AD&D 2nd Edition

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Tag Archives: Enchantment/Charm


Range: 30 yards 
Components: V, S, M 
Duration: 2 hrs/level 
Casting Time: 1 hr
Area of Effect: 10 ft cube or one item 
Saving Throw: Special

This spell allows the wizard to set certain vibration to emanate from an object or location that tend to either repel or attract a specific type of intelligent creature or characters of a particular alignment. The wizard must decide which effect is desired with regard to what creature type or alignment before beginning the spellcasting, for the components of each application differ. The spell cannot be cast upon living creatures. Antipathy: This spell causes the affected creature or alignment type to feel an overpowering urge to leave the area or to not touch the affected item. If a saving throw vs. spell is successful, the creature can stay in the area or touch the item, but the creature will feel very uncomfortable, and a persistent itching will cause it to suffer the loss of 1 point of Dexterity per round (for the spell’s duration), subject to a maximum loss of 4 points and a minimum Dexterity of 3. Failure to save vs. spell forces the being to abandon the area or item, shunning it permanently and never willingly returning to it until the spell is removed or expires. The material component for this application of the spell is a lump of alum soaked in vinegar. Sympathy: By casting the sympathy application of the spell, the wizard can cause a particular type of creature or alignment of character to feel elated and pleased to be in an area or touching or possessing an object or item. The desire to stay in the area or touch the object is overpowering. Unless a saving throw vs. spell is successfully rolled, the creature or character will stay or refuse to release the object. If the saving throw is successful, the creature or character is released from the enchantment, but a subsequent saving throw must be made 1d6 turns later. If this saving throw fails, the affected creature will return to the area or object. The material components of this spell are 1,000 gp worth of crushed pearls and a drop of honey. Note that the particular type of creature to be affected must be named specifically-for example, red dragons, hill giants, wererats, lammasu, catoblepas, vampires, etc. Likewise, the specific alignment must be named-for example, chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful neutral, true neutral, etc. If this spell is cast upon an area, a 10 foot cube can be enchanted for each experience level of the caster. If an object or item is enchanted, only that single thing can be enchanted; affected creatures or characters save vs. spell with a -2 penalty.

Shadow Walk

Range: Touch 
Components: V, S 
Duration: 6 turns/level 
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special 
Saving Throw: None

In order to use the shadow walk spell, the wizard must be in an area of heavy shadows. The caster and any creature he touches are then transported to the edge of the Prime Material Plane where it borders the Demiplane of Shadow. In this region, the wizard can move at a rate of up to 7 miles per turn, moving normally on the borders of the Demiplane of Shadow but much more rapidly relative to the Prime Material Plane. Thus, a wizard can use this spell to travel rapidly by stepping onto the Demiplane of Shadow, moving the desired distance, and then stepping back onto the Prime Material Plane. The wizard knows where he will come out on the Prime Material Plane. The shadow walk spell can also be used to travel to other planes that border on the Demiplane of Shadow, but this requires the potentially perilous transit of the Demiplane of Shadow to arrive at a border with another plane of reality. Any creatures touched by the wizard when shadow walk is cast also make the transition to the borders of the Demiplane of Shadow. They may opt to follow the wizard, wander off through the plane, or stumble back into the Prime Material Plane (50% chance for either result if they are lost or abandoned by the wizard). Creatures unwilling to accompany the wizard into the Demiplane of Shadow receive a saving throw, negating the effect if successful.

Charm Plants

Range: 30 yards 
 V, S, M 
Casting Time:
1 turn
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw:

The charm plants spell enables the spellcaster to bring under command vegetable lifeforms and communicate with them. These plants obey instructions to the best of their ability. This spell will charm plants and a 30′ x 10′ area. While the spell does not endow the vegetation with new abilities, it does enable the wizard to command the plants to use whatever they have in order to fulfill his instructions; if the plants in the area of effect do have special or unusual abilities, these are used as commanded by the wizard. For example, the spell can generally duplicate the effects of the 1st-level priest spell entangle, if the caster desires. The saving throw applies only to intelligent plants, and it is made with a -4 penalty to the die roll.

