AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Tag Archives: Somatic

Speak With Animal

Sphere: Animal, Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 rounds level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 animal within 30-foot radius of priest
Saving Throw: None

This spell empowers the priest to comprehend and communicate with any warm- or cold-blooded, normal or giant animal that is not mindless. The priest is able to ask questions and receive answers of the creature, although friendliness and cooperation are by no means assured. Furthermore, terseness and evasiveness are likely in basically wary and cunning creatures (the more stupid ones will instead make inane comments). If the animal is friendly or of the same general alignment as the priest, there is a possibility that the animal will do some favor or service for the priest. This possibility is determined by the DM. Note that this spell differs from the speak with monsters spell, for this spell allows conversation only with normal or giant, non-fantastic creatures such as apes, bears, cats, dogs, elephants, and so on.

Snake Charm

Sphere: Animal
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 30-foot cube
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, a hypnotic pattern is set up that causes one or more snakes to cease all activity except a semi-erect, swaying movement. If the snakes are charmed while in a torpor, the duration of the spell is ld4 +2 turns; if the snakes are not torpid, but are not aroused and angry, the charm lasts ld3 turns; if the snakes are angry or attacking, the snake charm spell lasts ld4 + 4 rounds. The priest casting the spell can charm snakes whose total hit points are less than or equal to those of the priest. On the average, a 1st-level priest could charm snakes with a total of 4 or 5 hit points; a 2nd-level priest could charm 9 hit points, etc. The hit points can be those of a single snake or those of several of the reptiles, but the total hit points cannot exceed those of the priest casting the spell. A 23-hit point caster charming a dozen 2-hit point snakes would charm 11 of them. This spell is also effective against any ophidian or ophidianoid monster, such as naga, couatl, etc., subject to magic resistance, hit points, and so forth.

Variations of this spell may exist, allowing other creatures significant to a particular mythos to be affected. Your DM will inform you if such spells exist.

Slow Poison

Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is placed upon a poisoned individual, it greatly slows the effects of venom, if it is cast upon the victim before the poison takes full effect. (This period, known as the onset time, is known to the DM.) While this spell does not neutralize the venom, it does prevent it from substantially harming the individual for the duration of its magic in hopes that, during that period, a full cure can be accomplished.

The material components of the slow poison spell are the priest’s holy symbol and a bud of garlic that must be crushed and smeared on the wound (or eaten if poison was ingested).

Silence, 15′ Radius

Sphere: Guardian
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 rounds/ level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 15-foot-radius sphere
Saving Throw: None

Upon casting this spell, complete silence prevails in the affected area. All sound is stopped: conversation is impossible, spells cannot be cast (or at least not those with verbal components, if the optional component rule is used), and no noise whatsoever issues from or enters the area. The spell can be cast into the air or upon an object, but the effect is stationary unless cast on a mobile object or creature. The spell lasts two rounds for each level of experience of the priest. The spell can be centered upon a creature, and the effect then radiates from the creature and moves as it does. An unwilling creature receives a saving throw against the spell . If the saving throw is successful, the spell effect is centered about one foot behind the position of the subject creature at the instant of casting. This spell provides a defense against sound-based attacks, such as harpy singing, horn of blasting, etc.

Resist Fire/Resist Cold

Sphere: Protection
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/ level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is placed upon a creature by a priest, the creature’s body is toughened to withstand heat or cold, as chosen by the caster. Complete immunity to mild conditions (standing naked in the snow or reaching into an ordinary fire to pluck out a note) is gained. The recipient can somewhat resist intense heat or cold (whether natural or magical in origin), such as red-hot charcoal, a large amount of burning oil, flaming swords, fire storms, fireballs , meteor swarms, red dragon’s breath, frostbrand swords, ice storms, wands of frost, or white dragon’s breath. In all of these cases, the temperature affects the creature to some extent. The recipient of the spell gains a bonus of +3 to saving throws against such attack forms and all damage sustained is reduced by 50%; therefore, if the saving throw is failed , the creature sustains one-half damage and if the saving throw is successful, only one-quarter damage is sustained. Resistance to fire lasts for one round for each experience level of the priest placing the spell.

