AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Divine Magic - 6th Level

Animate Object

Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw:


Sphere: Creation, Summoning
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level
Saving Throw: None

This powerful spell enables the priest casting it to imbue inanimate objects with mobility and a semblance of life. The animated object, or objects, then attacks whomever or whatever the priest first designates. The animated object can be of any nonmagical material whatsoever – wood, metal, stone, fabric, leather, ceramic, glass, etc. Attempting to animate an object in someone’s possession grants that person a saving throw to prevent the spell’s effect. The speed of movement of the object depends on its means of propulsion and its weight. A large wooden table would be rather heavy, but its legs would give it speed. A rug could only slither along. A jar would roll. Thus a large stone pedestal would rock forward at 10 feet per round, a stone statue would move at 40 feet per round, a wooden statue 80 feet per round, an ivory stool of light weight would move at 120 feet per round. Slithering movement is about 10 feet to 20 feet per round; rolling is 30 feet to 60 feet per round. The damage caused by the attack of an animated object depends on its form and composition. Light, supple objects can only obscure vision, obstruct movement, bind, trip, smother, etc. Light, hard objects can fall upon or otherwise strike for 1d2 points of damage or possibly obstruct and trip, as do light, supple objects. Hard, medium-weight objects can crush or strike for 2d4 points of damage, while larger and heavier objects may inflict 3d4, 4d4, or even 5d4 points of damage.

The frequency of attack of animated objects depends on th(sir method of locomotion, appendages, and method of attack. This varies from as seldom as once every five melee rounds to as frequently as once per round. The Armor Class of the object animated is basically a function of material and movement ability. Damage depends on the type of weapon and the object struck. A sharp cutting weapon is effective against fabric, leather, wood, and like substances. Heavy smashing and crushing weapons are useful against wood, stone, and metal objects. Your DM will determine all of these factors, as well as how much damage the animated object can sustain before being destroyed. The priest can animate one cubic foot of material for each experience level he has attained. Thus, a 14th-level priest could animate one or more objects whose solid volume did not exceed 14 cubic feet – a large statue, two rugs, three chairs, or a dozen average crocks.