AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Category Archives: Arcane Magic

Water Breathing

Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hr/level + 1d4 hrs
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

The recipient of a water breathing spell is able to breathe water freely for the duration of the spell. The caster can touch more than one creature with a single casting; in this case the duration is divided by the number of creatures touched. The reverse, air breathing, enables water-breathing creatures to comfortably survive in the atmosphere for an equal duration. The material component is a short reed or piece of straw.

Vampiric Touch

Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: One touch1 rd/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

When the caster touches an opponent in melee with a successful attack roll, the opponent loses 1d6 hit points for ever two caster levels, to a maximum drain of 6d6 points for a 12th level caster. The spell is expended when a successful touch is made or one turn passes. The hit points are added to the caster’s total, with any hit points over the caster’s normal total treated as temporary additional hit points. Any damage to the caster is subtracted from the temporary hit points first. After one hour, any extra hit points above the caster’s normal total are lost. The creature originally losing hit points through this spell can regain them by magical or normal healing. Undead creatures are unaffected by this spell.


Range: 0
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30- ft radius
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the wizard to speak and understand additional languages, whether they are racial tongues or regional dialects. This does not enable the caster to speak with animals. The spell enables the caster to be understood by all creatures of that type within hearing distance, usually 60 feet. This spell does not predispose the subject toward the caster in any way. The wizard can speak one additional tongue for ever 3 levels of experience. The reverse of the spell cancels the effect of the tongues spell or confuses verbal communication of any sort within the area of effect. The material component is a small clay model of a ziggurat, which shatters when the spell is pronounced.


Range: 30 yds
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 hr + 1 hr/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

When this spell is cast by the wizard, he influences the actions of the chosen recipient by the utterance of a few words – phrases or a sentence or two – suggesting a course of action desirable to the spellcaster. The creature to be influenced must, of course, be able to understand the wizard’s suggestion – it must be spoken in a language that the spell recipient understands. The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the action sound reasonable; asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the spell. However, a suggestion that a pool of acid was actually pure water and that a quick dip would be refreshing is another matter. Urging a red dragon to stop attacking the wizard’s party so that the dragon and party could jointly loot a rich treasure elsewhere is likewise a reasonable use of the spell’s power. The course of action of a suggestion can continue in effect for a considerable duration, such as in the case of the red dragoon mentioned above. Conditions that will trigger a special action can also be specified; if the condition is not met before the spell expires, the action will not be performed. If the target successfully rolls its saving throw, the spell has no effect. Note that a very reasonable suggestion causes the saving throw to be made with a penalty (such as -1, -2, etc) at the discretion of the DM. Undead are not subject to suggestion. The material components of this spell are a snake’s tongue and either a bit of honeycomb or a drop of sweet oil.

Spectral Force

Range: 60 yds + 1 yd/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 40 ft cube + 10 ft cube/level
Saving Throw: Special

The spectral force spell creates an illusion in which sound, smell, and thermal illusions are included. It is otherwise similar to the improved phantasmal force spell. The spell lasts for 3 rounds after concentration ceases.


Range: 90 yds + 10 yds/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 40 ft cube, 1 creature/level
Saving Throw: Neg.

A slow spell causes affected creatures to move and attack at half their normal rates. It negates a haste spell or equivalent, but does not otherwise affect magically speeded or slowed creatures. Slowed creatures have an Armor Class penalty of +4 AC, an attack penalty of -4, and all Dexterity combat bonuses are negated. The magic affects a number of creatures equal to the spellcaster’s level, if they are within the area of effect chosen by the wizard (i.e., a 40 foot cubic volume centered as called for by the caster). The creatures are affected from the center of the spell outward. Saving throws against the spell suffer a -4 penalty. The material component of this spell is a drop of molasses.

Sepia Snake Sigil

Range: 5 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 sigil
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, a small written symbol appears in the text of any written work. When read, the so-called sepia snake springs into being and strikes at the nearest living creature (but does not attack the wizard who cast the spell). Its attack is made as if it were a monster with Hit Dice equal to the level of the wizard who cast the spell. If it strikes successfully, the victim is engulfed in a shimmering amber field of force, frozen and immobilized until released, either at the caster’s command, by a successful dispel magic spell, or until a time equal to 1d4 days +1 day per caster level has elapsed. Until then, nothing can get at the victim, move the shimmering force surrounding him, or otherwise affect it. The victim does not age, grow hungry, sleep, or regain spells while in this state. He is not aware of his surroundings. If the sepia snake misses its target, it dissipates in a flash of brown light, with a loud noise and a puff of dun-colored smoke that is 10 feet in diameter and lasts for one round. The spell cannot be detected by normal observation, and detect magic reveals only that the entire text is magical. A dispel magic can remove it; an erase spell destroys the entire page of text. It can be cast in combination with other spells that hide or garble text. The components for the spell are 100 gp worth of powdered amber, a scale from any snake, and a pinch of mushroom spores.

Secret Page

Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Until dispelled
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 page, up to 2 ft square
Saving Throw: None

When cast, a secret page spell alters the actual contents of a page so that they appear to be something entirely different. Thus, a map can be changed to become a treatise on burnishing ebony walking sticks. The text of a spell can be altered to show a ledger page or even another form of spell. Confuse languages and explosive runes spells may be cast upon the secret page, but a comprehend languages spell cannot reveal the secret page’s contents. The caster is able to reveal the original contents by speaking a command word, perusing the actual page, and then returning it to its secret page form. The caster can also remove the spell by double repetition of the command word. Others noting the dim magic of a page magic, but if it fails, the page is destroyed. A true seeing spell does not reveal the contents unless cast in combination with a comprehend languages spell. An erase spell can destroy the writing. The material components are powdered herring scales and either will o’ wisp or boggart essence.

Protection From Normal Missiles

Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the wizard bestows total invulnerability to hurled and projected missiles such as arrows, axes, bolts, javelins, small stones, and spears. Furthermore, it causes a reduction of 1 from each die of damage (but no die inflicts less than 1 point of damage) inflicted by large or magical missiles, such as ballistra missiles, catapult stones, hurled boulders, and magical arrows, bolts, javelins, etc. Note, however, that this spell does not convey any protection from such magical attacks as fireballs, lightning bolts, or magic missles. The material component of this spell is a piece of tortoise or turtle shell.

Protection From Evil, 10’ Radius

Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rds/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 10 ft radius around creature touched
Saving Throw: None

The globe of protection of this spell is identical in all respects to a protection from evil spell, except that it encompasses a much larger area and its duration is greater. The effect is centered on and moves with the creature touched. Any protected creature within the circle can break the warding against enchanted or summoned monsters by meleeing them. If a creature too large to fit into the area of effect is the recipient of the spell, the spell acts as a normal protection from evil spell for that creature only. To complete this spell, the caster must trace a circle 20 feet in diameter using powdered silver. The material component for the reverse is powdered iron.