AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Tag Archives: No Material Requirement

Animal Summoning III

Sphere: Animal, Summoning
Range: 100 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell is the same in duration and effect as the 4th-level animal summoning I spell, except that up to four animals of no more than 16 Hit Dice each can be summoned, or eight of no more than 8 Hit Dice, or 16 creatures of no more than 4 Hit Dice. Only animals within range of the caster at the time the spell is cast will come. The caster can try three times to summon three different types of animals – e.g., suppose that wild dogs are first summoned to no avail, then hawks are unsuccessfully called, and finally the caster calls for wild horses that may or may not be within summoning range. Your DM will determine the chance of a summoned animal type being within range of the spell. The animals summoned will aid the caster by whatever means they possess, staying until a fight is over, a specific mission is finished, the caster is safe, he sends them away, etc. Only normal or giant animals can be summoned; fantastic animals or monsters cannot be summoned by this spell (no chimerae, dragons, gorgons, manticores, etc.).

Aerial Servant

Sphere: Summoning
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell summons an invisible aerial servant to find and bring back an object or creature described to it by the priest. Unlike an elemental, an aerial servant cannot be commanded to fight for the caster. When it is summoned, the priest must have cast a protection from evil spell, be within a protective circle, or have a special item used to control the aerial servant. Otherwise, it attempts to slay its summoner and return from whence it came.

The object or creature to be brought must be such as to allow the aerial servant to physically bring it to the priest (an aerial servant can carry at least 1,000 pounds). If prevented, for any reason, from completing the assigned duty, the aerial servant becomes insane and seeks out and attempts to destroy the caster. The aerial servant returns to its own plane whenever the spell lapses, its duty is fulfilled, it is dispelled, the priest releases it, or the priest is slain. The spell lasts for a maximum of one day for each level of experience of the priest who cast it.

If the creature to be fetched cannot detect invisible objects, the aerial servant attacks, automatically gaining surprise. If the creature involved can detect invisible objects, it still suffers a -2 penalty to all surprise rolls caused by the aerial servant. Each round of combat, the aerial servant must roll to attack. When a hit is scored, the aerial servant has grabbed the item or creature it was sent for. A creature with a Strength rating is allowed an evasion roll, equal to twice its bend bars chance, to escape the hold. If the creature in question does not have a Strength rating, roll 1d8 for each Hit Die the aerial servant and the creature grabbed have. The higher total is the stronger. Once seized, the creature cannot free itself by Strength or Dexterity and is flown to the priest forthwith.

Raise Dead

Sphere: Necromantic
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: Special

When the priest casts a raise dead spell, he can restore life to a dwarf, gnome, half-elf, halfling, or human (other creatures may be allowed, at the OM’s option). The length of time that the person has been dead is of importance, as the priest can raise persons dead only up to a limit of one day for each experience level of the priest (i.e., a 9th-level priest can raise a person who has been dead for up to nine days).

Note that the body of the person must be whole, or otherwise missing parts are still missing when the person is brought back to life. Likewise, other ills, such as poison and disease, are not negated. The raised person must roll a successful resurrection survival check to survive the ordeal (see Table 3: Constitution) and loses 1 point of Constitution. Furthermore, the raised person is weak and helpless in any event, and he needs a minimum of one full day of rest in bed for each day or fraction he was dead. The person has but 1 hit point when raised and must regain the rest by natural healing or curative magic.

Note that a character’s starting Constitution is an absolute limit to the number of times the character can be revived by this means.

The somatic component of the spell is a pointed finger.

The reverse of the spell, slay living, grants the victim a saving throw vs. death magic, and if successful, the victim sustains damage equal only to that of a cause serious wounds spell – i.e., 2d8 +1 points. Failure means the victim dies instantly.

Cure Critical Wounds

Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

The cure critical wounds spell is a very potent version of the cure light wounds spell. The priest lays his hand upon a creature and heals 3d8 +3 points of damage from wounds or other damage. The spell does not affect creatures without corporeal bodies, those of extraplanar origin, or those not living.

The reversed spell, cause critical wounds, operates in the same fashion as other cause wounds spells, requiring a successful touch to inflict the 3d8 +3 points of damage. Caused wounds heal via the same methods as do wounds of other sorts.

Control Winds

Sphere: Weather
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 40-foot/level radius
Saving Throw: None

By means of a control winds spell, the caster is able to alter wind force in the area of effect. For every three levels of experience, the caster can increase or decrease wind force by one level of strength. Wind strengths are as follows:

Wind Force Miles Per Hour
Light Breeze 2-7
Moderate Breeze    8-18
Strong Breeze 19-31
Gale 32-54
Storm 55-72
Hurricane 73-176

Winds in excess of 19 miles per hour drive small flying creatures (those eagle-sized and under) from the skies, severely affect missile accuracy, and make sailing difficult. Winds in excess of 32 miles per hour drive even man-sized flying creatures from the skies and cause minor ship damage. Winds in excess of 55 miles per hour drive all flying creatures from the skies, uproot trees of small size, knock down wooden structures, tear off roofs, etc., and endanger ships. Winds in excess of 73 miles per hour are of hurricane force.

