AD&D 2nd Edition

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Tag Archives: Enchantment/Charm


Sphere: Plant
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent until triggered
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Area of Effect: 2′ diameter circle plus 1/6′ per level of the spellcaster
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the caster to make a snare that is 90% undetectable without magical aid. The snare can be made from any supple vine, a thong, or a rope. When the snare spell is cast upon it, the cordlike object blends with its surroundings. One end of the snare is tied in a loop that contracts around one or more of the limbs of any creature stepping inside the circle (note that the head of a worm or snake could be thus ensnared).

If a strong and supple tree is nearby, the snare can be fastened to it. The magic of the spell causes the tree to bend and then straighten when the loop is triggered, inflicting 1d6 points of damage to the creature trapped, and lifting it off the ground by the trapped member(s) (or strangling it if the head/neck triggered the snare). If no such sapling or tree is available, the cord-like object tightens upon the member(s), then wraps around the entire creature, causing no damage, but tightly binding it. Under water, the cord coils back upon its anchor point. The snare is magical, so for one hour it is breakable only by cloud giant or greater Strength (23); each hour thereafter, the snare material loses magic so as to become 1 point more breakable per hour – 22 after two hours, 21 after three, 20 after four – until six full hours have elapsed. At that time, 18 Strength will break the bonds. After 12 hours have elapsed, the materials of the snare lose all magical properties and the loop opens, freeing anything it held. The snare can be cut with any magical weapon, or with any edged weapon wielded with at least a +2 attack bonus (from Strength, for example).

The caster must have a snake skin and a piece of sinew from a strong animal to weave into the cord-like object from which he will make the snare. Only the caster’s holy symbol is otherwise needed.

Magical Vestment

Sphere: Protection
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

This spell enchants the casters’ vestment providing protection at least the equivalent of chain mail (AC 5). The vestment gains a +1 enchantment for each three levels of the priest beyond 5th level, to a maximum of AC 1 at 17th leveL. The magic lasts for five rounds per level of the caster, or until the caster loses consciousness. If the vestment is worn with other armors, only the best AC (either the armor or the vestment) is used – this protection is not cumulative with any other AC protection.

The material components are the vestment to be enchanted and the priest’s holy symbol, which are not expended.

Hold Animal

Sphere: Animal
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 to 4 animals in a 40-foot cube
Saving Throw: Neg.

By means of this spell, the caster holds one to four animals rigid. Animals affected are normal or giant-sized mammals, birds, or reptiles, but not monsters such as centaurs, gorgons, harpies, naga, etc. Apes, bears, crocodiles, dogs, eagles, foxes, giant beavers, and similar animals are subjects to this spell. The hold lasts for two rounds per caster level. The caster decides how many animals can be affected, but the greater the number, the better chance each has to successfully save against the spell. Each animal gets a saving throw: if only one is the subject of the spell, it has a penalty of -4 to its roll; if two are subject, each receives a penalty of -2 to its roll; if three are subject, each receives a penalty of -1 to its roll; if four are subject, each gets an unmodified saving throw.

A maximum body weight of 400 pounds (100 pounds for non mammals) per animal per caster level can be affected – e.g., an 8th-level caster can affect up to four 3,200-pound mammals or a like number of 800-pound nonmammals, such as birds or reptiles.


Sphere: Plant
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 object up to 10 feet long
Saving Throw: Neg.

This magic must be cast upon a normal object-a length of vine, a stick. a pole, a rope, or a similar object. The spell causes the object to rise slightly off the ground or floor it is resting on to trip most creatures crossing it, if they fail their saving throws vs. spell. Note that only as many creatures can be tripped as are actually stepping across the enchanted object. Thus a three-foot-long piece of rope could trip only one man-sized creature. Creatures moving at a very rapid pace (running) when tripped suffer 1 point of damage and are stunned for 1d4 + 1 rounds if the surface they fall upon is very hard (if it is turf or other soft material they are merely stunned for the rest of that round). Very large creatures, such a elephants, are not at all affected by a trip. The object continues to trip all creatures passing over it including the spellcaster, for a long as the spell duration lasts. A creature aware of the object and its potential add a +4 bonus to its saving throw roll when crossing the object. The enchanted object is 80% undetectable unless a means that detects magical traps is employed or the operation of the spell is observed. This spell does not function under water.

