Range: 10 ft radius
Components: V, S
Duration: 12 hrs
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 person/2 levels
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to alter the appearance of one person for every two levels of experience he has attained. The change includes clothing and equipment. The caster can make the recipients appear as any generally man-shaped bipedal creature, each up to 1 foot shorter or taller than his normal height, and thin or fat or in between. All those affected must resemble the same general type of creature: human, orc, ogre, etc. Each remains a recognizable individual. The effect fails for an individual if the illusion chosen by the caster cannot be accomplished within the spell parameters (for example, a halfling could not be made to look like a centaur, but he might be made to look like a short, young ogre). Unwilling persons receive saving throws vs. spell to avoid the effect. Affected persons resume their normal appearances if slain. The spell is not precise enough to duplicate the appearance of a specific individual.
Range: 10 yds
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures in a 10 ft radius
Saving Throw: Special
This devious spell distracts the subject creatures by drawing them into an absorbing discussion on topic of interest to them. A chain of responses occurs during the next 11 rounds, with additional saving throws as described later. These responses are conversation (rounds 1-3), possible confusion (rounds 4-6), and then either rage or lamentation (rounds 7-11). All saving throws are affected by the creatures’ Intelligences, as noted later. The subject creatures must be able to understand the language in which the spellcaster speaks. Upon casting the spell, the wizard begins discussion of some topic germane to the creature or creatures to be affected. Those making a successful saving throw vs. spell are unaffected. Affected creatures immediately begin to converse with the spellcaster, agreeing or disagreeing, all most politely. As long as the spellcaster chooses, he can maintain the spell by conversing with the subject(s). If the caster is attacked or otherwise distracted, the subject creatures do not notice.
Intelligence | Saving Throw Modifier |
2 or less | Spell has no effect |
3-7 | -1 |
8-10 | 0 |
11-14 | +1 |
15+ | +2 |
The wizard can leave at any time after the casting and the subject(s) continue on as if the caster were still present. As long as they are not attacked, the creatures ignore all else going on around them, spending their time talking and arguing to the exclusion of other activities. However, when the caster leaves, each subject completes only the stage of the spell that it is currently in, and then the spell is broken. If the caster maintains the spell for more than three rounds, each affected creature can roll another saving throw vs. spell. Those failing to save wander off in confusion for 1d10+2 rounds, staying away from the spellcaster. Those who make this saving throw continue to talk and roll saving throws for each round that the caster continues the spell, up through the 6th round, to avoid the confusion effect. If the spell is maintained for more than 6 rounds, each subject must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell to avoid going into a rage, attacking all other subjects of the spell with intent to kill. this rage lasts for 1d4+1 rounds. Those who successfully save against the rage effect realize that they have been deceived and collapse to the ground, lamenting their foolishness, for 1d4 rounds unless attacked or otherwise disturbed.
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the 4th level Extension I spell, except it extends the duration of 1st through 4th level spells by 50%.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
The dream spell enables the caster, or a messenger touched by the caster, to send messages to others in the form of dreams. At the beginning of the spell, the caster must name the recipient or identify him by some title that leaves no doubt as to his identity. As the caster completes the spell, the person sending the spell falls into a deep trancelike sleep, and instantaneously projects his mind to the recipient. The sender then enters the recipient’s dream and delivers the message unless the recipient is magically protected. If the recipient is awake, the message sender can choose to remain in the trancelike sleep. If the sender is disturbed during this time, the spell is immediately canceled and the sender comes out of the trance. The whereabouts and current activities of the recipient cannot be learned through this spell. The sender is unaware of his own surroundings or the activities around him while he is in his trance. He is totally defenseless, both physically and mentally (i.e., he always fails any saving throw) while in the trance. Once the recipient’s dreams are entered, the sender can deliver a message of any length, which the recipient remembers perfectly upon waking. The communication is one-way; the recipient cannot ask questions or offer information, nor can the sender gain any information by observing the dreams of the recipient. Once the message is delivered, the sender’s mind returns instantly to his body. The duration of the spell is the time required for the sender to enter the recipient’s dream and deliver the message. The reverse of this spell, nightmare, enables the caster to send a hideous and unsettling vision to the recipient, who is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. The nightmare prevents restful sleep and causes 1d10 points of damage. The nightmare leaves the recipient fatigued and unable to regain spells for the next day. A dispel evil spell cast upon the recipient stuns the caster of the nightmare for one turn per level of the cleric countering this evil sending.
