AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Arcane Magic - 7th Level

Shadow Walk

Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw:

Range: Touch 
Components: V, S 
Duration: 6 turns/level 
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special 
Saving Throw: None

In order to use the shadow walk spell, the wizard must be in an area of heavy shadows. The caster and any creature he touches are then transported to the edge of the Prime Material Plane where it borders the Demiplane of Shadow. In this region, the wizard can move at a rate of up to 7 miles per turn, moving normally on the borders of the Demiplane of Shadow but much more rapidly relative to the Prime Material Plane. Thus, a wizard can use this spell to travel rapidly by stepping onto the Demiplane of Shadow, moving the desired distance, and then stepping back onto the Prime Material Plane. The wizard knows where he will come out on the Prime Material Plane. The shadow walk spell can also be used to travel to other planes that border on the Demiplane of Shadow, but this requires the potentially perilous transit of the Demiplane of Shadow to arrive at a border with another plane of reality. Any creatures touched by the wizard when shadow walk is cast also make the transition to the borders of the Demiplane of Shadow. They may opt to follow the wizard, wander off through the plane, or stumble back into the Prime Material Plane (50% chance for either result if they are lost or abandoned by the wizard). Creatures unwilling to accompany the wizard into the Demiplane of Shadow receive a saving throw, negating the effect if successful.