Range: 10 yards
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
A geas spell places a magical command upon a creature (usually human or humanoid) to carry out some service, or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by the spellcaster. The creature must be intelligent, conscious, under its own volition, and able to understand the caster. While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill itself or perform acts that are likely to result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of action. The geased creature must follow the given instructions until the geas is completed. Failure to do so will cause the creature to grow sick and die within 1d4 weeks. Deviation from or twisting of the instructions causes a corresponding loss of Strength points until the deviation ceases. A geas can be done away with by a wish spell, but a dispel magic or remove curse spell will not negate it. Your DM will decide any additional details of a geas, for its casting and fulfillment are tricky, and an improperly cast geas is ignored.
Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/3 levels
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
An eyebite spell enables the caster to merely meet the gaze of a creature and speak a single word to cause an effect. This gaze attack is in addition to any other attacks allowed to the wizard. The wizard selects one of four possible gaze attacks at the time the spell is cast, and this attack cannot be changed. For example, a 12th level caster who chose fear would have four opportunities to make gaze attacks causing fear, one for each round of the spell’s duration. Any gaze attack is negated by a successful saving throw vs. spell, with Wisdom adjustments. The four effects of the spell are as follows: Charm: The wizard can charm a single person or monster by gaze and by uttering a single word. The effect is to make the charmed subject absolutely loyal and docile to the caster, even to the point of personal danger. It is otherwise the same as a charm monster spell. All creatures other than humans, demihumans, and humanoids save with +2 bonuses. Fear: The wizard can cause fear by gaze and by speaking a single word. The subject flees in blind terror for 1d4 rounds. After this, the creature refuses to face the caster and cowers or bolts for the nearest cover if subsequently confronted by the caster (50% chance of either). The latter effect lasts one turn per caster level. This attack can be negated by spells that counter fear. Sicken: This power enables the caster to merely gaze, speak, a word, and cause sudden pain and fever to sweep over the subject’s body. Creatures with ability scores function at half effectiveness; others inflict only one-half damage with physical attacks. Movement is at one half normal rate. The subject remains stricken for one turn per level of the caster, after which all abilities return at the rate of one point per turn of complete rest or one point per hour of moderate activity. The effects cannot be negated by a cure disease or heal spell, but a remove curse or successful dispel magic spell is effective. Creatures other than humans, demihumans, and humanoids save with +2 bonuses verses this attack. Sleep: The wizard can cause any individual to fall into a comatose slumber by means of a gaze and a single word, unless the subject successfully rolls its saving throw vs. spell. Creatures normally subject to a 1st level sleep spell save with -2 penalties. An affected creature must be shaken or otherwise shocked back to consciousness. In all cases, the gaze attack has a speed factor of 1. This spell does not affect undead of any type, or extend beyond the plane occupied by the caster. Note that the caster is subject to the effects of his reflected gaze and is allowed any applicable saving throw. In the case of a reflected charm gaze, the caster is paralyzed until it wears off or is countered.
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the 4th level extension I spell, except that it will extend 1st through 3rd level spells to double duration and will extend the duration of 4th or 5th level spells by 50%.
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is similar to the 5th level shadow magic spell, but this spell enables the casting of partially real 4th and 5th level evocations (cone of cold, wall of fire, wall of ice, cloudkill, etc). If recognized as demishadow magic (if a saving throw vs. spell is successful), damaging spells inflict only 40% of normal damage, with a minimum of 2 points per die of damage. A demishadow magic cloudkill slays creatures with fewer than 2 Hit Dice and inflicts 1d2 points of damage per round.
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 30 yds radius
Saving Throw: None
The conjure animals spell enables the wizard to magically create one or more mammals to attack his opponents. The total Hit Dice of the mammals cannot exceed twice his level, if determined randomly, or his level if a specific animal type is requested (see the DUNGEON MASTER GUIDE). Thus, a wizard of 12th level could randomly conjure two mammals with 12 Hit Dice, four with 6 Hit Dice each, six with 4 Hit Dice each, eight with 3 Hit Dice each, twelve with 2 Hit Dice each, or 24 with 1 Hit Die each. Count every +1 hit point bonus of a creature as 1/4 of a Hit Die; thus, a creature with 4+3 Hit Dice equals a 4 3/4 Hit Dice creature. The conjured animal(s) remain for one round for each level of the conjuring wizard, or until slain. They follow the caster’s verbal commands. Conjured animals unfailingly attack the wizard’s opponents, but they resist being used for any other purpose.