The material components of the spell are a pinch of humus, a drop of water, and a twig or leaf.

Mass Suggestion

Range: 30 yards
Components: V, M
Duration: 4 turns + 4 turns/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature/level
Saving Throw: Neg.

The mass suggestion spell enables the wizard to influence the actions of one or more chosen creatures in the same way as the suggestion spell. Up to one creature per experience level of the caster can be influenced, provided that all subject creatures are within the 30 yard range. Undead are not subject to this spell. The suggestion must be reasonably worded and understood by the creatures, and must be the same for all hearing it. Creatures successfully saving vs. spell are unaffected. Saving throws against the spell suffer a penalty of -1, and if a single creature is to be affected, its saving throw suffers a -4 penalty. Note that a very reasonable mass suggestion can cause the saving throw to be made with an additional penalty (such as -1, -2, etc.), at the discretion of your DM. A mass suggestion can continue in effect for a considerable duration, at the DM’s discretion. Conditions that will trigger a special action can also be specified; if the condition is not met before the spell expires, the action will not be performed. The material components of this spell are a snake’s tongue and either a bit of honeycomb or a drop of sweet oil.

Guards and Wards

Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hr/level
Casting Time: 3 turns
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This special and powerful spell is primarily used to defend the wizard’s stronghold. The ward protects a one-story stronghold, with a base dimension of 400 feet x 400 feet. The wizard can ward a multistory area by reducing the base area proportionately. The following take place in the warded area upon casting the spell:

  1. All corridors become misty; visibility is reduced to 10 feet.
  2. All doors are wizard locked.
  3. Stairs are filled with webs from top to bottom. These act as the 2nd level web spell, except that they regrow within one turn if destroyed.
  4. Where there are choices in direction-such as a cross or side passage-a minor confusion-type spell functions so as to make it 50% probable that intruders believe they are going in the exact opposite direction.
  5. The whole area radiates magic. The normal use of the detect magic spell becomes impossible for those of less than the caster’s level and difficult for others.
  6. One door per level of experience of the wizard is covered by an illusion to appear as if it were a plain wall.
  7. The wizard can place one of the following additional magical effects:
    1. Dancing lights in 4 corridors.
    2. A magic mouth in 2 places.
    3. A stinking cloud in 2 places.
    4. A gust of wind in one corridor or room.
    5. A suggestion in one place.

Note that items 6 and 7 function only when the wizard is totally familiar with the area of the spell’s effect. Dispel magic can remove one effect, at random, per casting. A remove curse spell will not work. The material components of the spell are burning incense, a small measure of sulphur and oil, a knotted string, a small amount of umber hulk blood, and a small silver rod.


Range: 10 yards
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

A geas spell places a magical command upon a creature (usually human or humanoid) to carry out some service, or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by the spellcaster. The creature must be intelligent, conscious, under its own volition, and able to understand the caster. While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill itself or perform acts that are likely to result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of action. The geased creature must follow the given instructions until the geas is completed. Failure to do so will cause the creature to grow sick and die within 1d4 weeks. Deviation from or twisting of the instructions causes a corresponding loss of Strength points until the deviation ceases. A geas can be done away with by a wish spell, but a dispel magic or remove curse spell will not negate it. Your DM will decide any additional details of a geas, for its casting and fulfillment are tricky, and an improperly cast geas is ignored.


Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/3 levels
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

An eyebite spell enables the caster to merely meet the gaze of a creature and speak a single word to cause an effect. This gaze attack is in addition to any other attacks allowed to the wizard. The wizard selects one of four possible gaze attacks at the time the spell is cast, and this attack cannot be changed. For example, a 12th level caster who chose fear would have four opportunities to make gaze attacks causing fear, one for each round of the spell’s duration. Any gaze attack is negated by a successful saving throw vs. spell, with Wisdom adjustments. The four effects of the spell are as follows: Charm: The wizard can charm a single person or monster by gaze and by uttering a single word. The effect is to make the charmed subject absolutely loyal and docile to the caster, even to the point of personal danger. It is otherwise the same as a charm monster spell. All creatures other than humans, demihumans, and humanoids save with +2 bonuses. Fear: The wizard can cause fear by gaze and by speaking a single word. The subject flees in blind terror for 1d4 rounds. After this, the creature refuses to face the caster and cowers or bolts for the nearest cover if subsequently confronted by the caster (50% chance of either). The latter effect lasts one turn per caster level. This attack can be negated by spells that counter fear. Sicken: This power enables the caster to merely gaze, speak, a word, and cause sudden pain and fever to sweep over the subject’s body. Creatures with ability scores function at half effectiveness; others inflict only one-half damage with physical attacks. Movement is at one half normal rate. The subject remains stricken for one turn per level of the caster, after which all abilities return at the rate of one point per turn of complete rest or one point per hour of moderate activity. The effects cannot be negated by a cure disease or heal spell, but a remove curse or successful dispel magic spell is effective. Creatures other than humans, demihumans, and humanoids save with +2 bonuses verses this attack. Sleep: The wizard can cause any individual to fall into a comatose slumber by means of a gaze and a single word, unless the subject successfully rolls its saving throw vs. spell. Creatures normally subject to a 1st level sleep spell save with -2 penalties. An affected creature must be shaken or otherwise shocked back to consciousness. In all cases, the gaze attack has a speed factor of 1. This spell does not affect undead of any type, or extend beyond the plane occupied by the caster. Note that the caster is subject to the effects of his reflected gaze and is allowed any applicable saving throw. In the case of a reflected charm gaze, the caster is paralyzed until it wears off or is countered.

Enchant an Item

Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: 1 item
Saving Throw: Neg.

This is a spell that must be used by a wizard planning to create a magical item. The enchant an item spell prepares the object to accept the magic. The item must meet the following tests: l) it must be in sound and undamaged condition; 2) the item must be the finest possible, considering its nature, i.e., crafted of the highest quality material and with the finest workmanship; and 3) its cost or value must reflect the second test, and in most cases the item must have a raw-materials cost in excess of 100 gp. With respect to requirement 3, it is not possible to apply this test to items such as ropes, leather goods, cloth, and pottery not normally embroidered, bejeweled, tooled, carved, or engraved. If such work or materials can be added to an item without weakening or harming its normal functions, however, these are required for the item to be enchanted. The wizard must have access to a workshop or laboratory, properly equipped and from which contaminating magic can be screened. Any magical item not related to the fabrication process (such as most protective devices) and within 30 feet of the materials is a source of contaminating magic and will spoil the process. The item to be prepared must be touched by the spellcaster. This touching must be constant and continual during the casting time, which is a base 16 hours plus an additional 8d8 hours (as the wizard may never work more than 8 hours per day, and haste or any other spells will not alter the time required in any way, this effectively means that casting time for this spell is 2 days + 1d8 days). All work must be uninterrupted, and during rest periods the item being enchanted must never be more than 1 foot distant from the spellcaster; if it is, the whole spell is sp0oiled and must be begun again. (Note that during rest periods absolutely no other form of magic can be performed, and the wizard must remain quiet and in isolation or the enchantment is ruined). At the end of the spell, the caster will know that the item is ready for the final test. He will then pronounce the final magical syllable, and if the item makes a saving throw (which is exactly the same as that of the wizard) vs. spell, the spell is completed. The spellcaster’s saving throw bonuses also apply to the item, up to +3. A result of 1 on the 1d20 roll always results in failure, regardless of modifications. Once the spell is finished, the wizard can begin to place the desired spell upon the item. The spell he plans to place must be cast within 24 hours or the preparatory spell fades, and the item must be enchanted again. Each spell subsequently cast upon an object bearing an enchant an item spell requires 2d4 hours per spell level of the magic being cast. Again, during casting the item must be touched by the wizard, and during the rest periods it must always be within 1 foot of his person. This procedure holds true for any additional spells placed upon the item, and each successive spell must be begun within 24 hours of the last, even if the prior spell failed. No magic placed on an item is permanent unless a permanency spell is used as a finishing touch. This always runs a 5% risk of draining 1 point of Constitution from the wizard casting the spell. Also, while it is possible to tell when the basic spell (enchant an item) succeeds, it is not possible to tell if successive castings actually work, for each must make the same sort of saving throw as the item itself made. Naturally, an item that is charged-a rod, staff, wand, javelin of lightning, ring of wishes, etc.-can never be made permanent. Magical devices cannot be used to enchant an item or cast magic upon an object so prepared, but scrolls can be used for this purpose. The materials needed for this spell vary according to both the nature of the item being enchanted and the magic to be cast upon it. For example, a cloak of displacement might require the hides of one or more displace beasts, a sword meant to slay dragons could require the blood and some other part of the type(s) of dragon(s) it will be effective against, and a ring of shooting stars might require pieces of meteorites and the horn of ki-rin. These specifics, as well as other information pertaining to this spell, are decided by the DM and must be discovered or researched in play.

