AD&D 2nd Edition

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Tag Archives: Conjuration/Summoning


Sphere: Guardian
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.

The priest casting this spell inscribes a glowing symbol in the air or upon any surface, according to his desire. Any creature looking at the completed symbol within 60 feet must roll a successful saving throw vs. Spell or suffer the effect. The symbol glows for one turn for each experience level of the caster. The particular symbol used is selected by the caster at the time of casting. The caster will not be affected by his own symbol. One of the following effects is chosen by the caster:

Hopelessness: Creatures seeing it must turn back in dejection or surrender to capture or attack unless they roll successful saving throws vs. spell . Its effects last for 3d4 turns.

Pain: Creatures affected suffer -4 penalties to their attack rolls and -2 penalties to their Dexterity ability scores due to wracking pains. The effects last for 2d10 turns.

Persuasion: Creatures seeing the symbol become of the same alignment as and friendly to the priest who scribed the symbol for 1d20 turns unless a saving throw vs. spell is successful.

The material components of this spell are mercury and phosphorus (see 8th-level wizard spell, symbol).

Holy Word

Sphere: Combat
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: None

Uttering a holy word spell creates magic of tremendous power. It drives off evil creatures from other planes, forcing them to return to their own planes of existence, provided the speaker is in his home plane. Creatures so banished cannot return for at least a day. The spell further affects creatures of differing alignment as shown on the following table:

Effects of Holy Word
Creature’s Hit Dice or Level    General Move      Attack Dice    Spells
Less than 4 Kills
4 to 7+ Paralyzes 1d4 turns
8 to 11 + Slows 2d4 rounds -50% -4*
12 or more Deafens 1d4 rounds    -25% -2 50% chance of failure

* Slowed creatures attack only on even-numbered rounds until the effect wears off.

Affected creatures are those within the 30-foot-radius area of effect, which is centered on the priest casting the spell. The side effects are negated for deafened or silenced creatures, but such are still driven off if other-planar.

The reverse, unholy word, operates exactly the same way but affects creatures of good alignment.


Sphere: Summoning
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Casting a gate spell has two effects: it causes an interdimensional connection between the plane of existence the priest is in and the plane in which dwells a specific being of great power. The result of this connection is that the sought-after being can step through the gate or portal from its plane to that of the priest. Uttering the spell attracts the attention of the dweller on the other p1Jane. When casting the spell, the priest must name the entity he desires to make use of the gate and to come to his aid.

There is a 100% chance that something steps through the gate. The actions of the being that comes through depend on many factors, including the alignment of the priest, the nature of those accompanying him, and who or what opposes or threatens the priest. Your DM will decide the exact result of the spell, based on the creature called, the desires of the caster and the needs of the moment. The being gated in either returns immediately or remains to take action. Casting this spell ages the priest five years.

Creeping Doom

Sphere: Animal, Summoning
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 4 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

When the caster utters the spell of creeping doom, he calls forth a mass of from 500 to 1,000 ([1d6 + 4] x 100) venomous, biting and stinging arachnids, insects, and myriapods. This carpet-like mass swarms in an area 20 feet square. Upon command from the caster, the swarm creeps forth at 10 feet per round toward any prey within 80 yards, moving in the direction in which the caster commands. The creeping doom slays any creature subject to normal attacks, as each of the small horrors inflicts 1 point of damage (each then dies after its attack), so that up to 1,000 points of damage can be inflicted on creatures within the path of the creeping doom. If the creeping doom goes more than 80 yards away from the summoner, it loses 50 of its number for each 10 yards beyond 80 yards (e.g. , at 100 yards, its number has shrunk by 100). There are a number of ways to thwart or destroy the creatures forming the swarm. The solutions are left to the imaginations of players and DMs.

Conjure Earth Elemental

Sphere: Elemental (Earth), Summoning
Range: 40 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

A caster who performs a conjure earth elemental spell summons an earth elemental to do his bidding. The elemental is 60% likely to have 12 Hit Dice, 35% likely to have 16 Hit Dice, and 5% likely have 21 to to 24 Hit Dice (20 + 1d4). Furthermore, the caster needs but to command it, and it does as desired, for the elemental regards the caster as a friend to be obeyed. The elemental remains until destroyed, dispelled, sent away by dismissal or a holy word spell (see the conjure fire elemental spell), or the spell duration expires.

Weather Summoning

Sphere: Weather
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

By this spell, the caster calls forth weather appropriate to the climate and season of the area he is in at the time. Thus, in spring a tornado, thunderstorm, cold, sleet storm, or hot weather could be summoned. In summer a torrential rain, heat wave, hail storm, etc., can be called for. In autumn, hot or cold weather, fog, sleet, etc., could be summoned. Winter enables great cold, blizzard, or thaw conditions to be summoned. Hurricane-force winds can be summoned near coastal regions in the late winter or early spring. The summoned weather is not under the control of the caster. It might last but a single turn, in the case of a tornado, or for hours or even days in other cases. The area of effect likewise varies from about one square mile to 100 square miles. Note that several casters can act in concert to greatly affect weather, controlling winds, and working jointly to summon very extreme weather conditions.

