AD&D 2nd Edition

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Tag Archives: Evocation


Sphere: Sun
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 + 1d4 rounds
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 5-foot-radius sphere (plus special)
Saving Throw: Special

With this spell, the caster can evoke a dazzling beam of light each round in which no action other than movement is performed. The sunray is like a ray of natural sunlight . All creatures in the 10-foot-diameter area of effect must roll successful saving throws vs. spell or be blinded for 1d3 rounds, those using infraviskon at the time for 2d4 rounds. Creatures to whom sunlight is harmful or unnatural suffer permanent blindness if the saving throw is failed, and are blinded for 2d6 rounds if the saving throw is successful. Those within its area of effect, as well as creatures within 20 feet of its perimeter, lose any infravision capabilities for 1d4 +1 rounds.

Undead caught within the sunray’s area of effect receive 8d6 points of damage, one-half if a saving throw vs. spell is successful. Those undead 20 feet to either side of the sun ray’s area of effect receive 3d6 points of damage, no damage if a save is successful. In addition, the ray may result in the total destruction of those undead specifically affected by sunlight, if their saving throws are failed. The ultraviolet light generated by the spell inflicts damage on fungoid creatures and subterranean fungi just as if they were undead, but no saving throw is allowed.

The material components are an aster seed and a piece of aventurine feldspar (sunstone).

Fire Storm

Sphere: Elemental (Fire)
Range: 160 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 20-foot cube / level, minimum 16 10-foot cubes
Saving Throw: 1/2

When a fire storm spell is cast, the whole area is shot through with sheets of roaring flame that equal a wall of fire spell in effect. Creatures within the area of fire and 10 feet or less from the edge of the affected area receive 2d8 points of damage plus additional damage equal to the caster’s level (2d8 +1/level). Creatures that roll successful saving throws vs. spell suffer only one-half damage. The damage is inflicted each round the creature stays in the area of effect. The area of effect is equal to two 10′ x 10′ cubes per level of the caster – e.g., a 13th-level caster can cast a fire storm measuring 130′ x 20′ x 10′. The height of the storm is 10 or 20 feet; the balance of its area must be in length and width.

The reverse spell, fire quench, smothers twice the area of effect of a fire storm with respect to normal fires, and the normal area of effect with respect to magical fires. Fire-based creatures, such as elementals, salamanders, etc., of less than demigod status have a a 5% chance per experience level of the caster of being extinguished. If cast only against a flametongue sword, the sword must roll a successful saving throw vs. crushing blow or be rendered nonmagical. Such a sword in the possession of a creature first receives the creature’s saving throw, and if this is successful, the second saving throw is automatically successful.


Sphere: Charm, Summoning
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is employed, the priest confronts some powerful creature from another plane (including devas and other powerful minions, for instance, but not demigods or deities of any sort) and requires of it some duty or quest. A creature of an alignment opposed to the priest (e.g., evil if the priest is good, chaotic if the priest is lawful) cannot be ordered around unless it is willing. Note that an absolute (true) neutral creature is effectively opposed to both good and evil, and both law and chaos.

The spellcaster must know something about the creature to exact service from it, or else he must offer some fair trade in return for the service. That is, if the priest is aware that the creature has received some favor from someone of the priest’s alignment, then the exaction spell can name this as cause; if no balancing reason for service is known, then some valuable gift or service must be pledged in return for the exaction. The service exacted must be reasonable with respect to the past or promised favor or reward, and with the being’s effort and risk. The spell then acts, subject to a magic resistance roll, as a quest upon the being that is to perform the required service. Immediately upon completion of the service, the being is transported to the vicinity of the priest, and the priest must then and there return the promised reward, whether it is irrevocable cancellation of a past debt or the giving of some service or other material reward. After this is done, the creature is instantly freed to return to its own plane.

The DM adjudicates when an equitable arrangement has been reached. If the caster requests too much, the creature is free to depart or to attack the priest (as if the agreement were breached) according to its nature. If circumstances leave the situation unbalanced (for example, the creature dies while achieving a result that was not worth the creature dying), then this might create a debt owed by the caster to the creature’s surviving kith and kin, making the caster vulnerable to a future exaction from that quarter. Agreeing to a future exaction or release in the event of catastrophic failure or death are common caster pledges in securing an exaction.