Snake Charm

Sphere: Animal
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 30-foot cube
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, a hypnotic pattern is set up that causes one or more snakes to cease all activity except a semi-erect, swaying movement. If the snakes are charmed while in a torpor, the duration of the spell is ld4 +2 turns; if the snakes are not torpid, but are not aroused and angry, the charm lasts ld3 turns; if the snakes are angry or attacking, the snake charm spell lasts ld4 + 4 rounds. The priest casting the spell can charm snakes whose total hit points are less than or equal to those of the priest. On the average, a 1st-level priest could charm snakes with a total of 4 or 5 hit points; a 2nd-level priest could charm 9 hit points, etc. The hit points can be those of a single snake or those of several of the reptiles, but the total hit points cannot exceed those of the priest casting the spell. A 23-hit point caster charming a dozen 2-hit point snakes would charm 11 of them. This spell is also effective against any ophidian or ophidianoid monster, such as naga, couatl, etc., subject to magic resistance, hit points, and so forth.

Variations of this spell may exist, allowing other creatures significant to a particular mythos to be affected. Your DM will inform you if such spells exist.


Sphere: Animal
Range: 20 yards/ level
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell enables the priest to call upon a tiny (size T) creature of at least animal intelligence to act as his messenger. The spell does not affect giant animals and it does not work on creatures of low (i.e., 5) Intelligence or higher. If the creature is within range, the priest, using some type of food desirable to the animal as a lure, can call the animal to come. The animal is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw is failed , the animal advances toward the priest and awaits his bidding. The priest can communicate with the animal in a crude fashion , telling it to go to a certain place, but directions must be simple. The spellcaster can attach some small item or note to the animal . If so instructed, the animal will then wait at that location until the duration of the spell expires. (Note that unless the intended recipient of a message is expecting a messenger in the form of a small animal or bird, the carrier may be ignored.) When the spell’s duration expires, the animal or bird returns to its normal activities. The intended recipient of a message gains no communication ability.

Hold Person

Sphere: Charm
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1d4 persons in a 20-foot cube
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell holds 1d4 humans, demihumans, or humanoid creatures rigidly immobile and in place for five or more rounds.

The hold person spell affects any bipedal human, demihuman, or humanoid of man-size or smaller, including brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, orcs, pixies, sprites, troglodytes, and others. Thus, a 10th-level fighter could be held, while an ogre could not.

The effect is centered on a point selected by the caster, and it affects persons selected by the caster within the area of effect. If the spell is cast at three persons, each gets a normal saving throw; if only two persons are being enspelled, each rolls his saving throw with a -1 penalty; if the spell is cast at but one person, the saving throw die roll suffers -2 penalty. Saving throws are adjusted for Wisdom. Those who succeed on their saving throws are totally unaffected by the spell. Undead creatures cannot be held.

Held creatures cannot move or speak, but they remain aware of events around them and can use abilities not requiring motion or speech. Being held does not prevent the worsening of the subjects’ condition due to wounds, disease, or poison. The priest casting the hold person spell can end the spell with a single utterance at any time; otherwise the duration is two rounds at 1st level, four rounds at 2nd level, six rounds at 3rd level, etc.

The spellcaster needs a small, straight piece of iron as the material component of this spell.


Sphere: Charm
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 90-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg.

A priest using this spell can enthrall an audience that can fully understand his language. Those in the area of effect must save vs. spell or give the caster their undivided attention, totally ignoring their surroundings. Those of a race or religion unfriendly to the caster’s have a +4 bonus to the roll. Any Wisdom adjustment also applies. Creatures with 4 or more levels or Hit Dice, or with a Wisdom of 16 or better, are unaffected.

