AD&D 2nd Edition

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Tag Archives: Silent

Invisibility to Animals

Sphere: Animal
Range: Touch
Components: S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature touched/level
Saving Throw: None

When an invisibility to animals spell is cast, the creature touched becomes totally undetectable by normal animals with Intelligences under 6. Normal animals includes giant-sized varieties, but it excludes any with magical abilities or powers. The enchanted individual is able to walk among such animals or pass through them as if he did not exist. For example, this individual could stand before the hungriest of lions or a tyrannosaurus rex and not be molested or even noticed. However, a nightmare, hell hound, or winter wolf would certainly be aware of the individual. For every level the caster has achieved, one creature can be rendered invisible. Any recipient attacking while this spell is in effect ends the spell immediately (for himself only).

The material component of this spell is holly rubbed over the recipient.


Range: 10 yards
Components: S
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

When a mislead spell is cast by the wizard, he actually creates an illusory double at the same time that he is cloaked by improved invisibility magic (see the 4th level spell). The wizard is then free to go elsewhere while his double seemingly moves away. The spell enables the illusion of the wizard to speak and gesture as if it were real, and there are full olfactory and touch components as well. A true seeing spell or a gem of seeing will reveal the illusion for what it is. A detect invisibility or true seeing spell or items such as a gem of seeing or robe of eyes can detect the invisible wizard (see the 5th level wizard spell shadow door).

Shadow Door

Range: 10 yds
Components: S
Duration: 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the wizard creates the illusion of a door. The illusion also permits the wizard to appear to step through this “door” and disappear. In reality, he has darted aside and can flee, totally invisible, for the spell duration. Creatures viewing this are deluded into seeing or entering an empty 10 foot x 10 foot room if they open the “door”. A true seeing spell, a gem of seeing, or similar magical means can discover the wizard. Certain high Hit Dice monsters might also notice the wizard (see the invisibility spell), but only if making an active attempt to do so.

Rainbow Pattern

Range: 10 yards
Components: S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 30 ft cube
Saving Throw: Neg.

By means of this spell, the wizard creates a glowing, rainbow-hued bank of interweaving patterns. Any creature caught in it ma become fascinated and gaze at it as long as the effect lasts. The spell can captivate a maximum of 24 levels, or Hit Dice, of creatures – 24 creatures with 1 Hit Die each, 12 with 2 Hit Dice, etc. All creatures affected must be within the area of effect, and each is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. An attack on an affected creature that causes damage frees it from the spell immediately. Creatures that are restrained and removed from the area still try to follow the pattern.

Once the rainbow pattern is cast, the wizard need only gesture in the direction he desires, and the pattern of colors moves slowly off in that direction, at the rate of 30 feet per round. It persists without further attention from the spellcaster for 1d3 rounds. All affected creatures follow the moving rainbow of light. If the pattern leads its subjects into a dangerous area (through flame, off a cliff, etc), allow a second saving throw. If the view of the lights is completely blocked (by an obscurement spell, for instance), the spell is negated. The wizard need not utter a sound, but he must gesture appropriately while holding a crystal prism and the material component, a piece of phosphor.


Range: 0
Components: S, M
Duration: 2 rds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the wizard and all of his gear become insubstantial. The caster is subject only to magical or special attacks, including those by weapons of +1 or better, or by creatures otherwise able to affect those struck only by magical weapons. Undead of most sorts will ignore an individual in wraithform, believing him to be a wraith or spectre, though a lich or special undead may save vs. spell with a -4 penalty to recognize the spell. The wizard can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, with all he wears or holds in his hands, as long as the spell persists. Note, however, that the caster cannot fly without additional magic. No form of attack is possible when in wraithform, except against creatures that exist on the Ethereal Plane, where all attacks (both ways) are normal. A successful dispel magic spell forces the wizard in wraithform back to normal form. The spellcaster can end the spell with a single word. The material components for the spell are a bit of gauze and a wisp of smoke.

Hypnotic Pattern

Range: 30 yds
Components: S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 30 ft. cube
Saving Throw: Neg.

When this spell is cast, the wizard creates a weaving, twisting pattern of subtle colors in the air. This pattern causes any creature looking at it to become fascinated and stand gazing at it as long as the spellcaster maintains the display, plus two rounds thereafter. The spell can captivate a maximum of 24 levels, or Hit Dice, or creatures (for example, 24 creatures with 1 Hit Die each, 12 with 2 Hit Dice, etc). All creatures affected must be within the area of effect, and each is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. A damage-inflicting attack on an affected creature frees it from the spell immediately. The wizard need not utter a sound, but he must gesture appropriately while holding a glowing stick of incense or a crystal rod filled with phosphorescent material.