AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Tag Archives: Material

Monster Summoning V

Range: Special 
Components: V, S, M 
Duration: 6 rds + 1 rd/level 
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 70 yard radius 
Saving Throw: None

This spell is much like the 3rd level monster summoning I spell, except that this spell summons 1d3 5th level monster. These appear within the spell’s area of effect and attack the caster’s opponents until either he commands them to cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale, and they vanish when slain. If no opponent exists to fight, summoned monsters can, if the wizard can communicate with the, and if they are physically capable, perform other services for the summoning wizard. The material components of this spell are a tiny bag and a small (not necessarily lit) candle.

Mass Invisibility

Range: 10 yds/level 
Components: V, S, M 
Duration: Special 
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 60 x 60 yards 
Saving Throw: None

This is a more extensive adaptation of the invisibility spell for battlefield use. It can hide creatures in a 60 yard x 60 yard area: up to 400 man-sized creatures, 30 to 40 giants, or six to eight large dragons. The effect is mobile with the unit and is broken when the unit attacks. Individuals leaving the unit become visible. The wizard can end this spell upon command. The material components of the mass invisibility spell are an eyelash and a bit of gum arabic, the former encased in the latter.

Control Undead

Range: 60 feet 
 V, S, M 
 1 3d4 rounds + 1 round/level 
Casting Time: 
1 round
Area of Effect:
 1d6 undead 
Saving Throw:

 This spell enables the wizard to command 1d6 undead creatures for a short period of time. Upon casting the spell, the wizard selects one point within range of the spell. Those undead nearest to this point are affected, until either undead equal in hit dice to the caster’s level or six undead are affected. Undead with three hit dice or less are automatically controlled. Those of greater hit dice are allowed a saving throw versus spell, which if successful negates the attempt to control the creature. Regardless of the success or failure of the saving throw, each creature required to make a check counts toward the hit dice limit of the spell.

Those creatures under the control of the wizard can be commanded by the caster if they are within hearing range. There is no telepathic communication between the caster and the controlled undead. There is no language requirement either. Even if communication is impossible, the controlled undead do not attack the spell caster. At the end of the spell, the controlled undead revert to their normal behaviors. Those not mindless will remember the control exerted by the wizard.

The material component for the spell is a small piece each of bone and raw meat.


Range: 10 yds/2 levels 
 V, S, special 
 6 turns + 1/level 
Casting Time: 
Area of Effect:
 20 ft cube 
Saving Throw:

This powerful spell enables the caster to bring into being a cube of force, but it is unlike the magical item of that name in one important respect: The forcecage does not have solid walls of force; it has alternating bands of force with 1/2 inch gaps between. Thus, it is truly a cage, rather than an enclosed space with solid walls. creatures within the area of effect of the spell are caught and contained unless they are able to pass through the openings-and, of course, all spells and breath weapons can pass through the gaps in the bars of force of the forcecage. A creature with magic resistance has a single attempt to pass through the walls of the cage. If the resistance check is successful, the creatures escapes. If it fails, the creature is caged. Note that a successful check does not destroy the cage, nor does it enable other creatures (save familiars) to flee with the escaping creature. The forcecage is also unlike the solid-walled protective device, cube of force, in that it can be gotten rid of only by means of a dispel magic spell or by the expiration of the spell. By means of special preparation at the time of memorization, a forcecage spell can be altered to a forcecube spell. The cube created is 10 feet on a side, and the spell then resembles that of a cube of force in all respects save that of the differences between a cast spell and the magic of a device, including the methods of defeating its power. Although the actual casting of either application of the spell requires no material component, the study required to commit it to memory does demand that the wizard powder a diamond of at least 1,000 gp value, using the diamond dust to trace the outlines of the cage or cube he desires to create via spellcasting at some later time. Thus, in memorization, the diamond dust is employed and expended, for upon completion of study, the wizard must then toss the dust into the air and it will disappear.

Charm Plants

Range: 30 yards 
 V, S, M 
Casting Time:
1 turn
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw:

The charm plants spell enables the spellcaster to bring under command vegetable lifeforms and communicate with them. These plants obey instructions to the best of their ability. This spell will charm plants and a 30′ x 10′ area. While the spell does not endow the vegetation with new abilities, it does enable the wizard to command the plants to use whatever they have in order to fulfill his instructions; if the plants in the area of effect do have special or unusual abilities, these are used as commanded by the wizard. For example, the spell can generally duplicate the effects of the 1st-level priest spell entangle, if the caster desires. The saving throw applies only to intelligent plants, and it is made with a -4 penalty to the die roll.

The material components of the spell are a pinch of humus, a drop of water, and a twig or leaf.

Bigby’s Grasping Hand

Range: 10 yds/level
V, S, M
1 rd/level
Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw:

Bigby’s grasping hand is a superior version of the six level Bigby’s forceful hand. It creates a man-sized (5 feet) to gargantuan-sized (21 feet) hand but appears in grassy creature doesn’t it by the caster, regardless of what the spellcaster does or how the opponent tries to escape it. The grasping hand can hold motionless a creature or object of up to 1,000 pounds weight, slow movement to 10 feet  per round if the creature weighs between 1,000 and 4,000 pounds, or slow movement by 50% if the creature ways up to 16,000 pounds. The hand itself inflicts no damage. The grasping hand has an armor class of 0, has as many hit points as its caster in full health, and vanishes when destroyed. The caster can order it to release a trapped opponent or can dismiss it on command.