Leomund’s Lamentable Belaborment

Range: 10 yds
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures in a 10 ft radius
Saving Throw: Special

This devious spell distracts the subject creatures by drawing them into an absorbing discussion on topic of interest to them. A chain of responses occurs during the next 11 rounds, with additional saving throws as described later. These responses are conversation (rounds 1-3), possible confusion (rounds 4-6), and then either rage or lamentation (rounds 7-11). All saving throws are affected by the creatures’ Intelligences, as noted later. The subject creatures must be able to understand the language in which the spellcaster speaks. Upon casting the spell, the wizard begins discussion of some topic germane to the creature or creatures to be affected. Those making a successful saving throw vs. spell are unaffected. Affected creatures immediately begin to converse with the spellcaster, agreeing or disagreeing, all most politely. As long as the spellcaster chooses, he can maintain the spell by conversing with the subject(s). If the caster is attacked or otherwise distracted, the subject creatures do not notice.

Intelligence      Saving Throw Modifier
2 or less Spell has no effect
3-7 -1
8-10 0
11-14 +1
15+ +2

The wizard can leave at any time after the casting and the subject(s) continue on as if the caster were still present. As long as they are not attacked, the creatures ignore all else going on around them, spending their time talking and arguing to the exclusion of other activities. However, when the caster leaves, each subject completes only the stage of the spell that it is currently in, and then the spell is broken. If the caster maintains the spell for more than three rounds, each affected creature can roll another saving throw vs. spell. Those failing to save wander off in confusion for 1d10+2 rounds, staying away from the spellcaster. Those who make this saving throw continue to talk and roll saving throws for each round that the caster continues the spell, up through the 6th round, to avoid the confusion effect. If the spell is maintained for more than 6 rounds, each subject must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell to avoid going into a rage, attacking all other subjects of the spell with intent to kill. this rage lasts for 1d4+1 rounds. Those who successfully save against the rage effect realize that they have been deceived and collapse to the ground, lamenting their foolishness, for 1d4 rounds unless attacked or otherwise disturbed.

Hold Monster

Range: 5 yds/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1-4 creatures in a 40 ft cube
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell immobilizes from one to four creatures of any type within spell range and in sight of the spellcaster. He can opt to hold one, two, three, or four creatures. If three or four are attacked, each saving throw is normal; if two are attacked, each saving throw suffers a -1 penalty; if only one is attacked, the saving throw suffers a -3 penalty. The material component for this spell is one hard metal bar or rod for each monster to be held. The bar or rod can be as small as a three-penny nail.