To cast the spell, the caster must speak without interruption for a full round. Thereafter, the enchantment lasts as long as the priest speaks, to a maximum of one hour. Those enthralled take no action while the priest speaks, and for 1d3 rounds thereafter while they discuss the matter. Those entering the area of effect must also save or become enthralled. Those not enthralled are 50% likely every turn to hoot and jeer in unison. If there is excessive jeering, the rest are allowed a new saving throw. The speech ends (but the 1d3 round delay still applies) if the priest is successfully attacked or performs any action other than speaking.

If the audience is attacked, the spell ends and the audience reacts immediately, rolling a reaction check with respect to the source of the interruption, at a penalty of -10.

Note: When handling a large number of saving throws for similar creatures, the DM can assume an average to save time: e.g., a crowd of 20 men with a base saving throw of 16 (25% success chance) will have 15 men enthralled and five not.

Charm Person or Mammal

Sphere: Animal
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 person or mammal
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell affects any single person or mammal it is cast upon. The creature then regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The term person includes any bipedal human, demihuman or humanoid of man-size or smaller, including brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, orcs, pixies, sprites, troglodytes, and others. Thus, a 1Oth-level fighter is included, while an ogre is not.

The spell does not enable the caster to control the charmed creature as if it were an automaton, but any word or action of the caster is viewed in the most favorable way. Thus a charmed creature would not obey a suicide command, but might believe the caster if assured that the only chance to save the caster’s life is for the creature to hold back an onrushing red dragon for “just a round or two” and if the charmed creature’s view of the situation suggests that this course of action still allows a reasonable chance of survival.

The subject’s attitudes and priorities are changed with respect to the caster, but basic personality and alignment are not. A request that a victim make itself defenseless, give up a valued item, or even use a charge from a valued item (especially against former associates or allies) might allow an immediate saving throw to see if the charm is thrown off. Likewise, a charmed creature does not necessarily reveal everything it knows or draw maps of entire areas. Any request may be refused, if such refusal is in character and does not directly harm the caster. The victim’s regard for the caster does not necessarily extend to the caster’s friends or allies. The victim does not react well to the charmer’s allies making suggestions such as, “Ask him this question … ,” nor does the charmed creature put up with verbal or physical abuse from the charmer’s associates, if this is out of character.

Note also that the spell does not empower the caster with linguistic capabilities beyond those he normally has. The duration of the spell is a function of the charmed creature’s Intelligence, and it is tied to the saving throw. The spell can be broken if a successful saving throw is rolled. This saving throw is checked on a periodic basis according to the creature’s Intelligence, even if the caster has not overly strained the relationship.

Intelligence Score    Period Between Checks
3 or less 3 months
4 to 6 2 months
7 to 9 1 month
10 to 12 3 weeks
13 to 14 2 weeks
15 to 16 1 week
17 3 days
18 2 days
19 or more 1 day

If the caster harms, or attempts to harm, the charmed creature by some overt action, or if a dispel magic spell is successfully cast upon the charmed creature, the charm is broken automatically.

If the subject of the charm person/charm mammal spell successfully rolls its saving throw vs. the spell, the effect is negated. This spell, if used in conjunction with the animal friendship spell, can keep the animal near the caster’s home base, if the caster must leave for an extended period.

Pass Without Trace

Sphere: Plant
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the recipient can move through any type of terrain – mud, snow dust, etc. – and leave neither footprints nor scent. The are that is passed over radiates magic for 1d6 turns after the affected creature passes. Thus, tracking a person or other creature covered by the spell is impossible by normal means. Of course, intelligent tracking techniques, such as using a spiral search pattern, can result is the trackers picking up the trail at a point where the spell has worn off.

The material component of this spell is a sprig of pine or evergreen, which must be burned and the ashes powdered and scattered when the spell is cast.