AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Tag Archives: No Material Requirement

Polymorph Self

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: 2 turns/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to assume the form of any creature, save those that are noncorporeal, from as small as a wren to as large as a hippopotamus. Furthermore, the wizard gains its physical mode of locomotion and breathing as well. No system shock roll is required. The spell does not give the new form’s other abilities (attack, magic, special movement, etc), nor does it run the risk of the wizard changing personality and mentality. When the polymorph occurs, the caster’s equipment, if any, melds into the new form (in particularly challenging campaigns, the DM may allow protective devices, such as a ring of protection, to continue operating effectively).

The caster retains all mental abilities, including spell use, assuming the new form allows completion of the proper verbal and somatic components and the material components are available. A caster not used to a new form might be penalized at the DM’s option (for example, -2 penalty to attack rolls) until he practices sufficiently to master it. Thus, a wizard changed into an owl could fly, but his vision would be human; a change to a black pudding would enable movement under doors or along halls and ceiling, but not the pudding’s offensive (acid) or defensive capabilities. Naturally, the strength of the new form is sufficient to enable normal movement.

The spellcaster can change his form as often as desired for the duration of the spell, each change requiring a round. The wizard retains his own hit points, attack rolls, and saving throws. The wizard can end the spell at any time; when voluntarily returning to his own form and ending the spell, he regains 1d12 hit points. The wizard also will return to his own form when slain or when the effect is dispelled, but no hit points are restored in these cases.

Plant Growth

Range: 10 yds/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: caster’s level(2) x 100 sq. ft.
Saving Throw: None

When a plant growth spell is cast, the wizard causes normal vegetation to grow, entwine, and entangle to form a thicket or jungle that creatures must hack or force a way through at a movement rate of 1 per round (or 2 if the creatures are larger than man size). The area must contain brush and trees for this spell to work. Briars, bushes, creepers, lianas, roots, saplings, thistles, thorn, trees, vines, and weeds become thick and overgrown so as to form a barrier.

The area of the effect is the caster’s level, squared, times 100 square feet. This area can be arranged in any square or rectangular shape that the caster desires. Thus, an 8th-level wizard can affect (8×8=) 64 x 100 square feet, or 6,400 square feet. This could be an 80 foot x 80 foot square, a 160 foot x 40 foot rectangle, a 640 foot x 10 foot rectangle, etc.

Individual plant girth and height is generally affected less than thickness of brush, branch, and undergrowth. The spell’s effects persist in the area until it is cleared by labor, fire, or such magical means as a dispel magic spell.

Phantasmal Killer

Range: 5 yds/level
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

When this spell is cast, the wizard creates the illusion of the most fearsome thing imaginable to the victim, simply by forming the fears of the victim’s subconscious mind into something that its conscious mind can visualize – the most horrible beast. Only the spell recipient can see the phantasmal killer (the caster sees only a shadowy shape), but if it succeeds in scoring a hit, the subject dies from fright. The beast attacks as a 4 Hit Dice monster. It is invulnerable to all attacks and can pass throughout any barriers. Once cast, it inexorably pursues the subject, for it exists only in the subject’s mind. The only defenses against a phantasmal killer are an attempt to disbelieve (which can be tried but once), slaying or rendering unconscious the wizard who cast the spell, or rendering unconscious the target of the spell for its duration. To disbelieve the killer, the subject must specifically state the attempt and then roll an Intelligence check.

Special modifiers apply to this attack:
Condition Modifier
Surprise -2
Subject previously attacked by this spell +1
Subject is an illusionist +2
Subject is wearing a helm of telepathy +3
Magic resistance, bonuses against fear, and Wisdom adjustments also apply.

The subject’s magic resistance is checked first; if the spell overcomes the resistance, the subject’s fear/Wisdom bonuses (if any) then apply as negative modifiers to his Intelligence check. If the subject of a phantasmal killer attack succeeds in disbelieving, and he is wearing a helm of telepathy, the beast can be turned upon the wizard, who must then disbelieve it or be subject to its attack and possible effects. If the subject ignores the killer to perform other actions, such as attacking the caster, the killer may, at the DM’s option, gain bonuses to hit (for flank or rear attacks, etc). Spells such as remove fear and cloak of bravery, cast after the killer has attacked, grant another check to disbelieve the effect.

Improved Invisibility

Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 4 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell is similar to the invisibility spell, but the recipient is able to attack, either by missile discharge, melee combat, or spellcasting, and remain unseen. Note, however, that telltale traces (such as a shimmering effect) sometimes allow an observant opponent to attack the invisible spell recipient. These traces are only noticeable when specifically looked for (after the invisible character has made his presence known). Attacks against the invisible character suffer -4 penalties to the attack rolls, and the invisible character’s saving throws are made with a +4 bonus. Beings with high Hit Dice that might normally notice invisible opponents will notice a creature under this spell as if they had 2 fewer Hit Dice (they roll saving throws vs. spell; success indicates they spot the character).

Extension I

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None

By use of an extension I spell, the wizard prolongs the duration of a previously cast 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell by 50%. Thus, a levitation spell can be made to function 15 minutes/level, a hold person spell made to work for 3 rounds/level, etc. Naturally, the spell affects only spells that have durations. This spell must be cast immediately after the spell to be extended, either by the original caster or another wizard. If a complete round or more elapses, the extension fails and is wasted.


