AD&D 2nd Edition

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Extension III

Range: 0
Components: V
Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw: None

This spell is the same as the 4th level extension I spell, except that it will extend 1st through 3rd level spells to double duration and will extend the duration of 4th or 5th level spells by 50%.


Range: Touch
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is used, the wizard instantly transports himself, along with a certain amount of additional weight that is on or being touched by the spellcaster, to a well-known destination. Distance is not a factor, but interplanar travel is not possible by means of a teleport spell. The spellcaster is able to teleport a maximum weight of 250 pounds, plus an additional 150 pounds for each level of experience above the 10th (a 13th level wizard can teleport up to 700 pounds). If the destination area is very familiar to the wizard (he has a clear mental picture due to previous proximity to and study of the area), it is unlikely that there is any error in arriving, although the caster has no control over his facing upon arrival. Lesser known areas (those seen only magically or from a distance) increase the probability of error. Unfamiliar areas present considerable peril (see table).

Probability of Teleporting
Destination Is: High On Target    Low
Very familiar 01-02    03-99 00
Studied carefully    01-04 05-98 99-00
Seen casually 01-08 09-96 97-00
Viewed once 01-16 17-92 93-00
Never seen 01-32 33-84 85-00

Teleporting high means the wizard arrives 10 feet above the ground for every 1% he is below the lowest “On Target” probability; this could be as high as 320 feet if the destination area was never seen. Any low result means the instant death of the wizard if the area into which he teleports is solid. A wizard cannot teleport to an area of empty space-a substantial surface must be there, whether a wooden floor, a stone floor, natural ground, etc. Areas of strong physical or magical energies may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible.

Leomund’s Lamentable Belaborment

Range: 10 yds
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures in a 10 ft radius
Saving Throw: Special

This devious spell distracts the subject creatures by drawing them into an absorbing discussion on topic of interest to them. A chain of responses occurs during the next 11 rounds, with additional saving throws as described later. These responses are conversation (rounds 1-3), possible confusion (rounds 4-6), and then either rage or lamentation (rounds 7-11). All saving throws are affected by the creatures’ Intelligences, as noted later. The subject creatures must be able to understand the language in which the spellcaster speaks. Upon casting the spell, the wizard begins discussion of some topic germane to the creature or creatures to be affected. Those making a successful saving throw vs. spell are unaffected. Affected creatures immediately begin to converse with the spellcaster, agreeing or disagreeing, all most politely. As long as the spellcaster chooses, he can maintain the spell by conversing with the subject(s). If the caster is attacked or otherwise distracted, the subject creatures do not notice.

Intelligence      Saving Throw Modifier
2 or less Spell has no effect
3-7 -1
8-10 0
11-14 +1
15+ +2

The wizard can leave at any time after the casting and the subject(s) continue on as if the caster were still present. As long as they are not attacked, the creatures ignore all else going on around them, spending their time talking and arguing to the exclusion of other activities. However, when the caster leaves, each subject completes only the stage of the spell that it is currently in, and then the spell is broken. If the caster maintains the spell for more than three rounds, each affected creature can roll another saving throw vs. spell. Those failing to save wander off in confusion for 1d10+2 rounds, staying away from the spellcaster. Those who make this saving throw continue to talk and roll saving throws for each round that the caster continues the spell, up through the 6th round, to avoid the confusion effect. If the spell is maintained for more than 6 rounds, each subject must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell to avoid going into a rage, attacking all other subjects of the spell with intent to kill. this rage lasts for 1d4+1 rounds. Those who successfully save against the rage effect realize that they have been deceived and collapse to the ground, lamenting their foolishness, for 1d4 rounds unless attacked or otherwise disturbed.

Extension II

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell is the same as the 4th level Extension I spell, except it extends the duration of 1st through 4th level spells by 50%.

Contact Other Plane

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the wizard sends his mind to another plane of existence in order to receive advice and information from powers there. As these powers resent such contact, only brief answers are given. (The DM answers all questions with “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, “never”, “irrelevant”, etc.) Any questions asked are answered by the power during the spell’s duration. The character con contact an elemental plane or some plane farther removed. For every two levels of experience of the wizard, one question may be asked. Contact with minds far removed from the plane of the wizard increases the probability of the spellcaster going insane or dying, but the chance of the power knowing the answer, as well as the probability of the being telling the correct answer, are likewise increased by moving to distant planes. Once the Outer Planes are reached, the Intelligence of the power contacted determines the effects. The accompanying random table is subject to DM changes, development of extraplanar NPC beings, and so on. If insanity occurs, it strikes as soon as the first questions is asked. This condition lasts for one week for each removal of the plane contacted (see the DMG or the PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting boxed set), to a maximum of 10 weeks. There is a 1% chance per plane that the wizard dies before recovering, unless a remove curse spell is cast upon him. A surviving wizard can recall the answer to the question. On rare occasions, this divination may be blocked by the action of certain lesser or greater powers.