The caster needs a drop of mercury as the material component of this spell.

Produce Flame

Sphere: Elemental (Fire)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

A bright flame, equal in brightness to a torch, springs forth from the caster’s palm when he casts a produce flame spell. The flame does not harm the caster, but it is hot and it causes the combustion of flammable materials (paper, cloth, dry wood, oil, etc. ). The caster is capable of hurling the magical flame as a missile, with a range of 40 yards (considered short range). The flame flashes on impact, igniting combustibles within a three-foot diameter of its center of impact, and then it goes out. A creature struck by the flame suffers 1d4 +1 points of damage and, if combustion occurs, must spend a round extinguishing the fire or suffer additional damage assigned by the DM until the fire is extinguished. A miss is resolved as a grenade-like missile. If any duration remains to the spell, another flame immediately appears in the caster’s hand. The caster can hurl a maximum of one flame per level, but no more than one flame per round.

The caster can snuff out magical flame any time he desires, but fire caused by the flame cannot be so extinguished. This spell does not function under water.


Sphere: Weather
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 4 rounds/ level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell causes a misty vapor to arise around the caster. It persists in this locale for four rounds per caster level and reduces the visibility ranges of all types of vision (including infravision) to 2d4 feet. The ground area affected by the spell is a square progression based on the caster’s level: a 10′ x 10′ area at 1st level, a 20′ x 20 ‘ area at 2nd level, a 30′ x 30’ area at 3rd level, and so on. The height of the vapor is restricted to 10 feet, although the cloud will otherwise expand to fill confined spaces. A strong wind (such as the 3rd-level wizard spell, gust of wind) can cut the duration of an obscurement spell by 75%. This spell does not function under water.


Sphere: Animal
Range: 20 yards/ level
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell enables the priest to call upon a tiny (size T) creature of at least animal intelligence to act as his messenger. The spell does not affect giant animals and it does not work on creatures of low (i.e., 5) Intelligence or higher. If the creature is within range, the priest, using some type of food desirable to the animal as a lure, can call the animal to come. The animal is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw is failed , the animal advances toward the priest and awaits his bidding. The priest can communicate with the animal in a crude fashion , telling it to go to a certain place, but directions must be simple. The spellcaster can attach some small item or note to the animal . If so instructed, the animal will then wait at that location until the duration of the spell expires. (Note that unless the intended recipient of a message is expecting a messenger in the form of a small animal or bird, the carrier may be ignored.) When the spell’s duration expires, the animal or bird returns to its normal activities. The intended recipient of a message gains no communication ability.

Know Alignment

Sphere: Divination
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn
Casting time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature or object
Saving Throw: Neg.

A know alignment spell enables the priest to exactly read the aura of a creature or an aligned object (unaligned objects reveal nothing). The caster must remain stationary and concentrate on the subject for a full round. If the creature rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell, the caster learns nothing about that particular creature from the casting. Certain magical devices negate the power of the know alignment spell.

The reverse, undetectable alignment, conceals the alignment of an object or creature for 24 hours.


Sphere: Plant
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day +1 day/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 2d4 fresh berries
Saving Throw: None

Casting a goodberry spell upon a handful of freshly picked berries makes 2d4 of them magical. The caster (as well as any other caster of the same faith and 3rd or higher level) can immediately discern which berries are affected. A detect magic spell discovers this also. Berries with the magic either enable a hungry creature of approximately man-size to eat one and be as well-nourished as if a full normal meal were eaten, or else cure 1 point of physical damage from wounds or other similar causes, subject to a maximum of 8 points of such curing in any 24-hour period.

The reverse of the spell, badberry, causes 2d4 rotten berries to appear wholesome, but each actually delivers 1 point of poison damage (no saving throw) if ingested.

The material component of the spell is the caster’s holy symbol passed over the freshly picked, edible berries to be enspelled (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, etc.).