Failure to fulfill the promise to the letter results in the priest being subject to exaction by the subject creature or by its master, liege, etc., at the very least. At worst, the creature may attack the reneging priest without fear of any of his spells affecting it, for the priest’s failure to live up to the bargain gives the creature total immunity from the priest’s spell powers.

The material components of this spell are the priest’s holy symbol, some matter or substance from the plane of the creature from whom an exaction is expected, and knowledge of the creature’s nature or actions that is written out on a parchment that is burned to seal the pledge.

Chariot Of Sustarre

Sphere: Elemental (Fire), Creation
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 12 hours
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, it brings forth a large, flaming chariot pulled by two fiery horses from the elemental plane of Fire. These appear in a clap of thunder amid a cloud of smoke. The vehicle moves at 24 on the ground, 48 flying, and can carry the caster and up to seven other creatures of man-size or less (the passengers must be touched by the caster to protect them from the flames of the chariot). Creatures other than the caster and his designated passengers sustain 2d4 points of fire damage each round if they come within five feet of the horses or chariot. Such creatures suffer no damage if they evade the area by rolling successful saving throws vs. petrification, with Dexterity adjustments.

The caster controls the chariot by verbal command, causing the flaming steeds to stop or go, walk, trot, run or fly, and turn left or right as he desires. Note that the chariot of Sustarre is a physical manifestation and can sustain damage. The vehicle and steeds are struck only by magical weapons or by water (one quart of which inflicts 1 point of damage), they are Armor Class 2, and each requires 30 points of damage to dispel. Naturally, fire has absolutely no effect upon either the vehicle or its steeds, but magical fires other than those of the chariot can affect the riders. Other spells, such as a successful dispel magic or holy word, will force the chariot back to its home plane, without its passengers. The chariot can be summoned only once per week.

The material components are a small piece of wood, two holly berries, and a fire source at least equal to a torch.


Sphere: Plant, Creation
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The caster’s staff
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster is able to change a specially prepared staff into a treant-like creature of the largest size (about 24 feet tall ). When the priest plants the end of the staff in the ground and speaks a special command and invocation, the staff turns into a treant-like creature with 12 Hit Dice, 40 hit points, and Armor Class 0. It attacks twice per round, inflicting 4d6 points of damage with every successful attack. The staff-treant defends the caster and obeys any spoken commands. However, it is by no means a true treant; it cannot converse with actual treants or control trees. The transformation lasts either for as many turns as the caster has experience levels, until the caster commands the staff to return to its true form, or until the staff is destroyed, whichever occurs first. If the staff-treant is reduced to 0 hit points or less, it crumbles to a sawdust-like powder and the staff is destroyed. Otherwise, the staff can be used again after 24 hours and the staff-treant is at full strength.

To cast a changestaff spell, the caster must have either his holy symbol or leaves (ash, oak, or yew) of the same sort as the staff.

The staff for the changestaff spell must be specially prepared. The staff must be a sound limb cut from an ash, oak, or yew tree struck by lightning no more than 24 hours before the limb is cut. The limb must then be cured by sun drying and special smoke for 28 days. Then it must be shaped, carved, and polished for another 28 days. The caster cannot adventure or engage in other strenuous activity during either of these periods. The finished staff, engraved with woodland scenes, is then rubbed with the juice of holly berries, and the end of it is thrust into the earth of the caster’s grove while he casts a speak with plant spell, calling upon the staff to assist in time of need. The item is then charged with a magic that will last for many changes from staff to treant and back again.

Heroes’ Feast

Sphere: Creation
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 individual/level
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the priest to bring forth a great feast that serves as many creatures as the priest has levels of experience. The spell creates a magnificent table, chairs, service, and all the necessary food and drink. The feast takes one full hour to consume, and the beneficial effects do not set in until after this hour is over. Those partaking of the feast are cured of all diseases, are immune to poison for 12 hours, and are healed of 1d4 +4 points of damage after imbibing the nectar-like beverage that is part of the feast. The ambrosia-like food that is consumed is equal to a bless spell that lasts for 12 hours. Also, during this same period, the people who consumed the feast are immune to fear, hopelessness, and panic. If the feast is interrupted for any reason, the spell is ruined and all effects of the spell are negated.