Plane Chance of Insanity*    Chance of Knowledge    Chance of Veracity**
Elemental Plane 20% 55% (90%) 62% (75%)
Inner Plane 25% 60% 65%
Astral Plane 30% 65% 67%
Outer Plane, Int 19      35% 70% 70%
Outer Plane, Int 20 40% 75% 73%
Outer Plane, Int 21 45% 80% 75%
Outer Plane, Int 22 50% 85% 78%
Outer Plane, Int 23 55% 90% 81%
Outer Plane, Int 24 60% 95% 85%
Outer Plane, Int 25 65% 98% 90%

* For every point of Intelligence of 15, the wizard reduces the chance of insanity by 5%.

** If the being does not know an answer, and the chance of veracity is not made, the being will emphatically give an incorrect answer. If the chance of veracity is made, the being will answer “unknown”. Percentages in parentheses are for questions that pertain to the appropriate elemental plane.

Optional Rule
The DM may allow a specific Outer Plane to be contacted (see the PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting boxed set). In this case, the difference in alignment between the caster and the plane contacted alters the maximum Intelligence that can be contacted-each difference in moral or ethical example, an 18t level lawful good caster could contact Mount Celestia (a lawful good plane) on the “Intelligence 20” line, or Elysium ( a neutral good plane) on the “Intelligence 19” line.


Range: 0
Components: V, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10 x 30 ft cone
Saving Throw: Special

When a shout spell is cast, the wizard gives himself tremendous vocal powers. The caster can emit an ear-splitting noise that has a principal effect in a cone shape radiating from his mouth to a point 30 feet away. Any creature within this area is deafened for 2d6 rounds and suffers 2d6 points of damage. A successful saving throw vs. spell negates the deafness and reduces the damage by half. Any exposed brittle or crystal substance subject to sonic vibrations is shattered by a shout, while those brittle objects in the possession of a creature receive the creature’s saving throw.

Deafened creatures suffer a -1 penalty to surprise rolls, and those that cast spells with verbal components are 20% likely to miscast them. The shout spell cannot penetrate the 2nd-level priest spell, silence, 15′ radius. This spell can be employed only once per day; otherwise, the caster might permanently deafen himself. The material components for this spell are a drop of honey, a drop of citric acid, and a small cone made from a bull or ram horn.

Polymorph Self

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: 2 turns/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to assume the form of any creature, save those that are noncorporeal, from as small as a wren to as large as a hippopotamus. Furthermore, the wizard gains its physical mode of locomotion and breathing as well. No system shock roll is required. The spell does not give the new form’s other abilities (attack, magic, special movement, etc), nor does it run the risk of the wizard changing personality and mentality. When the polymorph occurs, the caster’s equipment, if any, melds into the new form (in particularly challenging campaigns, the DM may allow protective devices, such as a ring of protection, to continue operating effectively).

The caster retains all mental abilities, including spell use, assuming the new form allows completion of the proper verbal and somatic components and the material components are available. A caster not used to a new form might be penalized at the DM’s option (for example, -2 penalty to attack rolls) until he practices sufficiently to master it. Thus, a wizard changed into an owl could fly, but his vision would be human; a change to a black pudding would enable movement under doors or along halls and ceiling, but not the pudding’s offensive (acid) or defensive capabilities. Naturally, the strength of the new form is sufficient to enable normal movement.

The spellcaster can change his form as often as desired for the duration of the spell, each change requiring a round. The wizard retains his own hit points, attack rolls, and saving throws. The wizard can end the spell at any time; when voluntarily returning to his own form and ending the spell, he regains 1d12 hit points. The wizard also will return to his own form when slain or when the effect is dispelled, but no hit points are restored in these cases.

Extension I

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None

By use of an extension I spell, the wizard prolongs the duration of a previously cast 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell by 50%. Thus, a levitation spell can be made to function 15 minutes/level, a hold person spell made to work for 3 rounds/level, etc. Naturally, the spell affects only spells that have durations. This spell must be cast immediately after the spell to be extended, either by the original caster or another wizard. If a complete round or more elapses, the extension fails and is wasted.

Dimension Door

Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

By means of a dimension door spell, the wizard instantly transfers himself up to 30 yards distance per level of experience. This special form of teleportation allows for no error, and the wizard always arrives at exactly the spot desired – whether by simply visualizing the area (within spell transfer distance, of course) or by stating direction such as, “300 yards straight downward,” or, “upward to the northwest, 45 degree angle, 420 yards.” If the wizard arrives in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, he remains trapped in the Astral Plane. If distances are stated and the spellcaster arrives with no support below his feet (i.e., in mid-air), falling and damage result unless further magical means are employed. All that the wizard wears or carries, subject to a maximum weight equal to 500 pounds of nonliving matter, or half that amount of living matter, is transferred with the spellcaster. Recovery from use of a dimension door spell requires one round.


Range: 0
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30- ft radius
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the wizard to speak and understand additional languages, whether they are racial tongues or regional dialects. This does not enable the caster to speak with animals. The spell enables the caster to be understood by all creatures of that type within hearing distance, usually 60 feet. This spell does not predispose the subject toward the caster in any way. The wizard can speak one additional tongue for ever 3 levels of experience. The reverse of the spell cancels the effect of the tongues spell or confuses verbal communication of any sort within the area of effect. The material component is a small clay model of a ziggurat, which shatters when the spell is pronounced.