Within four turns after the spell is cast, the trend of the weather to come is apparent e.g., clearing skies, gusts of warm or hot air, a chill breeze, overcast skies, etc. Summoned weather arrives 1d12 +5 turns after the spell is cast. Note that the new weather condition cannot be changed by the caster once it has been summoned. Once the weather is fully summoned, it cannot be dispelled. If the summoning is successfully dispelled before it has been completed, the weather slowly reverts to its original condition.

Wall of Thorns

Sphere: Plant, Creation
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One 10-foot cube/level
Saving Throw: None

The wall of thorns spell creates a barrier of very tough, pliable, tangled brush bearing needle-sharp thorns as long as a person’s finger. Any creature breaking through (or crashing into) the wall of thorns suffers 8 points of damage, plus an additional amount of damage equal to the creature’s AC. Negative ACs subtract from the base 8 points of damage, but no adjustment is made for Dexterity. Any creature within the area of effect of the spell when it is cast crashes into the wall of thorns, and must break through to move. The damage is based on each 10-foot thickness of the barrier.

If the wall of thorns is chopped at, it takes at least four turns to cut a path through a 10-foot thickness. Normal fire cannot harm the barrier, but magical fires burn away the barrier in two turns, creating a wall of fire effect while doing so (see wall of fire spell). In this case, the cool side of the wall is that closest to the caster of the thorn wall.

The nearest edge of the wall of thorns appears up to 80 yards distant from the caster, as he desires. The spell lasts for one turn for each level of experience of the caster, covers one 10-foot cube per level of the caster in whatever shape the caster desires. Thus a 14th-level caster could create a wall of thorns up to 70 feet long by 20 feet high (or deep) by 10 feet deep (or high), a 10-foot-high by 10-foot-wide by 140-foot-long wall to block a dungeon passage, or any other sort of shape that suited his needs. The caster can also create a wall of five-foot thickness, which inflicts half damage but can be doubled in one of the other dimensions. Note that those with the ability to pass through overgrown areas are not hindered by this barrier. The caster can dismiss the barrier on command.

Fire Seeds

Sphere: Elemental (Fire)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round/seed
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2

The fire seeds spell creates special missiles or timed incendiaries that burn with great heat. The spell can be cast to create either fire seed missiles or fire seed incendiaries, as chosen when the spell is cast.

* Fire seed missiles: This casting turns up to four acorns into special grenade-like missiles that can be hurled up to 40 yards. An attack roll is required to strike the intended target, and proficiency penalties are considered. Each acorn bursts upon striking any hard surface, causing 2d8 points of damage and igniting any combustible materials within a 10-foot diameter of the point of impact. If a successful saving throw vs. spell is made, a creature within the burst area receives on1y one-half damage, but a creature struck directly suffers full damage (i.e., no saving throw).

* Fire seed incendiaries. This casting turns up to eight holly berries into special incendiaries. The holly berries are most often placed, being too light to make effective missiles (they can be tossed up to six feet away). They burst into flame if the caster is within 40 yards and speaks a word of command. The berries instantly ignite, causing 1d8 points of damage to any creature and igniting any combustible within a five-foot-diameter burst area. Creatures within the area that successfully save vs. spell suffer half damage.

All fire seeds lose their power after a duration equal to one turn per experience level of the caster e.g., the seeds of a 13th-level caster remain potent for a maximum of 13 turns after their creation. No other material components beyond acorns or holly berries are needed for this spell.

Conjure Fire Elemental

Sphere: Elemental (Fire)
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 6 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Upon casting a conjure fire elemental spell, the caster opens a special gate to the elemental plane of Fire, and a fire elemental is summoned to the vicinity of the spellcaster. It is 65% likely that a 12 Hit Dice elemental appears, 20% likely that a 16 Hit Dice elemental appears, 9% likely that two to four salamanders appear, 4% likely that an efreeti appears, and 2% likely that a huge fire elemental of 21 to 24 Hit Dice appears. The conjuring caster need not fear that the elemental force summoned will turn on him, so concentration upon the activities of the fire elemental (or other creatures summoned) or protection from the creature is not necessary. The elemental summoned helps the caster however possible, including attacking opponents of the caster. The fire elemental or other creature summoned remains for a maximum of one turn per level of the caster, or until it is slain, sent back by a dispel magic spell, the reverse of this spell (dismiss fire elemental), or similar magic.

Conjure Animals

Sphere: Summoning
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

The conjure animals spell enables the priest to magically create one or more mammals to attack his opponents. The total Hit Dice of the mammals cannot exceed twice his level, if the creature conjured is determined randomly, or his level, if a specific animal type is requested. The DM selects the type of animal that appears if it is randomly called. Thus, a priest of 12th level could randomly conjure two mammals with 12 Hit Dice each, four with 6 Hit Dice each, six with 4 Hit Dice each, eight with 3 Hit Dice each, 12 with 2 Hit Dice each, or 24 With 1 Hit Die each. Count every +1 hit Point added to a creature’s Hit Dice as 1/4 of a Hit Die. Thus a creature with 4 +3 Hit Dice equals a 4 3/4 Hit Dice creature. The conjured animals remain for two rounds for each level of the conjuring priest, or until slain, and they follow the caster’s verbal commands. Conjured animals unfailingly attack the priest’s opponents, but resist being used for any other purpose; they do not like it, become noticeably more difficult to control, and may refuse any action, break free, or turn on the caster, depending on the nature of the creature and the details of the situation. The conjured animals disappear when slain.