AD&D 2nd Edition

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Tag Archives: Material

Wall of Stone

Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None 

This spell creates a wall of granite rock that merges into adjoining rock surfaces. It is typically employed to close passages, portals, and breaches against opponents. The wall of stone is 0.25 inch thick and up to 20 square feet per level of experience of the wizard casting the spell. Thus, a 12th level wizard can create a wall of stone 3 inches thick and up to 240 square feet in surface area (a 12 foot wide and 20 foot high wall, for example, to completely close a 10 foot x 16 foot passage). The wall created need not be vertical, nor rest upon any firm foundation (see the wall of iron spell); however, it must merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. It can be used to bridge a chasm, for instance, or as a ramp. For this use, if the span is more than 20 feet, the wall must be arched and buttressed. This requirement reduces the area of effect by half. Thus, a 20th level caster can create a span with a surface area of 200 square feet. The wall can be crudely shaped to allow crenelations, battlements, and so forth by likewise reducing the area. The stone is permanent unless destroyed by a dispel magic or disintegrate spell, or by normal means such as breaking or chipping. The material component is a small block of granite.

Wall of Iron

Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 15 sq ft/level or special
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the wizard causes a vertical iron wall to spring into being. This wall can be used to seal off a passage or close a breach for the wall inserts itself into any surrounding nonliving material if its area is sufficient to do so. the wall of iron is 1/2 inch thick per level of experience of the spellcaster. The wizard is able to create an iron wall of up to 15 square feet per experience level; thus, a 12th-level wizard can create a wall of iron with an area of 180 square feet. The wizard can double the wall’s area by halving its thickness. If the caster desires, the wall can be created vertically resting on a flat surface, so that it can be tipped over to fall on and crush any creature beneath it. The wall is 50% likely to tip in either direction. This chance can be modified by a force of not less than 30 Strength and 400 pounds mass-each pound of 400 or Strength point over 30 alters the chance by 1% in favor of the stronger side. Creatures with room to flee the falling wall may do so by making successful saving throws vs. death. Those who fail are killed. Huge and gargantuan creatures cannot be crushed by the wall. The wall is permanent, unless successfully dispelled, but it is subject to all forces a normal iron wall is subject to-rust, perforation, etc. The material component of this spell is a small piece of sheet iron.

Wall of Force

Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 10 ft square/level
Saving Throw: None

A wall of force spell creates an invisible barrier in the locale desired by the caster, up to the spell’s range. The wall of force cannot move and is totally unaffected by most spells, including dispel magic. However, a disintegrate spell will immediately destroy it, as will a rod of cancellation or a sphere of annihilation. Likewise, the wall of force is not affected by blows, missiles, cold, heat, electricity, etc. Spells and breath weapons cannot pass through it in either direction, although dimension door, teleport, and similar effects can bypass the barrier. The wizard can, if desired, form the wall into a spherical shape with a radius of up to 1 foot per level or an open hemispherical shape with a radius of 1.5 feet per caster level. The wall of force must be continuous and unbroken when formed; if its surface is broken by any object or creature, the spell fails. The caster can end the spell on command. The material component for this spell is a pinch of powdered diamond worth 5,000 gp.

Transmute Rock to Mud

Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 20 ft cube/level
Saving Throw: None 

This spell turns natural rock of any sort into an equal volume of mud. The depth of the mud can never exceed half its length or breadth. If it is cast upon a rock, for example, the rock affected collapses into mud. Creatures unable to levitate, fly, or otherwise free themselves from the mud sink at the rate of 10 feet per round and suffocate, except for lightweight creatures that could normally pass across such ground. Brush thrown atop the mud can support creatures able to climb on 5top of it, with the amount of brush required subject to the DM’s discretion. The mud remains until a dispel magic spell or a reverse of this spell, mud to rock, restores its substance-but not necessarily its form. Evaporation turn the mud to normal dirt, at the rate of 1d6 days per 10 cubic feet. The mud to rock reverse can harden normal mud into soft stone (sandstone or similar mineral) permanently unless magically changed. The material components for the spell are clay and water (or sand, lime, and water for the reverse).

Summon Shadow

Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 10 ft cube
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the wizard conjures up one shadow (see the MONSTROUS MANUAL) for every 3 levels of experience he has attained. These monsters are under the control of the spellcaster and attack his enemies on command. The shadows remain until slain, turned, or the spell duration expires. The material component for this spell is a bit of smoky quartz.

Stone Shape

Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 rd
Area of Effect: 1 cu ft/level
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the wizard can form an existing piece of stone into a shape that suite his purposes. For example, the wizard can make a stone weapon, a special trapdoor, an idol, etc. This spell can also enable the spellcaster to reshape a stone door so as to escape imprisonment, providing the volume of stone involved is within the limits of the area of effect. While the caster can thus create stone doors and coffers, the fineness of detail is not great. If the construction involves small moving parts, there is a 30% chance they do not function. The material component of this spell is soft clay that must be worked into roughly the desired shape of the stone object and then touched to the stone when the spell is uttered.


Range: Unlimited
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster can contact a single creature with whom he is familiar and whose name and appearance are known. If the creature in question is not on the same plane of existence as the spellcaster, there is a base 5% chance that the sending does not arrive. Local conditions on other planes may worsen this chance considerably, at the option of the DM. The sending, if successful, can be understood even by a creature with an Intelligence as low as 1 (animal intelligence). The wizard can send a short message of 25 words or less to the recipient; the recipient can answer in like manner immediately. Even if the sending is received, the subject creature is not obligated to act upon it in any manner. The material component for this spell consists of two tiny cylinders, each with one open end, connected by a short piece of fine copper wire.


Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hr + 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 5 x 8 x 10 ft
Saving Throw: None

A passwall spell enable the spellcaster to open a passage through wooden, plaster, or stone walls, but not other materials. The spellcaster and any associates can simply walk through. The spell causes a 5 foot wide x 8 foot high x 10 foot deep opening. Several of these spells can form a continuing passage so that very thick walls can be pierced. If dispelled, the passwall closes away from the dispelling caster, ejecting those in the passage. The material component of this spell is a pinch of sesame seeds.

Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound

Range: 10 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the wizard summons up a phantom watchdog that only he can see. He may then command it to perform as guardian of a passage, room, door, or similar space or portal. The phantom watchdog immediately commences a loud barking if any creature larger than a cat approaches the place it guards. As the faithful hound is able to detect invisible creatures and ward against the approach of ethereal creature, it is an excellent guardian. It does not react to illusions that are not at least quasi-real. If the intruding creature exposes its back to the watchdog, the dog delivers a vicious attack as if it were a 10 Hit Dice monster, striking for 3d6 points of damage. It is able to hit opponents of all types, even those normally subject only to magical weapons of +3 or greater. Creatures without backs (for example, ochre jellies) are not attacked. The faithful hound cannot be attacked, but it can be dispelled. The spell lasts for a maximum of one hour plus half an hour per caster level, but once it is activated by an intruder, it lasts only one round per caster level. If the spellcaster is ever more than 30 yards distant from the area that the watchdog guards, the spell ends. The material components of this spell are a tiny solver whistle, a piece of bond, and a thread.

Monster Summoning III

Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 50 yd radius
Saving Throw: None

This spell is much like the 3rd level spell monster summoning I, except that this spell summons 1d4 3rd level monsters. These appear within the spell’s area of effect and attack the caster’s opponents, until either he commands them to cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale and vanish when slain. If no opponent exists to fight, and the wizard can communicate with them, the summoned monsters can perform other services for the wizard. The material components of this spell are a tiny bag and a small candle.