AD&D 2nd Edition

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Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

A symbol spell creates magical runes affecting creatures that pass over, touch, or read the runes, or pass through a portal upon which the symbol is inscribed. Upon casting the spell, the wizard inscribes the symbol upon whatever surface he desires. Likewise, the spellcaster is able to place the symbol of his choice, using any one of the following:

Death One or more creatures, whose total hit points do not exceed 80, are slain.
Discord All creatures are affected and immediately fall to loud bickering and arguing; there is a 50% probability that creatures of different alignments attack each other. The bickering lasts for 5d4 rounds, the fighting for 2d4 rounds.
Fear This symbol creates an extra-strong fear spell, causing all creatures to save vs. spell with -4 penalties to the die roll, or panic and flee as if attacked by a fear spell.
Hopelessness All creatures are affected and must turn back in dejection unless they save vs. spell. Affected creatures submit to the demand of any opponent-for example, surrender, get out, etc. The hopelessness lasts for 3d4 turns; during this period it is 25% probable that affected creatures take no action during any round, and 25% likely that those taking action turn back or retire from battle, as applicable.
Insanity One or more creatures whose total hit points do not exceed 120 become insane and remain so, acting as if a confusion spell had been placed upon them, until a heal, restoration, or wish spell is used to remove the madness.
Pain All creatures are afflicted with wracking pains shooting through their bodies, causing a -2 penalty to Dexterity and a -4 penalty to attack rolls for 2d10 turns.
Sleep All creatures under 8+1 Hit Dice immediately fall into a catatonic slumber and cannot be awakened for 1d12+4 turns.
Stunning One or more creatures whose total hit points do not exceed 160 are stunned and reeling for 3d4 rounds, dropping anything they are holding.

The type of symbol cannot be recognized without being read and thus activating its effects. The material components of this spell are powdered black opal and diamond dust, worth not less than 5,000 gp each.

Serten’s Spell Immunity

Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1 round/recipient
Area of Effect: Creature(s) touched
Saving Throw: None

By use of this spell, the wizard is able to confer virtual immunity to certain spells and magical attack forms upon those he touches. For every four levels of experience of the wizard, one creature can be protected by the Serten’s spell immunity spell; however, if more than one is protected, the duration of the protection is divided among the protected creatures. For example, a 16th level wizard can cast the spell upon one creature and it will last 16 turns, or place it upon two creatures for eight turns, or four creatures for four turns.) The protection give a bonus to saving throws, according to spell type and level, as shown in the following table.

Spell Level   Wizard Spell   Priest Spell
1st-3rd +9* +7
4th-6th +7 +5
7th-8th +5 +3

*Includes beguiling effects. The material component of this spell is a diamond of at least 500 gp value, which must be crushed and sprinkled over the spell recipients. each such creature must also have in its possession a diamond of at least one carat size, intact and carried on its person.

Polymorph Any Object

Range: 5 yds/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Variable
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

This spell changes one object or creature into another. When used as a polymorph other or stone to flesh spell, simply treat the spell as a more powerful version, with saving throws made with -4 penalties to the die roll. When it is cast in order to change other objects, the duration of the spell depends on how radical a change is made from the original state to its enchanted state, as well as how different it is in size. The DM determines the changes by using the following guidelines:

Kingdom Animal, vegetable, mineral
Class Mammals, bipeds, fungi, metals, etc.
Relationship    Twig is to tree, sand is to beach, etc.
Size Smaller, equal, larger
Shape Comparative resemblance of the original to the polymorphed state
Intelligence Particularly with regard to a change in which the end product is more intelligent

A change in kingdom makes the spell work for hours (if removed by one kingdom) or turns (if removed by two). Other changes likewise affect spell duration. Thus, changing a lion to an androsphinx would be permanent, but turning a turnip to a purple worm would be a change with a duration measured in hours. turning a tusk into an elephant would be permanent, but turning a twig into a sword would be a change with a duration of several turns. All polymorphed objects radiate a strong magic, and if a dispel magic spell is successfully cast upon them, they return to their natural form. Note that a stone to flesh spell or its reverse will affect objects under this spell. As with other polymorph spells, damage sustained in the new form can result in the injury or death of the polymorphed creature. For example, it is possible to polymorph a creature into rock and grind it to dust, causing damage, perhaps even death. If the creature was changed to dust to start with, more creative methods to damage it would be needed; perhaps the wizard could use a gust of wind spell to scatter the dust far and wide. In general, damage occurs when the new form is altered through physical force, although the DM will have to adjudicate many of these situations. The system shock roll must be applied to living creatures, as must the restrictions noted regarding the polymorph other and stone to flesh spells. Also note that a polymorph effect often detracts from an item’s or creature’s powers, but does not add new powers, except possibly movement capabilities not present in the old form. Thus, a vorpal sword polymorphed into a dagger would not retain vorpal capability. Likewise, valueless items cannot be made into permanent valuable items. The material components of this spell are mercury, gum arabic, and smoke.

Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere

Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rds/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Sphere with diameter of 1 ft/level
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell is exactly the same as the 4th level wizard spell Otiluke’s resilient sphere, with the addition that the creatures or objects inside the globe are nearly weightless-anything contained within it weighs only 1/16 its normal weight. Any subject weighing up to 5,000 pounds can be telekinetically lifted in the sphere by the caster. Range of control extends to a maximum distance of 10 yards per level after the sphere has actually succeeded in encapsulating a subject or subjects. Note that even if more than 5,000 pounds of weight is englobed, the perceived weight is on 1/16 of the actual weight, so the orb can be rolled without exceptional effort. Because of the reduced weight, rapid motion of falling within the field of the sphere is relatively harmless to the object therein, although it can be disastrous should the globe disappear when the subject inside is high above a hard surface. The caster can dismiss the effect with a word. In addition to a hemispherical piece of diamond and matching piece of gum arabic, the caster must also have a pair of small bar magnets as material components for this spell.

Monster Summoning VI

Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 7 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 80 yd radius
Saving Throw: None

This spell is much like the 3rd level spell monster summoning I, except that it summons 1d3 6th level monsters. These monsters appear in 1d3 rounds within the spell’s area of effect and attack the caster’s opponents, until either he commands them to cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale, and they vanish when slain. If no opponent exists to fight, summoned monsters can, if the wizard can communicate with the, and if they are physically capable, perform other services for the summoning wizard. The material components of this spell are a tiny bag and a small (not necessarily lit) candle.

Incendiary Cloud

Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 rounds + 1d6 rounds
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2

And incendiary cloud spell exactly resembles the smoke effects of a pyrotechnic spell, except that its minimum dimensions are a cloud of 10-foot height by 20-foot length and breath. This dense vapor cloud billows fourth, and on the third round of its existence it begins to flame, causing 1–2 points of damage per level of the wizard who cast it. On the fourth round it inflicts 1d4 points of damage for level of the caster, and on the fifth round in this again drops to 1–2 points of damage per level as its flames burn out. Any successive rounds of existence are simply harmless smoke that obscures vision within its confines. Creatures within the cloud need to make only one saving throw if it is successful, but if they fail the first saving throw, they roll again on the fourth and fifth rounds (if necessary) to attempt to reduce damage sustained by one half.

In order to cast a spell, the wizard must have an available fire source (just as with a pyrotechnics spell), scrapings from beneath a dung pile, and a pinch of dust.


Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Object touched
Saving Throw: None

The glassteel spell turns normal, non-magical crystal or glass into a transparent substance that has the tensile strength and unbreakability of actual steel. Only a relatively small volume of material can be affected, a maximum weight of 10 pounds per level of experience of the spellcaster, and it must form one whole object. The armor class of the substance is 1.

The material components of this spell are a small piece of glass and a small piece of steel.


Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

This spell is very much like the 5th-level wizards spell sending, allowing a brief contact with a far distant creature, except that the message can also contain a suggestion (see 3rd-level wizard spell), which the subject will do it’s best to carry out if it fails its saving throw versus spell, with a -2 penalty. Of course, if the message is impossible or meaningless according to the circumstances that exist for the subject at the time the demand comes, the message is understood but no saving throw is necessary and the suggestion is ineffective.

The caster must be familiar with the creature contacted and must know it’s a name and appearance well. If the creature in question is not in the same plane of existence as the spellcaster, there is a base 5% chance that the demand does not arrive. Local conditions on other planes may worsen this chance considerably at the option of the DM. The demand, if received, will be understood even if the creature has an intelligence ability score as low as 1 (animal intelligence). Creatures of demigod status or higher can choose to come or not, as they please.

The demand message to the creature must be 25 words or less, including the suggestion. The creature can also give a short reply immediately.

