AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Tag Archives: Enchantment/Charm


Sphere: Summoning
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 day
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

By casting this spell, the priest creates a powerful magic in some specially prepared object – a string of prayer beads, a small clay tablet, an ivory baton, etc. This object radiates magic, for it contains the power to instantaneously transport its possessor to the sanctuary of the priest who created its magic. Once the item is enchanted, the priest must give it willingly to an individual, at the same time informing him of a command word to be spoken when the item is to be used. To make use of the item, the recipient must speak the command word at the same time that he rends or breaks the item. When this is done, the individual and all that he is wearing and carrying (up to the maximum encumbrance limit for the character) are instantly transported to the sanctuary of the priest, just as if the individual were capable of speaking a word of recall spell. No other creatures can be affected.

The reversed application of the spell causes the priest to be transported to the immediate vicinity of the possessor of the item when it is broken and the command word said. The priest has a general idea of the location and situation of the item’s possessor, and can choose not to be affected by this summons. This decision is made at the instant when the transportation is to take place, but if he chooses not to go, then the opportunity is gone forever and the spell is wasted.

The cost of preparing the special item (for either version of the spell) varies from 2,000 to 5,000 gp. The more costly items can transport the subject from one plane of existence to another, if the DM allows. Note that the same factors that can prevent the operation of the plane shift and teleport spells can also prevent the use of this spell.


Sphere: Charm
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1d4 creatures within a 40′ by 40′ square
Saving Throw: Special

This spell causes confusion in one or more creatures within the area, creating indecision and the inability to take effective action. The spell affects 1d4 creatures, plus one creature per two caster levels. Thus, seven to ten creatures can be affected by a 12th- or 13th-level caster, eight to 11 by a 14th- or 15th-level caster, etc. These creatures are allowed saving throws vs. spell with -2 penalties, adjusted for Wisdom. Those successfully saving are unaffected by the spell. Confused creatures react as follows (roll 1d10):

D10 Roll     Reaction
1 Wander away (unless prevented) for duration of spell
2-6 Stand confused one round (then roll again)
7-9 Attack nearest creature for one round (then roll again)
10 Act normally for one round (then roll again)

The spell lasts one round for each level of the caster. Those who fail their saving throws are checked by the OM for actions each round, for the duration of the spell, or until the “wander away for the duration of the spell” result occurs.

Wandering creatures move as far from the caster as possible in their most typical mode of movement (characters walk, fish swim, bats fly, etc.). This is not panicked flight. Wandering creatures also have a 50% chance of using any special innate movement abilities (plane shift, burrowing, flight, etc.). Saving throws and actions are checked at the beginning of each round. Any confused creature that is attacked perceives the attacker as an enemy and acts according to its basic nature.

The material component of this spell is a set of three nut shells.

Note: If there are many creatures involved, the DM may decide to assume average results. For example, if there are 16 orcs affected and 25 o/o could be expected to successfully roll the saving throw, then four are assumed to have succeeded, one wanders away, four attack the nearest creature, six stand confused and the last acts naturally but must check next round. Since the orcs are not near the party, the DM decides that two who are supposed to attack the nearest creature attack each other, one attacks an orc that saved, and one attacks a confused orc, which strikes back. The next round, the base is 11 orcs, since four originally saved and one wandered off. Another one wanders off, five stands confused, four attack, and one acts normally.


Sphere: Plant, Creation
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The caster’s staff
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster is able to change a specially prepared staff into a treant-like creature of the largest size (about 24 feet tall ). When the priest plants the end of the staff in the ground and speaks a special command and invocation, the staff turns into a treant-like creature with 12 Hit Dice, 40 hit points, and Armor Class 0. It attacks twice per round, inflicting 4d6 points of damage with every successful attack. The staff-treant defends the caster and obeys any spoken commands. However, it is by no means a true treant; it cannot converse with actual treants or control trees. The transformation lasts either for as many turns as the caster has experience levels, until the caster commands the staff to return to its true form, or until the staff is destroyed, whichever occurs first. If the staff-treant is reduced to 0 hit points or less, it crumbles to a sawdust-like powder and the staff is destroyed. Otherwise, the staff can be used again after 24 hours and the staff-treant is at full strength.

To cast a changestaff spell, the caster must have either his holy symbol or leaves (ash, oak, or yew) of the same sort as the staff.