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 ft/level diameter
Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the wizard surrounds himself with an invisible barrier that moves with him. The space within this barrier is totally impervious to all magic and magical spell effects, thus preventing the passage of spells or their effects. Likewise, it prevents the functioning of any magical items or spells within its confines. The area is also impervious to breath weapons, gaze or voice attacks, and similar special attack forms. The antimagic shell also hedges out charmed, summoned, or conjured creatures. It cannot, however, be forced against any creature that it would keep at bay; any attempt to do so create a discernible pressure against the barrier, and continued pressure will break the spell. Normal creatures (a normally encountered troll rather than a conjured one, for instance) can enter the area, as can normal missiles. Furthermore, while a magical sword does not function magically within the area, it is still a sword. Note that creatures on their home plane are normal creatures there. Thus, on the Elemental Plane of Fire, a randomly encountered fire elemental cannot be kept at bay by this spell. Artifacts, relics, and creatures of demigod or higher status are unaffected by mortal magic such as this. Should the caster be larger than the area enclosed by the barrier, parts of his person may be considered exposed, at the DM’s option. A dispel magic spell does not remove the spell; the caster can end it upon command.
Range: Touch
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is used, the wizard instantly transports himself, along with a certain amount of additional weight that is on or being touched by the spellcaster, to a well-known destination. Distance is not a factor, but interplanar travel is not possible by means of a teleport spell. The spellcaster is able to teleport a maximum weight of 250 pounds, plus an additional 150 pounds for each level of experience above the 10th (a 13th level wizard can teleport up to 700 pounds). If the destination area is very familiar to the wizard (he has a clear mental picture due to previous proximity to and study of the area), it is unlikely that there is any error in arriving, although the caster has no control over his facing upon arrival. Lesser known areas (those seen only magically or from a distance) increase the probability of error. Unfamiliar areas present considerable peril (see table).
Probability of Teleporting | |||
Destination Is: | High | On Target | Low |
Very familiar | 01-02 | 03-99 | 00 |
Studied carefully | 01-04 | 05-98 | 99-00 |
Seen casually | 01-08 | 09-96 | 97-00 |
Viewed once | 01-16 | 17-92 | 93-00 |
Never seen | 01-32 | 33-84 | 85-00 |
Teleporting high means the wizard arrives 10 feet above the ground for every 1% he is below the lowest “On Target” probability; this could be as high as 320 feet if the destination area was never seen. Any low result means the instant death of the wizard if the area into which he teleports is solid. A wizard cannot teleport to an area of empty space-a substantial surface must be there, whether a wooden floor, a stone floor, natural ground, etc. Areas of strong physical or magical energies may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible.
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 10 yards/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
By means of this spell, the wizard is able to move objects by concentrating on moving them mentally. The spell can provide either a gentle, sustained force or a single short, violent thrust. A sustained force enables the wizard to move a weight of up to 25 pounds a distance up to 20 feet per round. The spell lasts 2 rounds, plus one round per caster level. The weight can be moved vertically, horizontally, or both. An object moved beyond the caster’s range falls or stops. If the caster ceases concentration for any reason, the object falls or stops. The object can be telekinetically manipulated as if with one hand. For example, a lever or rope can be pulled, a key can be turned, an object rotated and so on, if the force required is with the weight limitation. The caster might even be able to untie simple knots, at the discretion of the DM. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 20 foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 10 feet per caster level. This is subject to a maximum weight of 25 pounds per caster level. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 1 point of damage per caster level. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby’s hand spells also counter this spell.
Range: 50 yds + 10 yds/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
The shadow magic spell enables the wizard to tap energy from the Demiplane of Shadow to cast a quasi-real wizard evocation spell of 3rd level or less. For example, this spell can be magic missile, fireball, lightning bolt, or so on, and has normal effects upon creatures in the area of effect if they fail their saving throws vs. spell. Thus, a creature failing to save against a shadow magic fireball must roll another saving throw. If the latter roll is successful, the creature suffers half the normal fireball damage; if the roll is not successful, the creature suffers full normal fireball damage. If the first saving throw was successful, the shadow magic nature is detected and only 20% of the rolled damage is received (rounding down below fractions below 0.4 and rounding up fractions of 0.4 and above).
Range: 10 yds
Components: S
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the wizard creates the illusion of a door. The illusion also permits the wizard to appear to step through this “door” and disappear. In reality, he has darted aside and can flee, totally invisible, for the spell duration. Creatures viewing this are deluded into seeing or entering an empty 10 foot x 10 foot room if they open the “door”. A true seeing spell, a gem of seeing, or similar magical means can discover the wizard. Certain high Hit Dice monsters might also notice the wizard (see the invisibility spell), but only if making an active attempt to do so.