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: Neg.
The domination spell enables the caster to control the actions of any person until the spell is ended by the subject’s Intelligence (see the charm person spell). Elves and half-elves resist this enchantment as they do all charm-type spells. Then the spell is cast, the subject must roll a saving throw vs. spell at a penalty of -2, but Wisdom adjustments apply. Failure means the wizard has established a telepathic link with the subject’s mind. If a common language is shared, the wizard can generally force the subject to perform as the wizard desires, within the limits of the subject’s body structure and Strength. Note that the caster does not receive direct sensory input from the subject. Subjects resist this control, and those forced to take actions against their natures receive a new saving throw with a bonus of +1 to +4, depending on the type of action required. Obviously self-destructive orders are not carried out. Once control is established, there is no limit to the range at which it can be exercised, as long as the caster and subject are on the same plane. A protection from evil spell can prevent the caster from exercising control or using the telepathic link while the subject is so warded, but it cannot prevent the establishment of domination.
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 20 ft cube
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is similar to the 4th level spell shadow monsters, except that the monsters created are effectively 40% of normal hit points. If the saving throw is made, their damage potential is only 40% of normal and their Armor Class is 8. The monsters have none of the special abilities of the real creatures, although victims may be deluded into believing this to be so.
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the wizard sends his mind to another plane of existence in order to receive advice and information from powers there. As these powers resent such contact, only brief answers are given. (The DM answers all questions with “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, “never”, “irrelevant”, etc.) Any questions asked are answered by the power during the spell’s duration. The character con contact an elemental plane or some plane farther removed. For every two levels of experience of the wizard, one question may be asked. Contact with minds far removed from the plane of the wizard increases the probability of the spellcaster going insane or dying, but the chance of the power knowing the answer, as well as the probability of the being telling the correct answer, are likewise increased by moving to distant planes. Once the Outer Planes are reached, the Intelligence of the power contacted determines the effects. The accompanying random table is subject to DM changes, development of extraplanar NPC beings, and so on. If insanity occurs, it strikes as soon as the first questions is asked. This condition lasts for one week for each removal of the plane contacted (see the DMG or the PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting boxed set), to a maximum of 10 weeks. There is a 1% chance per plane that the wizard dies before recovering, unless a remove curse spell is cast upon him. A surviving wizard can recall the answer to the question. On rare occasions, this divination may be blocked by the action of certain lesser or greater powers.
Plane | Chance of Insanity* | Chance of Knowledge | Chance of Veracity** |
Elemental Plane | 20% | 55% (90%) | 62% (75%) |
Inner Plane | 25% | 60% | 65% |
Astral Plane | 30% | 65% | 67% |
Outer Plane, Int 19 | 35% | 70% | 70% |
Outer Plane, Int 20 | 40% | 75% | 73% |
Outer Plane, Int 21 | 45% | 80% | 75% |
Outer Plane, Int 22 | 50% | 85% | 78% |
Outer Plane, Int 23 | 55% | 90% | 81% |
Outer Plane, Int 24 | 60% | 95% | 85% |
Outer Plane, Int 25 | 65% | 98% | 90% |
* For every point of Intelligence of 15, the wizard reduces the chance of insanity by 5%.
** If the being does not know an answer, and the chance of veracity is not made, the being will emphatically give an incorrect answer. If the chance of veracity is made, the being will answer “unknown”. Percentages in parentheses are for questions that pertain to the appropriate elemental plane.
Optional Rule
The DM may allow a specific Outer Plane to be contacted (see the PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting boxed set). In this case, the difference in alignment between the caster and the plane contacted alters the maximum Intelligence that can be contacted-each difference in moral or ethical example, an 18t level lawful good caster could contact Mount Celestia (a lawful good plane) on the “Intelligence 20” line, or Elysium ( a neutral good plane) on the “Intelligence 19” line.