Range: 10 yds/level
Components: V, S
Duration: 1d4 hrs + 1 hr/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell temporarily suppresses the subject’s life force. The necromancer points his finger and utters the incantation, releasing a black bolt of crackling energy. The subject must roll a saving throw vs. spell, adjusted for Dexterity, to avoid the bolt. Success means the spell has no effect. Failure means the subject is treated exactly as if he had been drained of energy levels by a wight, one level for every four levels of the caster. Hit Dice, spells, and other character details dependent on level are lost or reduced. Those drained to 0th level must make a system shock check to survive and are helpless until the spell expires. The spell effect eventually wears off, either after 1d4 hours plus one hour per caster level, or after six hours of complete and undisturbed rest. Level abilities are regained, but lost spells must be rememorized. Undead are immune to this spell.


Range: 10 yds/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 20 ft cube
Saving Throw: Neg.

When this spell is cast, the wizard can create a single emotional reaction in the subject creatures. The following are typical:

  1. Courage: This emotion causes the creatures affected to become berserk, fighting with a +1 bonus to the attack dice, causing +3 points of damage, and temporarily gaining 5 hit points. The recipients fight without shield and regardless of life, never checking morale. This spell counters (and is countered by) fear.
  2. Fear: The affected creatures flee in panic for 2d4 rounds. It counters (and is countered by) courage.
  3. Friendship: The affected creatures react more positively (for example, tolerance becomes goodwill). It counters (and is countered by) hate.
  4. Happiness: This effect creates joy and a feeling of complacent well-being, adding +4 to all reaction rolls and making attack unlikely unless the creatures are subject to extreme provocation. It counters (and is countered by) sadness.
  5. Hate: The affected creatures react more negatively (for example, tolerance becomes negative neutrality). It counters (and is countered by) friendship.
  6. Hope: The effect of hope is to raise morale, saving throw rolls, attack rolls, and damage caused by +2. It counters (and is countered by) hopelessness.
  7. Hopelessness: The affected creatures submit to the demands of any opponent: surrender, get out, etc. Otherwise, the creatures are 25% likely to do nothing in a round, and 25% likely to turn back or retreat. It counters (and is countered by) hope.
  8. Sadness: This creates unhappiness and a tendency toward maudlin introspection. This emotion penalizes surprise rolls by -1 and adds +1 to initiative rolls. It counters (and is countered by) happiness.

All creatures in the area at the instant the spell is cast are affected unless successful saving throws vs. spell are made, adjusted for Wisdom. The spell lasts as long as the wizard continues to concentrate on projecting the chosen emotion. Those who fail the saving throw against fear must roll a new saving throw if they return to the affected area.

Dimension Door

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

By means of a dimension door spell, the wizard instantly transfers himself up to 30 yards distance per level of experience. This special form of teleportation allows for no error, and the wizard always arrives at exactly the spot desired – whether by simply visualizing the area (within spell transfer distance, of course) or by stating direction such as, “300 yards straight downward,” or, “upward to the northwest, 45 degree angle, 420 yards.” If the wizard arrives in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, he remains trapped in the Astral Plane. If distances are stated and the spellcaster arrives with no support below his feet (i.e., in mid-air), falling and damage result unless further magical means are employed. All that the wizard wears or carries, subject to a maximum weight equal to 500 pounds of nonliving matter, or half that amount of living matter, is transferred with the spellcaster. Recovery from use of a dimension door spell requires one round.


Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell causes a major disease and weakness in a creature. The afflicted individual is immediately stricken with painful and distracting symptoms: boils, blotches, lesions, seeping abscesses, and so on. Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma are reduced by 2. Attack rolls are decreased by 2. The effect persists until the character receives a cure disease spell or spends 1d3 weeks taking a complete rest to recover. Characters ignoring the contagion for more than a day or so may be susceptible to worse diseases at the discretion of the DM.

Charm Monster

Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures in 20 ft radius
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell is similar to a charm person spell, but it can affect any living creature – or several low-level creatures. The spell affects 2d4 Hit Dice or levels of creatures, although it only affects one creature of 4 or more Hit Dice or levels, regardless of the number rolled. All possible subjects receive saving throws vs. spell, adjusted for Wisdom. Any damage inflicted by the caster or his allies in the round of casting grants the wounded creature another saving throw at a bonus of +1 per point of damage received. Any affected creature regards the spellcaster as friendly, an ally or companion to be treated well or guarded from harm. If communication is possible, the charmed creature follows reasonable requests, instructions, or orders most faithfully (see the suggestion spell). If communication is not possible, the creature does not harm the caster, but others in the vicinity may be subject to its intentions, hostile or otherwise. Any overtly hostile act by the caster breaks the spell, or at the very least allows a new saving throw against the charm. Affected creatures eventually come out from under the influence of the spell. This is a function of the creature’s level (i.e., its Hit Dice).

Monster Level or Hit Dice      % Chance Per Week of Breaking Spell
1st or up to 2 5%
2nd or up to 3+2 10%
3rd or up to 4+4 15%
4th or up to 6 25%
5th or up to 7+2 35%
6th or up to 8+4 45%
7th or up to 10 60%
8th or up to 12 75%
9th or over 12 90%

The exact day of the week and time of day is secretly determined by the DM.