Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 hrs + 1 hr/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 15 ft – diameter sphere
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the wizard creates an unmoving, opaque sphere of force of any desired color around his person. Half of the sphere projects above the ground, and the lower hemisphere passes through the ground. Up to 7 other man-sized creatures can fit into the field with its creator; they can freely pass into and out of the hut without harming it. However, if the spellcaster removes himself from the hut, the spell dissipates. The temperature inside the hut is 70 degrees F., if the exterior temperature is between 0 and 100 degrees F. An exterior temperature below 0 or above 100 lowers or raises, respectively, the interior temperature on a 1 degree for 1 degree basis.
The tiny hut also provides protection against the elements, such as rain, dust, sandstorms, and the like. The hut can withstand any wind of less than hurricane force without being harmed, but wind force greater than that destroys it. The interior of the hut is a hemisphere; the spellcaster can illuminate it dimly upon command, or extinguish the light as desired. Note that although the force field is opaque for the outside, it is transparent from within. Missiles, weapons, and most spell effects can pass through the hut without affecting it, although the occupants cannot be seen from outside the hut. The hut can be dispelled. The material component for this spell is a small crystal bead that shatters when the spell duration expires or the hut is dispelled.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 4 hrs/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 2 cu ft/level
Saving Throw: Special
By means of this spell, the wizard is able to shrink one nonmagical item (if it is within the size limit) to 1/12 of its normal size. Optionally, the caster can also change its not-shrunken composition to a clothlike one. An object in the possession of another creature is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. Objects changed by an item spell can be returned to normal composition and size merely by tossing it onto any solid surface or by a word of command from the original spellcaster. Even a burning fire and its fuel can be shrunk by this spell.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 10-ft radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell confers invisibility upon all creatures within 10 feet of the recipient. Gear carried and light sources are included, buy any light emitted is still visible. The center of the effect is mobile with the recipient. Those affected by this spell cannot see each other. Any affected creature moving out of the area becomes visible, but creatures moving into the area after the spell is cast do not become invisible. Affected creatures (other than the recipient) that attack negate the invisibility only for themselves. If the spell recipient attacks, the invisibility, 10’ radius spell is broken for all. The material components are the same as for invisibility.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 hrs + 1 hr/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the wizard enables the recipient to see in normal darkness up to 60 feet without light. Note that strong sources of light (fire, lanterns, torches, etc.) tend to blind this vision, so infravision does not function efficiently in the presence of such light sources. Invisible creatures are not detectable by infravision. The material component of this spell is either a pinch of dried carrot or an agate.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Script reader
Saving Throw: Special
This spell enables the wizard to write instructions or other information on parchment, paper, etc. The illusionary script appears to be some form of foreign or magical writing. Only the person (or people) who the wizard desires to read the writing can do so. An illusionist recognizes it for illusionary script. Unauthorized creatures glancing at the script must roll saving throws vs. spell. A successful save means the creature can look away with only a mild sense of disorientation. Failure means the creature is subject to a suggestion implanted in the script by the caster at the time the illusionary script spell was cast. The suggestion cannot require more than 3 turns to carry out. The suggestion could be to close the book and leave, or to forget the existence of the book, for example. A successful dispel magic spell will remove the illusionary script, but an unsuccessful attempt erases all of the writing. The hidden writings can be read by a combination of the true seeing spell and either the read magic or comprehend languages spell, as applicable. The material component is a lead-based ink that requires special manufacture by an alchemist, at a cost of not less than 300 gp per usage.
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1d4 rds + 1 rd/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1d3 undead
Saving Throw: Neg.
When cast, this spell renders immobile 1d3 undead creatures whose total Hit Dice are equal to or less than the caster’s level. No more than three undead can be affected by a single spell. To cast, the wizard aims the spell at a point within range and the 3 undead closest to this are considered to be in the area of effect, provided all are within the field of vision and spell range of the caster. Undead of a mindless nature (skeletons, zombies, or ghouls) are automatically affected. Other forms of undead are allowed a saving throw to negate the effect. If the spell is successful, it renders the undead immobile for the duration of the spell. The material component for this spell is a pinch of sulphur and powdered garlic.
Range: 120 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1-4 persons, 20 ft cube,
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell holds 1d4 humans, demihumans, or humanoid creatures rigidly immobile for 5 or more rounds. The hold person spell affects any bipedal human, demihuman or humanoid of man size or smaller, including brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, orcs, pixies, sprites, troglodytes, and others.
The spell is centered on a point selected by the caster; it affects persons selected by the caster within the area of effect. If the spell is cast at 3 or 4 people, each gets an unmodified saving throw. If only 2 people are being enspelled, each makes his saving throw with a -1 penalty. If the spell is cast at only one person, the saving throw suffers a -3 penalty. Saving throws are adjusted for Wisdom.
Those succeeding on their saving throws are unaffected by the spell. Undead creatures cannot be held. Held beings cannot move or speak, but they remain aware of events around them and can use abilities not requiring motion or speech. Being held does not prevent the worsening of the subjects’ condition due to wounds, disease, or poison. The caster can end the spell with a single utterance at any time; otherwise, the duration is 10 rounds at 5th level, 12 rounds at 6th level, 14 rounds at 7th level, etc. The spellcaster needs a small, straight piece of iron as the material component of this spell.
Range: 60 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 40 ft cube, 1 creature/level
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, each affected creature functions at double its normal movement and attack rates. A hasted creature gains a -2 initiative bonus. Thus, a creature moving at 6 and attacking once per round would move at 12 and attack twice per round. Spellcasting and spell effects are not sped up. The number of creatures that can be affected is equal to the caster’s experience level; those creatures closest to the center of effect are affected first. All affected by haste must be in the designated area of effect. Note that this spell negates the effects of a slow spell. Additionally, this spell ages the recipient by one year, because of sped-up metabolic processes. This spell is not cumulative with itself or with other similar magic. The material component is a shaving of licorice root.
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 10 ft x 10 yds/level
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, a strong puff of air originates from the wizard and moves in the direction he is facing. The force of the gust of wind (about 30 mph) is sufficient to extinguish candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames. It causes protected flames – such as those of lanterns – to dance wildly and has a 5% chance per level of experience of the spellcaster to extinguish even such light. It also fans large fires outward 1d6 feet in the direction of the wind’s movement. It forces back small flying creatures 1d6 x 10 yards and causes man-sized being to be held motionless if attempting to move against its force. It slows larger-than-man-sized flying creatures by 50% for one round. It blows over light objects, disperses most vapors, and forces away gaseous or unsecured levitating creatures. Its path is a constant 10 feet wide, by 10 yards long per level of experience of the caster (for example, an 8th level wizard causes a gust of wind that travels 80 yards). The material component of the spell is a legume seed.
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 turn/level + 1d6 turns
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the wizard to bestow the power of magical flight. The creature affected is able to move vertically and horizontally at a rate of 18 (half that if ascending, twice that if descending in a dive). The maneuverability class of the creature is B. Using they fly spell requires as much concentration as walking, so most spells can be cast while hovering or moving slowly (movement of 3). Possible combat penalties while flying are known to the DM (found in the “Aerial Combat” section of Chapter 9 of the DMG). The exact duration of the spell is always unknown to the spellcaster, as the variable addition is determined secretly by the DM. The material component of the fly spell is a wing feather of any bird.