The material components of the spell are the priest’s holy symbol and specially fermented honey taken from the cells of bee larvae destined for royal status.

Blade Barrier

Sphere: Guardian, Creation
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

The priest employs this spell to set up a ‘””aJl of circling, razor-sharp blades. These whirl and flash around a central point, creating an immobile barrier. Any creature that attempts to pass through the blade barrier suffers 8d8 points of damage in doing so. The plane of rotation of the blades can be horizontal, vertical, or in between. Creatures within the area of the barrier when it is invoked are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. If this is successful, the blades are avoided and no damage is suffered; the creature escapes the area of the blade barrier by the shortest possible route. The barrier remains for three rounds for every experience level of the priest casting it. The barrier can cover any area from as small as five feet square to as large as 60 feet square.


Sphere: Weather, Sun
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

In order to cast this spell, the priest must be in sight of a rainbow of any sort, or have a special component (see below). The rainbow spell has two applications, and the priest can choose the desired one at the time of casting. These applications are as follows:

Bow: The spell creates a shimmering, multi-layered short composite bow of rainbow hues. It is light and easy to pull, so that any character can use it without penalty for non-proficiency. It is magical: Each of its shimmering missiles is the equivalent of a +2 weapon, including attack and damage bonuses. Magic resistance can negate the effect of any missile fired from the bow. The bow fires seven missiles before disappearing. It can be fired up to four times per round. Each time a missile is fired, one hue leaves the bow, corresponding to the color of arrow that is released. Each color of arrow has the ability to cause double damage to certain creatures, as follows:

Red – fire dwellers/ users and fire elementals
Orange – creatures or constructs of clay, sand, earth, stone or similar materials, and earth elementals
Yellow – vegetable opponents (including fungus creatures, shambling mounds, treants, etc.)
Green – aquatic creatures and water elementals
Blue – aerial creatures, electricity-using creatures, and air elementals
Indigo – acid-using or poison-using creatures
Violet – metallic or regenerating creatures

When the bow is drawn, an arrow of the appropriate color magically appears, nocked and ready. If no color is requested, or a color that has already been used is asked for, then the next arrow (In the order of the spectrum) appears.

Bridge: The caster causes the rainbow to form a seven-hued bridge up to three feet wide per level of the caster. It must be at least 20 feet long and can be as long as 120 yards, according to the caster’s desire. It lasts as long as the spell duration or until ordered out of existence by the caster.

The components for this spell are the priest’s holy symbol and a vial of holy water. If no rainbow is in the vicinity, the caster can substitute a diamond of not less than 1,000 gp value, specially prepared with bless and prayer spells while in sight of a rainbow. The holy water and diamond disappear when the spell is cast.


Sphere: Sun
Range: 60 yards +10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 5-foot-radius sphere (plus special)
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster is able to cause a beam of soft, pale light to strike downward from overhead and illuminate whatever area he is pointing at. The light is exactly the same as moonlight, so that colors other than shades of black, gray, or white are vague. The spell caster can easily make the moonbeam move to any area that he can see and point to. This makes the spell an effective way to spotlight something, an opponent, for example. While the moonbeam spell does not eliminate all shadows, a creature centered in a moonbeam is most certainly visible. The reflected light from this spell enables dim visual perception 10 yards beyond the area of effect, but it does not shed a telltale glow that would negate surprise. The light does not adversely affect infravision. The caster can dim the beam to near darkness if desired. The beam has, in addition, all the properties of true moonlight and can induce a lycanthropic change (while in the beam), unless your DM rules otherwise.

The material components are several seeds of any moonseed plant and a piece of opalescent feldspar (moonstone).

Flame Strike

Sphere: Combat
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 5-foot radius by 30-foot-high column
Saving Throw: 1/2

When the priest calls down a flame strike spell, a vertical column of fire roars downward in the exact location called for by the caster. Any creature within the area of effect of a flame strike must roll a saving throw vs. spell. Failure means the creature sustains 6d8 points of damage; otherwise, the damage is halved.

The material component of this spell is a pinch of sulphur.