The staff for the changestaff spell must be specially prepared. The staff must be a sound limb cut from an ash, oak, or yew tree struck by lightning no more than 24 hours before the limb is cut. The limb must then be cured by sun drying and special smoke for 28 days. Then it must be shaped, carved, and polished for another 28 days. The caster cannot adventure or engage in other strenuous activity during either of these periods. The finished staff, engraved with woodland scenes, is then rubbed with the juice of holly berries, and the end of it is thrust into the earth of the caster’s grove while he casts a speak with plant spell, calling upon the staff to assist in time of need. The item is then charged with a magic that will last for many changes from staff to treant and back again.


Sphere: Plant
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 oak tree
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the caster to charm a healthy oak tree (or other type if the DM allows) to cause it to serve as a protector. The spell can be cast on a single tree at a time. While a liveoak spell cast by a particular caster is in effect, he cannot cast another such spell. The tree upon which the spell is cast must be within 10 feet of the caster’s dwelling place, within a place sacred to the caster, or within 100 yards of something that the caster wishes to guard or protect.

The liveoak spell can be cast upon a healthy tree of small, medium, or large size, according to desire and availability. A triggering phrase of up to a maximum of one word per level of the spellcaster is then placed upon the targeted oak; for instance, “Attack any persons who come near without first saying ‘sacred mistletoe’ ” is an 11-word trigger phrase that could be used by a caster of 11th level or higher casting the spell. The liveoak spell triggers the tree into animating as a treant of equivalent size, an Armor Class of 0 and with two attacks per round, but with only a 30-foot-per-round movement rate.

Tree Size    Height Hit Dice    Damage per Attack
Small 12′-14′ 7-8 2d8
Medium 16′-19′ 9-10 3d6
Large 20′-23’ +    11-12 4d6

A tree enchanted by this spell radiates a magical aura (if checked for), and can be returned to normal by a successful casting of a dispel magic spell, or upon the desire of the caster who enchanted it. If dispelled, the tree takes root immediately. If released by the caster, it tries to return to its original location before taking root. Damage to the tree can be healed with a plant growth spell, which restores 3d4 points of damage. A plant growth spell used in this fashion does not increase the size or hit points of the liveoak beyond the original value.

The caster needs his holy symbol to cast this spell.

Spike Stones

Sphere: Elemental (Earth)
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3d4 turns +1/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 10-foot square per level, 1 spike per 1-foot sq.
Saving Throw: None

The spike stones spell causes rock to shape itself into long, sharp points that tend to blend into the background. It is effective on both natural rock and worked stone. The spike stones serve to impede progress through an area and to inflict damage. If an area is carefully observed, each observer is 25% likely to notice the sharp points of rock. Otherwise, those entering the spell’s area of effect suffer 1d4 points of damage per round. The success of each attack is determined as if the caster of the spell were actually engaging in combat. Those entering the area are subject to attack immediately upon setting foot in the area and for each round spent in the area thereafter. The initial step enables the individual to become aware of some problem only if the initial attack succeeds; otherwise movement continues and the spike stones remain unnoticed until damage occurs. Charging or running victims suffer two attacks per round.

Those falling into pits affected by spike stones suffer six such attacks for every 10 feet fallen, each attack having a +2 bonus to the attack roll. In addition, the damage inflicted by each attack increases by +2 for every 10 feet fallen. Finally, the creatures also suffer any normal falling damage.

The material component of this spell is four tiny stalactites.


Sphere: Charm
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Until fulfilled
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

The quest spell enables the priest to require the affected creature to perform a service and return to the priest with proof that the deed was accomplished. The quest can, for example, require that the creature locate and return some important or valuable object, rescue a notable person, release some creature, capture a stronghold, slay a person, deliver some item, and so forth. If the quest is not properly followed, due to disregard, delay, or perversion, the creature affected by the spell loses 1 from its saving throw rolls for each day of such action. This penalty is not removed until the quest is properly pursued or the priest cancels it. (There are certain circumstances that will temporarily suspend a quest, and others that will discharge or cancel it; your DM will give you appropriate information as the need to know arises.)

If cast upon an unwilling subject, the victim is allowed a saving throw. However, if the person quested agrees to the task, even if the agreement is gained by force or trickery, no saving throw is allowed. If a quest is just and deserved, a creature of the priest’s religion cannot avoid it, and any creature of the priest’s alignment saves with a -4 penalty to the saving throw, in any case. A quest cannot be dispelled but can be removed by a priest of the same religion or of higher level than the caster. Some artifacts and relics might negate the spell, as can direct intervention by a deity. Likewise, an unjust or undeserved quest grants bonuses to its saving throws, or might even automatically fail!

The material component of this spell is the priest’s holy symbol.

