1d4 rounds plus l round per level of the caster of the dispel. The base success chance is 50%, plus or minus 5% per level difference between the casters. A successful dispel magic cast against the receptacle forces the occupant back into his own body. If the wizard who cast the magic jar is forced back into his own body, the spell ends. If the host body is slain, the caster returns to the receptacle, if within range, and the life force of the host departs (i.e., it is dead). If the host body is slain beyond the range of the spell, both the host and the caster die. Any life force with nowhere to go is treated as slain unless recalled by a raise dead, resurrection, or similar spell. If the body of the caster is slain, his life force survives if it is in either the receptacle or the host. If the receptacle is destroyed while the caster’s life force occupies it, the caster is irrevocably slain.

Leomund’s Secret Chest

Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 60 days
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One chest, about 2 x 2 x 3 ft
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables a specially constructed chest to be hidden deep within the Ethereal Plane, to be summoned using a small model of the chest. The large chest must be exceptionally well crafted and expensive, constructed for the caster by master craftsmen. If made principally of wood, it must be ebony, rosewood, sandalwood, teak, or the like, and all of its corner fittings, nails, and hardware must be platinum. If constructed of ivory, the metal fittings of the chest must be gold. If the chest is fashioned from bronze, copper, or silver, its fittings must be electrum or silver. The cost of such a chest is never less than 5,000 gp. Once it is constructed, the wizard must have a tiny replica (of the same materials and perfect in every detail) made, so that the miniature of the chest appears to be a perfect copy. One wizard can have but one pair of these chests at any given time-even wish spells do not allow exceptions! The chests themselves are nonmagical, and can be fitted with locks, wards, and so on, just as any normal chest. While touching the chest and holding the tiny replica, the caster chants the spell. This causes the large chest to vanish into the Ethereal Plane. The chest can contain 1 cubic foot of material per level of the wizard no matter what its apparent size. Living matter makes it 75% likely that the spell fails, so the chest is typically used for securing valuable spell books, magical items, gems, etc. As long as the spellcaster has the small duplicate of the magical chest, he can recall the large one from the Ethereal Plane whenever the chest is desired. If the miniature of the chest is lost or destroyed, there is no way, not even with a wish spell, that the large chest can return, although an expedition might be mounted to find it. While the chest is in the Ethereal Plane, there is a cumulative 1% chance per week that some being finds it. This chance is reset to 1% whenever the chest is recalled and the spell recast to return it to the Ethereal Plane. If the chest is found, the DM must work out the encounter and decide how the being reacts to the chest (for example, it might ignore the chest, fully or partially empty it, or even exchange or add to the items present!). Whenever the secret chest is brought back to the Prime Material Plane, an ethereal window is opened for a variable amount of time (usually about one turn); the window slowly diminishes in size. When this hole opens between the planes, check for an ethereal encounter to see if a monster is drawn through. If the large chest is not retrieved before the spell duration lapses, there is a cumulative chance of 5% per day that the chest is lost.

Leomund’s Lamentable Belaborment

Range: 10 yds
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures in a 10 ft radius
Saving Throw: Special

This devious spell distracts the subject creatures by drawing them into an absorbing discussion on topic of interest to them. A chain of responses occurs during the next 11 rounds, with additional saving throws as described later. These responses are conversation (rounds 1-3), possible confusion (rounds 4-6), and then either rage or lamentation (rounds 7-11). All saving throws are affected by the creatures’ Intelligences, as noted later. The subject creatures must be able to understand the language in which the spellcaster speaks. Upon casting the spell, the wizard begins discussion of some topic germane to the creature or creatures to be affected. Those making a successful saving throw vs. spell are unaffected. Affected creatures immediately begin to converse with the spellcaster, agreeing or disagreeing, all most politely. As long as the spellcaster chooses, he can maintain the spell by conversing with the subject(s). If the caster is attacked or otherwise distracted, the subject creatures do not notice.

Intelligence      Saving Throw Modifier
2 or less Spell has no effect
3-7 -1
8-10 0
11-14 +1
15+ +2

The wizard can leave at any time after the casting and the subject(s) continue on as if the caster were still present. As long as they are not attacked, the creatures ignore all else going on around them, spending their time talking and arguing to the exclusion of other activities. However, when the caster leaves, each subject completes only the stage of the spell that it is currently in, and then the spell is broken. If the caster maintains the spell for more than three rounds, each affected creature can roll another saving throw vs. spell. Those failing to save wander off in confusion for 1d10+2 rounds, staying away from the spellcaster. Those who make this saving throw continue to talk and roll saving throws for each round that the caster continues the spell, up through the 6th round, to avoid the confusion effect. If the spell is maintained for more than 6 rounds, each subject must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell to avoid going into a rage, attacking all other subjects of the spell with intent to kill. this rage lasts for 1d4+1 rounds. Those who successfully save against the rage effect realize that they have been deceived and collapse to the ground, lamenting their foolishness, for 1d4 rounds unless attacked or otherwise disturbed.

Hold Monster

Range: 5 yds/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1-4 creatures in a 40 ft cube
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell immobilizes from one to four creatures of any type within spell range and in sight of the spellcaster. He can opt to hold one, two, three, or four creatures. If three or four are attacked, each saving throw is normal; if two are attacked, each saving throw suffers a -1 penalty; if only one is attacked, the saving throw suffers a -3 penalty. The material component for this spell is one hard metal bar or rod for each monster to be held. The bar or rod can be as small as a three-penny nail.