AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Tag Archives: Illusion/Phantasm

Leomund’s Trap

Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Area of Effect: Object touched
Saving Throw: None

This false trap is designed to fool a thief or other character attempting to pilfer the spellcaster’s goods. The wizard places the spell upon any small mechanism or device, such as a lock, hinge, hasp, screw-on cap, ratchet, etc. Any character able to detect traps, or who uses any spell or device enabling trap detection, is 100% certain a real trap exists. Of course, the spell is illusory and nothing happens if the trap is sprung; its primary purpose is to frighten away thieves or make them waste precious time. The material component of the spell is a piece of iron pyrite touched to the object to be trapped while the object is sprinkled with a special dust requiring 200 gp to prepare. If another Leomund’s trap is within 50 feet when the spell is cast, the casting fails.


Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell causes the creature touched to vanish from sight and be undetectable by normal vision or even infravision. Of course, the invisible creature is not magically silenced, and certain other condition can render the creature detectable. Even allies cannot see the invisible creature or his gear, unless these allies can normally see invisible things or employ magic to do so. Items dropped or put down by the invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Note, however, that light never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source.) The spell remains in effect until it is magically broken or dispelled, until the wizard or recipient cancels it, until the recipient attacks any creature, or until 24 hours have passed. Thus, the invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, etc., but if he attacks, he immediately becomes visible, although the invisibility enables him to attack first. Note that the priest spells bless, chant, and prayer are not attacks for this purpose. All highly Intelligent (Intelligence 13 or more) creatures with 10 or more Hit Dice or levels of experience have a chance to detect invisible objects (they roll saving throws vs. spell; success means they noticed the invisible object). The material components of the invisibility spell are an eyelash and a bit of gum arabic, the former encased in the latter.

Improved Phantasmal Force

Range: 60 yds + 10 yds/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 200 sq. ft + 50 sq.ft./level
Saving Throw: Special

Like the 1st-level phantasmal force spell, this spell creates the illusion of any object, creature, or force, as long as it is within the spell’s area of effect. The spellcaster can maintain the illusion with minimal concentration; thus, he can move at half normal speed (but not cast other spells). Some minor sounds are included in the effects of the spell, but not understandable speech. Also, the improved phantasm continues for two rounds after the wizard ceases to concentrate upon it. The material component is a bit of fleece.

Hypnotic Pattern

Range: 30 yds
Components: S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 30 ft. cube
Saving Throw: Neg.

When this spell is cast, the wizard creates a weaving, twisting pattern of subtle colors in the air. This pattern causes any creature looking at it to become fascinated and stand gazing at it as long as the spellcaster maintains the display, plus two rounds thereafter. The spell can captivate a maximum of 24 levels, or Hit Dice, or creatures (for example, 24 creatures with 1 Hit Die each, 12 with 2 Hit Dice, etc). All creatures affected must be within the area of effect, and each is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. A damage-inflicting attack on an affected creature frees it from the spell immediately. The wizard need not utter a sound, but he must gesture appropriately while holding a glowing stick of incense or a crystal rod filled with phosphorescent material.

Fool’s Gold

Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hr/level
Casting Time: 1 rd
Area of Effect: 10 cu in/level
Saving Throw: Special

Copper coins can temporarily be changed to gold pieces, or brass items turned to solid gold, for the spell duration by means of this magic. the area of effect is 10 cubic inches per level – i.e., a 1 inch x 1 inch x 10 inch volume or equivalent, equal to about 150 gold coins. Any creature viewing the “gold” is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell, which can be modified by the creature’s Wisdom; for every level of the wizard, the creature must subtract 1 from his dice roll. Thus, it is unlikely that fools’ gold will be detected if created by a high-level caster. If the “gold” is struck hard by an object of cold-wrought iron, there is a slight chance it will revert to its natural state, depending on the material component used to create the “gold”. If a 25 gp citrine is powdered and sprinkled over the metal as this spell is cast, the chance that cold iron will return it to its true nature is 30%; if a 50 gp amber stone is powdered and used, the chance drops to 25%; if a 250 gp topaz is powdered and used, the chance drops to 10%; and if a 500 gp oriental (corundum) topaz is powdered and used, there is only a 1% chance that the cold iron will reveal that it is fools’ gold.


Range: 60 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

The deafness spell causes the recipient to become totally deaf and unable to hear any sounds. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. An affected creature has a -1 penalty to its surprise rolls unless its other senses are unusually keen. Deafened spellcasters have a 20% chance to miscast any spell with a verbal component. This deafness can be done away with only by means of a dispel magic spell or by the spellcaster. The material component of this spell is beeswax.


Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

When a blur spell is cast, the wizard causes the outline of his form to become blurred, shifting and wavering. This distortion causes all missile and melee combat attacks against the caster to be made with -4 penalties on the first attempt and -2 penalties on all successive attacks. It also grants the wizard a +1 bonus to his saving throw for any direct magical attack. A detect invisibility spell will not counter this effect, but the 5th level priest spell true seeing and similar magic will.


Range: 30 yds + 10 yds/level
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

The blindness spell causes the victim to become blind, able to see only a grayness before its eyes. Various cure spells will not remove this effect, and only a dispel magic or the spellcaster can do away with the blindness if the creature fails its initial saving throw vs. spell. A blinded creature suffers a -4 penalty to its attack rolls, and its opponents gain a +4 bonus to their attack rolls.


Range: 10 yds/level, max 90 yds
Components: V, M
Duration: 4 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature or object
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell enables the wizard to make his voice – or someone else’s voice – or a similar sound seem to issue from someplace else, such as from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage, etc. The spellcaster can speak in any language that he knows, or make any sound that he can normally make. With respect to such voices and sounds, anyone rolling a successful saving throw vs. spell with a -2 penalty detects the ruse. If cast in conjunction with other illusions, the DM may rule greater penalties or disallow an independent saving throw against this spell in consideration of its contribution to the total effect of the combined illusion. The material component of this spell is a parchment rolled up into a small cone.


Range: 30 ft
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

A spook spell enables the wizard to play upon natural fears to cause the target creature to perceive the spellcaster as someone or something inimical. Without actually knowing what this is, the wizard merely advances threateningly upon the creature. If the creature does not make a successful saving throw vs. spell, it turns and flees at maximum speed as far from the wizard as possible, though items carried are not dropped. The creature has a saving throw penalty of -1 for every 2 experience levels of the caster, to a maximum of -6 at 12th level. Note that a natural (unmodified) roll of 20 automatically succeeds, regardless of saving throw penalties. Although the caster does not actually pursue the fleeing creature, a phantasm from its own mind does. Each round after the initial casting, the creature receives another saving throw, without penalty, until it successfully saves and the spell is broken. In any event, the spell functions only against creatures with Intelligences of 2 or more, and undead are not affected at all.