Imbue With Spell Ability

Sphere: Charm
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Person touched
Saving Throw: None

By the use of this spell, the priest can transfer a limited number and selection of his currently memorized spells, and the ability to cast them, to another person. Only non-spellcasters (including rangers under 8th level and paladins under 9th level) can receive this bestowal; the imbue with spell ability enchantment does not function for those belonging to spellcasting classes, for unintelligent monsters, nor for any individual with less than 1 full Hit Die. In addition, the person thus imbued must have a Wisdom score of 9 or higher. Only priest spells of an informational or defensive nature or a cure light wounds spell can be transferred. Transferring any other spell type negates the entire attempt, including any allowable spells that were chosen. Higher level persons can receive more than one spell at the priest’s option:

Level of Recipient    Spells Imbued
1 One 1st-leve] spell
3 Two 1st-level spells
5 + Two 1st- and one 2nd-level spells

The transferred spell’s variable characteristics (range, duration, area of effect, etc.) function according to the level of the priest originally imbuing the spell.

A priest who casts imbue with spell ability upon another character loses the number of 1st- and 2nd-level spells he has imbued until the recipient uses the transferred spells or is slain. For example, a 7th-level priest with five 1st- and four 2nd-level spells imbues a 1Oth-level fighter with a cure light wounds spell and a slow poison spell. The cleric no w can have only four 1st-level spells memorized until the cure is cast and only three 2nd-level spells until the slow poison is cast, or until the fighter is killed. In the mean time, the priest remains responsible to his ethos for the use to which the spell is put.

The material components for this spell are the priest’s holy symbol, plus some minor item from the recipient that is symbolic of his profession (a lockpick for a thief, etc.). This item, and any material component for the imbued spell, is consumed when the imbue with spell ability spell is cast.

Hold Plant

Sphere: Plant
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.

The hold plant spell affects vegetable matter as follows: 1) it causes ambulatory vegetation to cease moving; 2) it prevents vegetable matter from entwining, grasping, closing, or growing; 3) it prevents vegetable matter from making any sound or movement that is not caused by wind. The spell effects apply to all forms of vegetation, including parasitic and fungoid types, and those magically animated or otherwise magically empowered. It affects such monsters as green slime, molds of any sort, shambling mounds, shriekers, treants, etc. The duration of a hold plant spell is one round per level of experience of the caster. It affects ld4 plants in a 40′ X 40′ area-or a square four to 16 yards on a side of small ground growth such as grass or mold. If but one plant (or four yards square) is chosen as the target for the spell by the caster, the saving throw of the plant (or area of plant growth) is made with a -4 penalty to the die roll; if two plants (or eight yards square) are the target, saving throws suffer a -2 penalty; if three plants (or 12 yards square) are the target, saving throws suffer a -1 penalty; and if the maximum of four plants (or 16 yards square) are the target, saving throws are unmodified.

Free Action

(Abjuration, Enchantment)

Sphere: Charm
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the creature touched to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that impedes movement (such as web or slow spells) or while under water. It even negates or prevents the effects of paralysis and l1old spells. Under water, the individual moves at normal (surface) speed and inflicts full damage, even with such cutting weapons as axes and swords and with such smashing weapons as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. The free action spell does not, however, a11ow water breathing without further appropriate magic.

The material component is a leather thong, bound around the arm or similar appendage, which disintegrates when the spell expires.

Spike Growth

Sphere: Plant
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3d4 turns +1/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 10-foot square/level
Saving Throw: None

Wherever any type of plant growth of moderate size or density is found, this spell can be used. The ground-covering vegetation or roots and rootlets in the area becomes very hard and sharply pointed. In effect the ground cover, while appearing to be unchanged, acts as if the area were strewn with caltrops. In areas of bare ground or earthen pits, roots and rootlets act in the same way. For each 10 feet of movement through the area, the victim suffers 2d4 points of damage. He must also roll a saving throw vs. spell. If this saving throw is failed, the victim’s movement rate is reduced by 1/3 from its current total (but a creature’s movement rate can never be less than 1). This penalty lasts for 24 hours, after which the character’s normal movement rate is regained.

Without the use of a spell such as true seeing, similar magical aids, or some other special means of detection (such as detect traps or detect snares and pits), an area affected by spike growth is absolutely undetectable as such until a victim enters the area and suffers damage. Even then, the creature cannot determine the extent of the perilous area unless some means of magical detection is used.

The components for this spell are the priest’s holy symbol and either seven sharp thorns or seven small twigs, each sharpened to a point.