Range: 10 yds
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 40 x 20 x 20 ft cloud
Saving Throw: None
This spell generates a billowing cloud of ghastly yellowish green vapors that is so toxic as to slay any creature with fewer than 4+1 Hit Dice, cause creatures with 4+1 to 5+1 Hit Dice to roll saving throws vs. poison with -4 penalties or be slain, and creatures with up to 6 Hit Dice (inclusive) to roll unmodified saving throws vs. poison or be slain. Holding one’s breath has no effect on the lethality of the spell. Those above 6th level (or 6 Hit Dice) must leave the cloud immediately or suffer 1d10 points of poison damage each round while in the area of effect. The cloudkill moves away from the spellcaster at 10 feet per round, rolling along the surface of the ground. A moderate breeze causes it to alter course (roll for direction), but it does not move back toward its caster. A strong wind breaks it up in 4 rounds, and a greater wind force prevents the use of the spell. Very thick vegetation will disperse the cloud in 2 rounds. As the vapors are heavier than air, they sink to the lowest level of the land, even pouring down den or sinkhole openings, thus, the spell is ideal for slaying nests of giant ants, for example. It cannot penetrate liquids, nor can it be cast under water.
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 20 ft cube
Saving Throw: Special
A wizard casting the shadow monsters spell uses material from the Demiplane of Shadow to shape semireal illusions of one or more monsters. The total Hit Dice of the shadow monsters or monsters thus created cannot exceed the level of experience of the wizard; thus, a 10th level wizard can create one creature that has 10 Hit Dice, two that have 5 Hit Dice, etc. All shadow monsters created by one spell must be of the same sort. The actual hit point total for each monster is 20% of the hit point total it would normally have. (To determine this, roll the appropriate Hit Dice and multiply the hit points by 0.2. Any remainder less than 0.4 is dropped-in the case of monsters with 1 or fewer Hit Dice, this indicates the monster was not successfully created – and scores between 0.4 and 1 are rounded up to 1 hit point).
Those viewing the shadow monsters are allowed to disbelieve as per normal illusions, although there is a -2 penalty to the attempt. The shadow monsters perform as the real monsters with respect to Armor Class and attack forms. Those who believe in the shadow monster suffer real damage from their attacks. Special attack forms such as petrification or level drain do not actually occur, but a subject who believes they are real will react appropriately. Those who roll successful saving throws see the shadow monsters as transparent images superimposed on vague shadowy forms. These are Armor Class 10 and inflict only 20% of normal melee damage (biting, clawing, weapon, etc.), dropping fractional damage less than 0.4 as done with hit points.
For example: A shadow monster griffon attacks a person who knows it is only quasi-real. The monster strikes with two claw attacks and one bit, hitting as a 7 Hit Die monster. All three attacks hit; the normal damage dice are rolled, multiplied by 0.2 separately, rounded up or down, and added together to get the total damage. Thus, if the attacks score 4, 2 and 11 points, a total of 4 points of damage is inflicted (4 x 0.2 = 0.8 [rounded to 1], 2 x 0.2 = 0.4 [rounded to 1], 11 x 0.2 = 2.2 [rounded to 2]. The sum is 1+1+2=4).
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting this spell, the wizard is usually able to remove a curse – whether it is on an object, a person, or in the form of some undesired sending or evil presence. Note that the remove curse spell cannot affect a cursed shield, weapon, or suit of armor, for example, although it usually enables a person afflicted with a cursed item to be rid of it. Certain special curses may not be countered by this spell, or may be countered only by a caster of a certain level or higher. A caster of 12th level or higher can cure lycanthropy with this spell by casting it on the animal form. The were-creature receives a saving throw vs. spell and, if successful, the spell fails and the wizard must gain a level before attempting the remedy again. The reverse of the spell is not permanent; the bestow curse lasts one turn for every experience level of the wizard casting the spell. It causes one of the following effects (roll percentile dice):
D100 Roll | Result |
1-50 | Lowers one ability of the subject to 3 (the DM determines which by random selection) |
51-75 | Worsens the subject’s attack rolls and saving throws by -4 |
76-00 | Makes the subject 50% likely per turn to drop whatever it is holding (or simply do nothing, in the case of creatures not using tools) |
It is possible for a wizard to devise his own curse, and it should be similar in power to those given (the DM has final say). The subject of a bestow curse spell must be touched. If the subject is touched, a saving throw is still applicable; if it is successful, the effect is negated. The bestowed curse cannot be dispelled.