The material components of the spell are a pair of cylinders, each open at one end, connected by thin piece of copper wire and some small part of the subject creature – a hair, bit of nail, etc.


Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell creates a duplicate of a human, demihuman, or humanoid creature. This clone is in most respects the duplicate of the individual, complete to the level of experience, memories, etc. However, the duplicate really is the person, so that if the original and a duplicate exist at the same time, each knows of the other’s existence; and the original person and the clone will each desire to do away with the other, for such an alter-ego is unbearable to both. If one cannot destroy the other, one will go insane (90% likely to be the clone) and destroy itself, or possibly (2% chance) both will become mad and destroy themselves. These events nearly always occur within one week of the dual existence. Note that the clone is the person as he existed at the time at which the flesh was taken, and all subsequent knowledge, experience, etc., is totally unknown to the clone. The clone is a physical duplicate, and possessions of the original are another matter entirely. A clone takes 2d4 months to grow, and only after that time is dual existence established. Finally, the clone has one less Constitution point then the body it was cloned from, and the cloning fails if the clone would have a Constitution of 0.

The material component of the spell is a small piece of the flesh from the person to be duplicated.

The DM may, in addition, add other stipulations to the success of the cloning effort, requiring that some trace of life must remain in the flesh sample, that some means of storing and preserving the sample must be devised a maintained, etc.


Range: 10 yards 
Components: V, S, M 
Duration: Special 
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: 1 creature 
Saving Throw: Special

A binding spell creates a magical restraint to hold a creature, usually from another plane of existence. Extraplanar creatures must be confined by a circular diagram; other creatures can be physically confined. The duration of the spell depends upon the form of the binding and the level of the caster(s), as well as the length of time the spell is actually uttered. The components vary according to the form of the spell, but they include a continuous chanting utterance read from the scroll or book page giving the spell; gestures appropriate to the form of binding; and materials such as miniature chains of special metal (silver for lycanthropes, etc.), soporific herbs of the rarest sort, a corundum or diamond gem of great size (1,000 gp value per Hit Die of the subject creature), and a vellum depiction or carved statuette of the subject to be captured. Magic resistance applies unless the subject’s true name is used. A saving throw is not applicable as long as the experience level of the caster is at least twice as great as the Hit Dice of the subject. The caster’s level can be augmented by one-third of the levels of each assisting wizard of 9th level or higher, and by one level for each assistant of 4th through 8th level. No more than 6 other wizards can assist with this spell. If the caster’s level is less than twice the Hit Dice of the subject, the subject gains a saving throw vs. spell, modified by the form of binding being attempted. The various forms of binding are: Chaining: The subject is confined by restraints that generate an antipathy spell affecting all creatures who approach the subject, except the caster. Duration is as long as one year per level of the caster(s). The subject of this form of binding (as well as in the slumber and bound slumber versions) remains within the restraining barrier. Slumber: Brings a comatose sleep upon the subject for a duration of up to one year per level of the caster(s). Bound Slumber: a combination of chaining and slumber that lasts for up to one month per level of the caster(s). Hedged Prison: The subject is transported to or otherwise brought within a confined area from which it cannot wander by any means until freed. The spell remains until the magical hedge is somehow broken. Metamorphosis: Causes the subject to change to some noncorporeal form, save for its head or face. The binding is permanent until some prescribed act frees the subject. Minimus Containment: The subject is shrunken to a height of 1 inch or even less and held within the hedged prison of some gem or similar object. The subject of a minimus containment, metamorphosis, or hedged prison radiates a very faint aura of magic. The subject of the chaining form of the spell receives a saving throw with no modifications. However, slumber allows the subject a +1 bonus, bound slumber a +2 bonus, hedged prison a +3 bonus, metamorphosis a +4 bonus, and minimus containment a +5 bonus to the saving throw. If the subject is magically weakened, the DM can assign a -1, -2, or even -4 penalty to the saving throw. A successful saving throw enables the subject to burst its bonds and do as it pleases. A binding spell can be renewed in the case of the first three forms of the spell, for the subject does not have the opportunity to break the bonds. (If anything has caused a weakening of a chaining or slumber version, such as attempts to contact the subject or magically touch it, a normal saving throw applies to the renewal of the spell.) Otherwise, after one year, and each year thereafter, the subject gains a normal saving throw vs. the spell. Whenever it is successful, the binding spell is broken and the creature is free.