AD&D 2nd Edition

Everything I have for Second Edition

Tag Archives: Verbal

Detect Poison

Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/ level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the priest to determine if an object has been poisoned or is poisonous. One object, or a 5-foot cubic mass, can be checked per round. The priest has a 5% chance per level of determining the exact type of poison.

The material component is a strip of specially blessed vellum, which turns black if poison is present.

Detect Magic

Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10-foot path
Saving Throw: None

When the detect magic spell is cast, the priest detects magical radiations in a path 10 feet wide and up to 30 yards long, in the direction he is facing. The intensity of the magic can be detected (dim, faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming). The caster has a 10% chance per level to determine the sphere of the magic, but unlike the wizard version of the spell, the type of magic (alteration, conjuration, etc.) cannot be divined. The caster can turn, scanning a 60° arc per round. A stone wall of one foot or more thickness, solid metal of one inch thickness, or a yard or more of solid wood blocks the spell.

The spell requires the use of the priest’s holy symbol.

Detect Evil

Sphere: All
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 5 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10-foot path
Saving Throw: None

This spell discovers emanations of evil, or of good in the case of the reverse spell, from any creature, object, or area. Character alignment, however, is revealed only under unusual circumstances: characters who are strongly aligned, who do not stray from their faith, and who are of at least 9th level might radiate good or evil if intent upon appropriate actions. Powerful monsters, such as rakshasas or ki-rin, send forth emanations of evil or good, even if polymorphed. Aligned undead radiate evil, for it is this power and negative force that enable them to continue existing. An evilly cursed object or unholy water radiates evil, but a hidden trap or an unintelligent viper does not.

The degree of evil (faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming) and possibly its general nature (expectant, malignant, gloating, etc.) can be noted. If the evil is overwhelming, the priest has a 10% chance per level of detecting its general bent (lawful, neutral, chaotic). The duration of a detect evil (or detect good) spell is one turn plus five rounds per level of the priest. Thus a priest of 1st experience level can cast a spell with a 15-round duration, at 2nd level he can cast a 20-round duration spell, etc. The spell has a path of detection 10 feet wide in the direction in which the priest is facing. The priest must concentrate – stop, have quiet, and intently seek to detect the aura – for at least one round to receive a reading.

The spell requires the use of the priest’s holy symbol as its material component, with the priest holding it before him.

Cure Light Wounds

Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

When casting this spell and laying his hand upon a creature, the priest causes 1d8 points of wound or other injury damage to the creature’s body to be healed. This healing cannot affect creatures without corporeal bodies, nor can it cure wounds of creatures not living or of extra planar origin.

The reversed spell, cause light wounds, operates in the same manner, inflicting 1d8 points of damage. If a creature is avoiding this touch, an attack roll is needed to determine if the priest’s hand strikes the opponent and causes such a wound.

Curing is permanent only insofar as the creature does not sustain further damage; caused wounds will heal – or can be cured – just as any normal injury.

Create Water

Sphere: Elemental (Water)
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Up to 27 cubic feet
Saving Throw: None

When the priest casts a create water spell, up to four gallons of water are generated for every experience level of the caster (e.g., a 2nd-level priest creates up to eight gallons of water, a 3rd-level up to 12 gallons, etc.). The water is clean and drinkable (it is just like rain water). The created water can be dispelled within a round of its creation, otherwise its magic fades, leaving normal water that can be used, spilled, evaporated, etc. Reversing the spell, destroy water, obliterates without trace (no vapor, mist, fog, or steam) a like quantity of water. Water can be created or destroyed in an area as small as will actually contain the liquid, or in an area as large as 27 cubic feet (1 cubic yard).

The spell requires at least a drop of water to create, or a pinch of dust to destroy, water. Note that water can neither be created nor destroyed within a creature. For reference purposes, water weighs about 8 1/2 pounds per gallon, and a cubic foot of water weighs approximately 64 pounds.

Animal Friendship

Sphere: Animal
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: 1 animal
Saving throw: Neg.

By means of this spell, the caster is able to show any animal of animal intelligence to semi-intelligence (i.e., intelligence 1–4) that he desires friendship. If the animal does not roll a successful saving throw versus spell immediately when the spell is begun, it stands quietly while the pastor finishes the spell. Thereafter, it follows the caster about. The spell functions only if the customer actually wishes to be the animals friend. If the caster has ulterior motives, the animal always senses them (e.g., the caster intends to eat the animal, send it ahead to set off traps, etc.).