The material component is a leather glove.


Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures in a 60-foot radius
Saving Throw: Special

A banishment spell enables the caster to force some extraplaner creature out of the caster’s home plane. The effect is instantaneous, and the subject cannot come back without some special summoning or means of egress from its own plane to the one from which it was banished. Up to two hit dice or levels of creature per caster level can be banished.

The caster must both named the type of creatures to be sent away and give its name and title as well, if any. In any event, the creatures magic resistance must be defeated for the spell to be effective.

The material components for the spell are substances harmful, hateful, or opposed to the nature of the subjects of the spell. For every such substance included in the casting, the subject creatures loses 5% from its magic resistance and suffers a -2 penalty to it saving throws versus spell. For example, if iron, Holy water, Sunstone, and a sprig of rosemary were used in casting a banishment upon a being that hates those things, it’s saving throw versus the spell would be made with a -8 penalty (four substances times the factor of -2). Special items, such as hair from the tale of a ki-rin, or couatl feathers, could also be added to bring the factor up to -3 or -4 per item. In contrast, a titan’s hair or mistletoe blessed by a druid might lower the factor to -1 with respect to the same creature. If the subject creature successfully rolls it’s saving throws versus spell, the caster is stung by a backlash of energy, suffers 2d6 points of damage, and is stunned for one round.


Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

A duo-dimension spell causes the caster to have only 2 dimensions, height and width, with no depth. He is thus invisible when turned sideways. This invisibility can be detected only by means of a true seeing spell or similar methods. In addition, the duo-dimensional wizard can pass through the thinnest of spaces as long as these have the proper height-going through the space between a door and its frame is a simple matter. The wizard can perform all actions normally. He can turn and become invisible, move in this state, and appear again next round and cast a spell, disappearing on the following round. Note that when turned, the wizard cannot be affected by any form of attack, but when visible, he is subject to double the amount of damage normal for an attack form; for example, a dagger thrust would inflict 2d4 points of damage if it struck a duo-dimensional wizard. Furthermore, the wizard has a portion of his existence in the Astral Plane when the spell is in effect, and he is subject to possible notice by creature there. If noticed, it is 25% probable that the wizard is pulled entirely into the Astral Plane by any attack from an astral creature. Such an attack (and any subsequent attack received on the Astral Plane) inflicts normal damage. The material components of this spell are a flat ivory likeness of the spellcaster (which must be of finest workmanship, gold filigreed, and enameled and gem-studded at an average cost of 500 to 1,000 gp) and a strip of parchment. As the spell is uttered, the parchment is given half a twist and joined at the ends. The figurine is then passed through the parchment loop, and both disappear forever.

Drawmij’s Instant Summons

Range: Infinite + special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 small object
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the wizard teleports some desired item from virtually any location directly to his hand. The single object can be no longer in any dimension than a sword, can have no more weight than a shield (about 8 pounds), and must be nonliving. To prepare this spell, the wizard must hold a gem of not less than 5,000 gp value in his hand and utter all but the final word of the conjuration. At some point in the future, he must crush the gem and utter the final word. The desired item is then transported instantly into the spellcaster’s right or left hand, as he desires. The item must have been previously touched during the initial incantation and specifically named; only that particular item is summoned by the spell. During the initial incantation, the gem becomes magically inscribed with the name of the item to be summoned. The inscription is invisible and unreadable, except by means of a read magic spell, to all but the wizard who cast the summons. If the item is in the possession of another creature, the spell does not work, and the caster knows who the possessor is and roughly where he, she, or it is located when the summons is cast. Items can be summoned from other planes of existence, but only if such items are not in the possession (not necessarily the physical grasp) of another creature. For each level of experience above the 14th, the wizard is able to summon a desired item from one plane farther removed from the plane he is in at the time the spell is cast (one plane away at 14th level, two planes away at 15th, etc.). Thus, a wizard of 16th level could cast the spell even if the desired item was on the 2nd layer of one of the Outer Planes, but at 14th level the wizard would be able to summon the item only if it were no farther than one of the Inner Planes, the Ethereal Plane, or the Astral Plane (see the PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting boxed set). Note that special wards or barriers, or factors that block the teleport or plane shift spells, may also block the operation of this spell. Objects in Leomund’s secret chest cannot be recovered by using this spell. Note: If the item is wizard marked, it can be summoned from anywhere on the same plane unless special local conditions apply. Furthermore, the details of the location of the item are more specific, and the item is more easily traceable with other types of scrying magic.

Delayed Blast Fireball

Range: 100 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 20 ft radius
Saving Throw: 1/2

This spell creates a fireball, with a +1 bonus to each of its dice of damage, which releases its blast anytime from instantly to 5 rounds later, according to the command given by the wizard. In other respects, the spell is the same as the 3rd level spell fireball.