An “eye” of 40-foot radius, in which the wind is calm, exists around the caster. Note that while the spell can be used in underground places, the eye shrinks one foot for every foot of confinement, if the spell is cast in an area smaller than the area of effect. (For example, if the area of effect is a 360-foot radius, and the space only allows a 350-foot area, the eye shrinks by 10 feet to a 30-foot radius; a space under 320 feet in radius would eliminate the eye and subject the spell caster to the effects of the wind.)

Once the spell is cast, the wind force increases (or decreases) by 3 miles per hour per round until the maximum (or minimum) speed is attained. The caster, with one round of complete concentration, can stabilize the wind at its current strength, or set it to increase or decrease, although the rate of the change cannot be altered. The spell remains in force for one turn for each level of experience of the caster. When the spell is exhausted, the force of the wind wanes (or waxes) at the same rate, until it reaches the level it was at before the spell took effect. Another caster can use a control winds spell to counter the effects of a like spell up to the limits of his own ability.

Commune With Nature

Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the caster to become one with nature in the area, thus being empowered with knowledge of the surrounding territory. For each level of experience of the caster, he can “know” one fact: the ground ahead, left or right; the plants ahead, left or right; the minerals ahead, left or right; the water courses/bodies of water ahead, left or right, the people dwelling ahead, left or right; the general animal population, left or right; the presence of woodland creatures ahead, left or right; etc. The presence of powerful unnatural creatures can also be detected, as can the general state of the natural setting. The spell is most effective in outdoor settings, operating in a radius of one-half mile for each level of the caster. In natural underground settings – caves, caverns, etc. – the range is limited to 10 yards per caster level. In constructed settings (dungeons and towns), the spell will not function. The DM may limit the casting of this pell to once per month.

Anti-Plant Shell

Sphere: Plant, Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 15′ diameter hemisphere
Saving Throw: None

The anti-plant shell spell creates an invisible, mobile barrier that keeps out all creatures or missiles of living vegetable material. Thus, the caster (and any creatures within the shell) is protected from attacking plants or vegetable creatures such as shambling mounds or treants. Any attempt to force the barrier against such creatures shatters the barrier immediately. The spell lasts for one turn for each experience level of the caster.

Animal Summoning II

Sphere: Animal, Summoning
Range: 60 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster calls up to six animals that have 8 Hit Dice or less, or 12 animals of 4 Hit Dice or less, of whatever sort the caster names. Only animals within range of the caster at the time the spell is cast will come. The caster can try three times to summon three different types of animals – suppose that wild dogs are first summoned to no avail, then hawks are unsuccessfully called, and finally the caster calls for wild horses that may or may not be within summoning range. Your DM will determine the chance of a summoned animal type being within range of the spell. The animals summoned aid the caster by whatever means they possess, staying until a fight is over, a specific mission is finished, the caster is safe, he sends them away, etc. Only normal or giant animals can be summoned; fantastic animals or monsters cannot be summoned by this spell (no chimerae, dragons, gorgons, manticores, etc.).


Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the caster to speak and understand additional languages, whether they are racial tongue or regional dialects, but not communications of animals or mindless creatures. When the spell is cast, the spell caster selects the language or languages to be understood. The spell then empowers the caster with the ability to speak and understand the language desired with perfect fluency and accent. The spell enables the priest to be understood by all speakers of that language within hearing distance, usually 60 feet. This spell does not predispose the subject toward the caster in any way. The priest can speak one additional tongue for every three levels of experience.

The reverse of the spell cancels the effect of the tongues spell or confuses verbal communication of any sort within the area of effect.

Hold Plant

Sphere: Plant
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.

The hold plant spell affects vegetable matter as follows: 1) it causes ambulatory vegetation to cease moving; 2) it prevents vegetable matter from entwining, grasping, closing, or growing; 3) it prevents vegetable matter from making any sound or movement that is not caused by wind. The spell effects apply to all forms of vegetation, including parasitic and fungoid types, and those magically animated or otherwise magically empowered. It affects such monsters as green slime, molds of any sort, shambling mounds, shriekers, treants, etc. The duration of a hold plant spell is one round per level of experience of the caster. It affects ld4 plants in a 40′ X 40′ area-or a square four to 16 yards on a side of small ground growth such as grass or mold. If but one plant (or four yards square) is chosen as the target for the spell by the caster, the saving throw of the plant (or area of plant growth) is made with a -4 penalty to the die roll; if two plants (or eight yards square) are the target, saving throws suffer a -2 penalty; if three plants (or 12 yards square) are the target, saving throws suffer a -1 penalty; and if the maximum of four plants (or 16 yards square) are the target, saving throws are unmodified.