The caster can teach the befriended animal three specific tricks or tasks for each point of intelligence it possesses. Typical tasks are those taught to a dog or similar pet (i.e., they cannot be complex). Training for each such trick must be done over a period of one week, and all must be done within three months of acquiring the creature. During the three-month period, the animal will not harm the caster, but if the creature is left alone for more than a week, it will revert to its natural state and act accordingly.

The caster can use this spell to attract up to 2 hit dice of animals per experience level he possesses. This is also the maximum total hit dice of the animals that can be attracted and trained at one time: no more than twice the casters experience level. Only unaligned the animals can be attracted, befriended, and trained.

The material components of this spell are the caster’s holy symbol and a piece of food the animal likes.


Sphere: All
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 6 rounds
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 50-foot cube
Saving throw: None

Upon uttering the bless spell the caster raises the morale of friendly creatures and any saving throw rolls they make against fear effects by +1. Furthermore, it raises their attack dice rolls by +1. A blessing, however, affects only those not already engaged in melee combat. The caster determines at what range (up to 60 yards) he will cast the spell. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all creatures in a 50-foot cube centered on the point selected by the caster (thus, affected creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell’s effect; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not).

A second use of this spell is to bless a single item (for example, a crossbow bolt for use against a rakshasa). The weight of the item is limited to 1 pound per caster level and the effect lasts until the item is used or the spell duration ends.

Multiple bless spells are not cumulative. In addition to the verbal and somatic gesture components, the bless spell requires holy water.

This spell can be reversed by the priest to a curse spell upon enemy creatures that lowers their morale and attack rolls by -1. The curse requires the sprinkling of unholy water.


Sphere: All
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: The circle of priests
Saving throw: None

Using the spell, 3-5 priests combined their abilities so that one of them cast spells and turns undead at an enhanced level. The highest level priest (or one of them, if two or more are tied for highest) stands alone, while the others join hands in a surrounding circle. The central priest casks the combine spell. He temporarily gains one level for each priest in the circle, up to a maximum gain of four levels. Level increase affects turning undead and spell details that vary with the casters level. Note that the central priest gains no additional spells and that the group is limited to his currently memorized spells.

The encircling priests must concentrate on maintaining the combine effect. They lose all armor class bonuses for shield and dexterity. If any of them has his concentration broken, the combine spell ends immediately. If the combine spell is broken while the central priest is in the act of casting a spell, the spell is ruined just as if the caster was disturbed. Spells cast in combination have the full enhanced effect, even if the combine is broken before the duration of the enhanced spell ends. Note that the combination is not broken if only the central caster is disturbed.


Sphere: Charm
Range: 30 yards
Components: V
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving throw: None

This spell enables the priest to command another creature with a single word. The command must be uttered in a language understood by the creature. The subject will obey to the best of his/its ability only as long as the command is absolutely clear and unequivocal; hence, a command of “Suicide!” is ignored. A command to “Die!” causes the creature to fall in a faint or cataleptic state for one round, but thereafter the creature revives and is alive and well. Typical commands are back, halt, flee, run, stop, fall, go, leave, surrender, sleep, rest, etc. No command affects a creature for more than one round; undead are not affected at all. Creatures with intelligence of 13 (high) or more, or those with six or more hit dice (or experience levels) are entitled to a saving throw versus spell, adjusted for wisdom. (Creatures with 13 or higher intelligence and six hit dice/levels get only one saving throw!)


Range: Unlimited
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

The wish spell is a more potent version of a limited wish. If it is used to alter reality with respect to damage sustained by a party, to bring a dead creature to life, or to escape from a difficult situation by lifting the spellcaster (and his party) from one place to another, it will not cause the wizard nay disability. Other forms of wishes, however, cause the spellcaster to weaken (-3 on Strength) and require 2d4 days of bed rest due to the stresses the wish places upon time, space, and his body. Regardless of what is wished for, the exact terminology of the wish spell is likely to be carried out. Casting a wish spell ages the caster five years. Discretionary power of the DM is necessary in order to maintain game balance. For example, wishing another creature dead is grossly unfair; the DM might well advance the spellcaster to a future period in which the creature is no longer alive, effectively putting the wishing character out of the campaign.